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Chapter 451 Goal, destroy the group!

Half an hour later.

On the huge tarmac square of a golf park in the suburbs of Shanghai.


A pink Lamborghini sports car is speeding and roaring...!

Late at night, the golf park has stopped operating and its gates are closed.

I have no idea how this sports car drove in.

"Buzz...!" The Lamborghini sports car downshifted rapidly and started to drift violently!

After drifting in place for several times, it finally... came to a steady stop.

The pink Lamborghini's scissor doors open.

Chen Zongheng, dressed in a black leather jacket, wearing a helmet and with cold eyes, slowly stepped out of the cabin of the low sports car.

Standing in the dark and huge park apron, he had a strange look in his eyes, raised his wrist, and glanced at the time on his watch.

The watch on his wrist has been changed into a black military watch.

That Omega watch is only worn when you are the God of Death.

At this time, his Asura and therefore his watch... were also replaced.

At this time, it was already 11:57 in the middle of the night.

Today, he said... that he would personally take action and go to the Mediterranean!

As agreed, he sent the coordinates to Emperor Shitian.

The Shura Legion's plane should arrive here soon...

This golf park is surrounded by mountains and the buildings are hidden.

Originally, it was built for the leisure and entertainment of the wealthy.

The entire park is huge and even houses a huge private airport.

Exclusively for the take-off and landing of private jets of wealthy people.

At this time, this place happened to be the place to meet Chen Zongheng.

Shura Camp's plane came from overseas. In order to avoid attracting the attention of Yanxia officials, Chen Zongheng chose this place to land.

Time passes minute by minute.

Chen Zongheng just leaned in front of the Lamborghini sports car and waited quietly.

Suddenly, at this moment...!

Ahead...hundreds of meters in the sky...there was a huge roar of wing engines...!

"Buzz...!!" A huge silver attack carrier aircraft flew rapidly over hundreds of low altitudes.

The wind howled and the sound continued.

With the huge wing engines roaring, the attack aircraft slowly landed towards the park's tarmac.

The huge silver fuselage is engraved with a black and ferocious skull logo!

This is the symbol of Shura Legion!

Human heads and skulls represent endless fear!

What is more terrifying than death?

Yes, fear!

A white-bone Shura flag makes gods shun and ghosts weep!

The Shura Legion welcomes the plane and arrives in China!

In front of the Lamborghini sports car, Chen Zongheng raised his wrist and glanced at the time on his watch, which read 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Just right.

Never too late, never too early.

Very punctual.

"Buzz~!" The huge attack carrier aircraft cabin door slowly descended, forming a staircase.

Two soldiers wearing camouflage combat uniforms stepped off the plane with respectful and solemn steps, and then... came to Chen Zongheng!

"Asura Legion, members of the first division, number 004, number 005, see... Asura!!"

The two soldiers, with solemn expressions on their faces, knelt down on one knee, fisted their right hands in front of their temples, and performed a military salute!

The atmosphere at the scene was unprecedentedly solemn!

These two are truly battle-hardened warriors!

They are different from the fighters of the Jiangnan Martial Arts Association.

In the Jiangnan Martial Arts Association, many soldiers are only practicing on paper and on the spot, and have never experienced real battlefield killing.

There is always a lot of sharp and murderous aura missing from his body.

However, these two soldiers in front of me are real warriors who have killed people! They have been fighting and training overseas, and their murderous violence is raging! They exude a true blood energy.

However, when these two warriors saw Asura, they did not dare to be disrespectful at all. They all knelt down on one knee and saluted respectfully!

The eyes of the two warriors were filled with unprecedented solemn excitement and uncontrollable fluctuations!

The person in front of me is Asura!

The supreme leader of the Shura Army!

A nightmare for the entire western continent!

Master Asura has disappeared and been hidden for two whole years!

Now, the Shura Helmet is finally... available again!

Under the Shura helmet, Chen Zongheng's eyes were deep, with a strange and cold arc.

"Get up." Under the mask, his voice was hoarse and he said slowly.

At this time, even the timbre of his voice had changed, becoming another person's voice.

Hoarse and ferocious, this... is Asura's voice.

At this moment, he is Shura!

The two soldiers were extremely respectful and stood up slowly.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you, Shura Legion...?" Chen Zongheng asked slowly under his helmet, his voice hoarse.

"Asura! I'm waiting, very good! I look forward to fighting side by side with Master Shura!" The two warriors bowed in great respect!

Under the helmet, the corners of Chen Zongheng's mouth raised a strange arc.

"Okay. Tonight, I will take you...to destroy the group."

After saying that, Chen Zongheng put his hands behind his back, dressed in black leather clothes, and filled with murderous intent!

Codenamed Asura, he slowly boarded the huge attack carrier aircraft step by step!

The two soldiers looked respectful and dignified, carefully protecting Lord Asura as he boarded the plane...

"Boom...!!" A few minutes later, the attack carrier aircraft roared and roared, roaring towards the night sky...!!

The night is endless and deep.

The silver attack carrier aircraft broke through the dark night clouds and roared past at an altitude of 20,000 meters.

The carrier aircraft of the Shura Legion, picking up Master Asura, will cut through the sky over the Yanxia Territory and fly towards the Mediterranean theater six thousand kilometers away.

The speed of the attack carrier aircraft is supersonic, 3,000 kilometers per hour!

It takes about two hours to reach the war-torn areas of the Mediterranean.

Chen Zongheng was wearing a Shura helmet and sitting in the luxurious cabin of the plane. His eyes were cold and he lightly glanced outside the dark night plane window.

Then he raised his wrist and glanced at the time on his watch.

The corners of his mouth raised a slight arc.

He poured himself a glass of red wine, and then...he just sat in the plane, tasting the wine slowly, and waited quietly.

The attack fighter has been encrypted with special-grade metal coating and is equipped with wireless silent and anti-radar stealth modes.

In addition, equipped with the anti-radar tracking method provided by Ashura (Chen Zongheng), it can perfectly avoid the detection of the air defense system in the hot summer.

Looking at the entire world, there is probably no one else but Asura who can understand Yanxia's air defense system so thoroughly and clearly...

Because no one knows.

Asura is the god of death!

In the cabin, piano music echoed.

Chen Zong sat on a chair, lightly sipping red wine, and waited quietly for a feast of killing and fear.

And, at the same time.

Six thousand kilometers away.

The Mediterranean Sea, deep in a primitive forest.

A thousand troops wearing camouflage combat uniforms have gathered together.

Thousands of people are preparing for battle, and everyone has loaded their weapons and ammunition.

Everyone stood there, like weapons, with cold eyes.

Shura Camp, the first group, a team of 1,000 people, has been assembled.

Just wait until Lord Asura arrives!

Then, there was an...unprecedented battle to destroy the regiment!

With a thousand, the enemy is ten thousand.

Target, destroy the group!

This chapter has been completed!
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