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Chapter 438 Then, what kind of creature?!

But at this time, the captain could not tolerate any hesitation. He immediately ordered, "Launch the anti-submarine torpedo!"

The captain looked solemn and gave the order immediately!

At this moment, the situation was extremely serious, and he couldn't think too much and immediately gave the order!

No matter what the underwater creature is...killing it immediately is the right thing to do!

If they stay in this hot summer sea for a moment longer, the danger will increase.

At this time, you must not travel!

Following the captain's order, under the cruise ship, a cannon hole... slowly opened and emerged in the water!

This cruise ship is, on the surface, a cargo ship.

Came across the ocean.

But in fact, this is a modified... combat cruise ship!

Equipped with several fish and sea assault weapons!

Everything, just in case!

In the event of a battle, you can attack and destroy the opponent at any time!

This cruise ship was purchased by the Black Crocodile Legion from foreign arms dealers at a cost of tens of millions of dollars!

This cruise ship has extremely strong maneuverability! It has participated in several invasion missions from overseas countries and successfully escaped!

Its performance and concealed appearance make it impossible for any country's military to discover its existence!

Today is the first time it has been sent to Hot Summer to participate in this mission!

"Aim...! Accuracy, 99.9%!"


With an order!

"Boom...!" There was a sudden explosion under the water, and a huge torpedo missile penetrated quickly from the gun hole under the yacht...!

The torpedo was like a bullet, moving at high speed, and in an instant, it struck the figure in front of the water dozens of meters away...!

And in front, Chen Zongheng's voice was like lightning, his arms spread out, and he turned into a butterfly stroke, and rushed towards the cruise ship in front of him at a super high speed...!

Above, the helicopter Hawkeye was riding in was hovering at high altitude, preparing to descend.

But as a result, the eagle's eyes inadvertently glanced at the sea below.


Then, his expression became extremely embarrassed...!!

In the sea below, a white wave... is rushing towards the distant sea in pursuit...!!


What the fuck?!!

Eagle Eye suddenly picked up the telescope and took a look at the sea surface?!

Is it a human figure?!!

Is that... the scary man?!!

He...he actually swam all the way and chased him thousands of meters away from the sea??!!!

And, at the same time.

Inside the cockpit of a cruise ship.

The captain also suddenly picked up the infrared telescope, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the cockpit, used the telescope, and stared closely at the white waves rushing rapidly in the distance!

That white wave is getting closer and closer!

He wanted to take a look, what on earth was that?!

But when his eyes were fixed on the white waves through the telescope... the captain was suddenly stunned?!

That... that's... a figure???

Is that a...human?!!

And, at the same time!

Below the surface of the sea...! The fish missile also roared fiercely, penetrated countless water pressure, and bombarded Chen Zongheng...!!

One person, one torpedo missile, the distance... is getting closer...!!

Finally, in an instant, the two collided...!!

However, the shocking explosion sounds and images did not appear??

On the sea, everything is calm??

No ups and downs at all??


What is the situation??

what happened??

"Where's the torpedo?! Where's the target creature?!" the captain asked irritably, with a shocked and solemn expression on his face!

His subordinates also had complicated expressions on their faces and shook their heads.

Everyone is unaware of the situation.

What's going on here?

Why didn't the torpedo explode?

Could it be that it is a dud??

This? Impossible!

Every torpedo on the ship has been tested...all are absolutely normal and there is no malfunction.

As long as the torpedo comes into contact with a living thing, the vibration and biological detection it emits can be instantly transmitted to the fuse, and then the torpedo explodes...!

But, why...the moment the torpedo collided with that creature, the fuse didn't give any indication?

The torpedo did not explode??

At this time, underwater.

A figure, holding the huge torpedo warhead in both hands, dived quickly, and rushed towards the cruise ship...!

Chen Zongheng's eyes were cold, he was holding his breath in his mouth, and his whole body... was like a sharp sword rushing towards the bottom of the underwater yacht...!

Just now, the moment the torpedo collided with him, his hands...in a flash of lightning, he hugged the torpedo fiercely!

The Omega watch in his hand instantly released a current interference signal! Disrupting the torpedo's fuse explosion time!

Pause the torpedo's explosion time.

Therefore, the torpedo did not explode.

At this time, he was holding this huge torpedo and rushing towards the yacht.

Treat others in their own way.

This is his plan to return the property to its original owner!

Yacht, on the cockpit.

"Didi...! Alert! Alert! Unknown creature found, carrying F37 torpedo warhead, approaching rapidly!!"

"Alert! Alert! An unknown creature is found, carrying an F37 torpedo warhead, approaching rapidly!!"

Suddenly, a violent siren sounded from the cockpit!!

The red light flashes violently...!!

Satellite radar instantly detected the rapid approach of underwater creatures!!

"Report...!! The target creature...carried...carrying our torpedo warhead, turned back!!"

When this sentence was reported, the staff's expressions were shocked, horrified, and embarrassing as never before!!


After hearing the report from his subordinates, the captain rushed to the satellite detection screen...!!

I saw a red dot approaching rapidly at a super high speed and crashing into their cruise ship!

Along with it, there is the F37 torpedo that was just fired!!


How the hell is this possible?!!

And at this time.

Chen Zongheng, who was underwater at the bottom of the sea, was already diving rapidly, holding a torpedo missile and heading towards the cruise ship...!

The moment he was about to approach the underwater hull... Chen Zongheng threw violently with both hands!

Crash that torpedo hard against the hull...!!

Chen Zongheng's body suddenly turned back and fled towards the water below!

A second later, the fish... and the hull of the boat collided hard...!

At this time, on the cruise ship.

"Start underwater defense immediately!!" The captain's face turned frightened and he shouted immediately!!

But he just finished speaking!

Suddenly..."Boom...!!" A loud noise...!!

The entire cruise ship was shaking violently as if it was hit by a tsunami!!

The sea water is splashing and turbulent!!

Underwater...that torpedo was detonated!!

Huge waves splashed several feet high on the sea surface!

The entire cruise ship is tilting slowly...!!

On the cruise ship, the expressions of all the members of the Black Crocodile Corps suddenly changed...!!

"Didi...! Alarm! Alarm! Water leakage alarm on the left side of the hull!!"

In the cockpit, the machine's emergency alarm sounded!!

"Report! The left side of the hull was blown through!!" The staff looked solemn as never before, reporting the report...!!


This chapter has been completed!
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