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Chapter 42 Where is Chen Zongheng?

At the entrance of Qiu's Building, Ding Daman had gathered a group of fired security team leaders.

Dozens of people, with ferocious faces, planned to rush into the building, that is, the restaurant, to settle the score with Chen Zongheng! He must destroy his hands and feet!

"If I, Ding Daman, had not stabbed that guy ten times, my surname would not be Ding!" Ding Daman was holding a fruit knife with a fierce light in his eyes!

Today, he admitted it even if someone died!

His brother-in-law is the boss of a certain "police station". Even if something happens, the worst he can do is to stuff the money! Let his brother-in-law help handle it!

In the past, when he was not working as a security guard, Ding Daman wandered around the world and chopped down many people. Once, he chopped dozens of people into a paralyzed vegetative state for life. At most, he only stuffed a few hundred thousand, and then

He came out safe and sound! His brother-in-law is his supporter!

What's more, there is Young Master Ruan behind him! If Chen Zongheng is killed today, Young Master Ruan will definitely be happy! By then, Ding Daman's career will be limitless!

"Brothers! Today we will commemorate the death of that person named Chen! As for that bitch Qiu Yiren, let her know today what kind of chaos this broken company would be without security personnel like us?!"

A group of people were shouting and shouting wildly, and they were about to rush into the building.

At the entrance of the building, the security personnel who were working normally were standing aside, and no one dared to step forward to dissuade him.

Ding Daman was their former superior. Although he was fired today, they still didn't dare to stop him.

After all, Ding Daman comes from a humble background!

At the scene, the only security guard, Xie Ming, stepped forward and stopped in front of Ding Daman.

"Well... Manager Ding... it's better not to cause trouble and please leave." Xie Ming was helpless and slowly advised.

"Fuck you! When will it be your turn to speak here?!" Ding Daman was furious and kicked Xie Ming hard in the abdomen!

Xie Ming was kicked out!

"What the hell, let's go and kill that guy named Chen!" Ding Daman stepped over Xie Ming's body and walked towards the building angrily.

But at this moment...suddenly, the roar of car engines came from behind!

Ding Daman and everyone behind him stopped and turned around to look...!

I saw a row of black Cadillac cars slowly approaching from a distance!

Dozens of Cadillacs opened the way ahead, and a huge Cadillac Escalade off-road vehicle drove in the middle. All the vehicles focused on it, seemingly with incomparable respect!

Black Cadillac cars formed a long convoy, the speed was extremely slow, there were more than thirty cars! The momentum was extremely shocking!

At the entrance of Qiu's Building, everyone was shocked... looking at this row of murderous motorcade in shock!

The Cadillac motorcade did not forcefully rush into the building, but slowly stopped at the door of the building's security booth.

Ding Daman's face was filled with shock...he was stagnant in place, looking at the shocking scene in front of him...

He was a little confused... What is this??

A group of dismissed security team leaders beside them also looked shocked and confused... Isn't this scene a bit too big?

"Ding, Brother Ding, is this... the foreign aid you called for?" A security team leader swallowed his saliva and asked in a stuttering voice.

Ding Daman stood there petrified, his voice a little weak, "I...I didn't shout...could it be that Young Master Ruan called for help?"

At this moment, wow! The doors of more than thirty Cadillac cars opened instantly, and a group of members in black suits got out of the car. There were hundreds of people! The momentum was overwhelming! These are the real dark forces, the tyrannical and lawless forces in Shanghai.

underground forces!

Ding Daman and the others at the door could no longer stand at all, their legs were trembling... This is a group of brutal underground organizations that kill without blinking an eye! There are hundreds of black elements!

In the middle of the Cadillac convoy, the door of the huge Escalade off-road vehicle opened, and a man in a suit in a wheelchair was slowly lifted out of the car by two members in black.

With the appearance of this man in a wheelchair and a suit, the entire row of gang members suddenly changed their demeanor and became extremely respectful!

"Dong Men...Mr. Dong?!"

Ding Daman's eyes narrowed and he suddenly recognized it!

This person is the leader of Dong Clan, the notorious Mr. Dong!!

Ding Daman has been around the world for many years, how can he not know about Dong Men?! Mr. Dong is so famous that he is a man of the hour in the underground world! How can he, Ding Daman, not know him?!

"Mr. Dong is here! It is indeed the foreign aid Mr. Ruan called for!" Ding Daman looked excited and clenched his fists, feeling the excitement of revenge!

Yesterday, for some unknown reason, Chen Zongheng managed to escape the Dong clan's death banquet...and today, Mr. Dong came in person!

Mr. Dong came here to take the life of the man named Chen!


A trace of surprise and confusion flashed through Ding Daman's heart...Mr. Dong dominates one side and is invincible! But why is he in a wheelchair today?

Could it be... that someone was being targeted by an enemy...??

Impossible! Mr. Dong is so cruel. How many people in Shanghai dare to touch Mr. Dong? Let alone break his legs?

However, looking at the knee wounds on Mr. Dong's legs in the wheelchair, it was clear that they were broken by force!

Who in this Shanghai City is so bold as to dare to deal with Mr. Dong?

At this moment, it was not up to Ding Daman to think much... because two members in black had already pushed Mr. Dong over in a wheelchair.

Mr. Dong was wearing a black suit, his hair was combed back, and the scars on his face were hideous. But at this moment, both of his knees were shattered and broken, and he could only sit in a wheelchair and linger on.

Two of his men helped him push the wheelchair and slowly arrived in front of Qiu's Building.

"My dear Ding, I would like to pay my respects to Mr. Dong!" Ding Daman looked solemn and stepped forward to bow and salute with great respect!

Mr. Dong is the real tycoon in the underground world! If Ding Daman can get acquainted with such a tycoon, he will be able to walk sideways from now on!

Behind Ding Daman, a group of security team leaders and young men also bowed and saluted! They were in awe!

Mr. Dong is like a creeping beast, showing his majestic momentum, just sitting in a wheelchair!

"Where is Chen Zongheng? I want to see him."

Mr. Dong sat quietly in his wheelchair, his voice was calm and indifferent, but it carried an endlessly profound aura.

Behind him, a dark crowd of people stopped in unison. There were two rows of members in black suits. Their momentum was instantly suppressed, and it was as cold as cold!

Ding Daman's face suddenly became excited. It seemed that... his guess was right! Mr. Dong came in person, and sure enough... he came to see Chen Zongheng!

Mr. Dong is going to kill Chen Zongheng with his own hands!

Ding Daman looked extremely excited when he thought of Chen Zongheng's death without mercy!

"Mr. Dong, Chen Zongheng...is upstairs."

Ding Daman suppressed the excitement in his heart and replied respectfully, "Mr. Dong, I will go up in person right now and bring that guy down for you!"

Dong Guohu was sitting in a wheelchair, his eyes were extremely deep and filled with endless aura.

He nodded slowly.

"Brothers, follow me! Bring me the guy named Chen!" Ding Daman was in high spirits. He waved his hand and rushed upstairs with a large group of fired security guards!

Behind him, Mr. Dong is sitting! Why should he be afraid of him?!

This chapter has been completed!
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