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Chapter 435 Flying close to the ground!

"Where is Mr. Chen? Who saw him?" Qiu Yiren looked at the bodyguards around and asked quickly.

The bodyguards nodded complicatedly, no one knew where he had gone.

The battle outside just now was too fierce, with heavy firepower. No one dared to go out. If they did, they would die.

Therefore, no one saw Mr. Chen.

Qiu Yiren's beautiful eyes were solemn. In anxiety, she immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Mr. Chen's number!

But, the phone rang for a long time...but there was no answer?

Qiu Yiren felt a little anxious and made several calls in succession, but the other party was still... no response??


Qiu Yiren's heart was a little anxious and nervous.

Mr. Chen, nothing will happen, right?!

Just now, in order to protect himself...he fought a bloody battle with those thugs alone!

At this time, the group of thugs were dead. But he also disappeared?

But at this time, Qiu Yiren couldn't allow her to think too much.

Security building staff...have begun processing the remains at the scene.

Another group of security team members took Qiu Yiren into a specially encrypted security vehicle and initially questioned her.

"The people who assassinated me... who are they?" Before asking, Qiu Yiren asked solemnly with complex eyes!

"They are from overseas armed forces. I'm sorry, I can't reveal their specific identities in detail." The staff member said solemnly while sitting in the car.

"My personal security director, Mr. Chen Zongheng, is missing. Can you help me find his location?!" Qiu Yiren's beautiful eyes were a little hurried, and she suddenly asked again.

She wanted to try to find the whereabouts of Mr. Chen through the security building.

"Don't worry, Miss Qiu, our staff will handle these matters. Anyone involved will be found."

"Please cooperate with our work below. We will make a simple inquiry to you. Please tell us everything you saw and knew on site."

But, at this time.

It is hundreds of kilometers away from the urban area of ​​Shanghai and Hainan.

A red Ducati 959 motorcycle is flying fast on the road at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour!

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm and indifferent, he was lying on the motorcycle seat, and the accelerator in his right hand had been turned to the limit!

He didn't wear a helmet, nor any protective clothing! He just lay on the motorcycle with his naked upper body, and speeded by!

The entire Ducati motorcycle is like a demon, flying crazily against the ground!!

400 kilometers extreme!

At this speed, if you are not careful, it will be... a car crash and death!

Heavy-duty motorcycles are known as the number one killer on the road.

Nickname: Meat-wrapped iron.

Human flesh and blood, riding on a motorcycle, isn't it just wrapped in iron?

If a car is involved in a car accident, some safety measures should be taken.

As long as there is an outer body frame and airbags.

However, heavy motorcycles do not have any airbags. Once an accident occurs, the driver will be thrown directly out and die!

On the street, on the highway.

A traffic worker was sitting on a street chair, holding a glass of Coke and a burger, eating lunch.

The four-way intersection here is a section with a high incidence of accidents, so this staff member has been stationed here for a long time with a speedometer to check the speed of passing vehicles and give a warning if they exceed the speed limit.

But just as he was munching on a Coke and a hamburger...suddenly, from the distance...a roar came from far to near, coming quickly...!

The staff member looked shocked, and the moment he raised his head... "Whoosh...!" A red light... flew directly past his eyes!!

"Didi, beep, beep...!!" The speed measuring instrument on the side suddenly flashed an alarm!

The staff member suddenly turned his head and saw a number... appearing on the speedometer screen: 420!

"What the hell?!" The staff member's expression suddenly changed and he stood up from his chair!

Speeding, 420 kilometers?!

What the fuck... is this means of transportation?!

Is it a ground plane?!!

The staff member's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly got on his traffic inspection motorcycle, siren blaring, and chased him towards the street ahead!

However, he was afraid that he would never have a chance to catch up with that motorcycle in his life...

At the same time, a hundred kilometers away from Shanghai, there is a small coastal port.

A black helicopter is parked on the port ground.

Inside the helicopter, several foreign men were sitting in the helicopter cockpit, waiting urgently.

In this mission, they forged the entry number of the helicopter, and then secretly smuggled into China through a cruise ship.

However, they cannot stay too long.

Because Yanxia officials were able to find out their traces very quickly.

By then, I'm afraid no one will be able to escape.

At this time, in the helicopter, the two foreign pilots were constantly dialing their 'commander's' phone number, but...the commander's phone number was not answered at all.

Completely lost contact?

"Have you been contacted?" a driver asked.

The other driver looked complicated and shook his head.

All the members of the attack team sent out, forty members...all lost contact?

Are the radios disconnected?


The two pilots looked solemn and complicated.

During the battle, the radio disconnected...that means...


But, more than 40 members of the attack team were all disconnected??

How can this be?

Could it be that more than forty members are all dead??

Moreover, even the commander...

The two drivers didn't dare to think about it any longer.

"Buzz~!" At this moment, suddenly... on the street outside the port, a black van sped over quickly!

The van was speeding wildly, and Hawkeye sat in the cab, stepped on the accelerator, and flew towards the helicopter...!

"Didi!" Hawkeye drove the car crazily and honked the horn to remind the pilot in the helicopter!

"It's our people! Our convoy is coming!" Inside the helicopter, the two drivers looked tense, and finally relaxed after feeling a little uneasy in their hearts.

The ground attack team's convoy arrived.

It seems that the attack team should have completed their mission and returned in triumph.

At the same time, the van sped over suddenly, braked suddenly, and stopped in front of the helicopter.

The door of the van opened, and Hawkeye covered his mouth with blood from the wound, and rushed out of the car tremblingly.

Huh~! When seeing this scene, the two pilots in the helicopter were stunned??

Why...sniper Hawkeye is the only one in the car??

What about the rest of the members?

And where are the captured Qiu Yi people??

"What's going on? Where are the others?!" Inside the helicopter, the two pilots asked with shocked expressions!

Hawkeye covered his mouth with blood, trembling, and climbed into the helicopter step by step.

"Dead...dead...all dead.

Huh~! Upon hearing Hawkeye’s words, the expressions of the two pilots suddenly changed in shock?!


More than forty members of the attack team...died??!!

How can this be!

"Hurry...take off quickly!" Hawkeye climbed onto the helicopter and sat on the chair, shouting in a weak and trembling voice.

"But, the command officer hasn't come yet!" the two pilots said with solemn expressions.

"He...he couldn't be contacted...should have died." Hawkeye said tremblingly.

"Don't wait...fly the plane quickly! It's too late...I'm afraid we won't be able to leave!"

Huh~! After hearing what Hawkeye said, the two pilots looked even more shocked and unbelievable?!

The commander... also died??

What the hell is going on?!

And just as the two helicopter pilots were horrified, behind them... on the road hundreds of meters away... a violent engine roar sounded!

From far to near!

I saw a thin red dot roaring from behind!

The helicopter pilots widened their eyes and looked in the rearview mirror?!


That's a red heavy motorcycle?!

This chapter has been completed!
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