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Chapter 459 All Gods and Buddhas Avoid!

And...at this moment...!

Suddenly...the endless darkness and the light of laser lights...!

A blood-red flag slowly rose from behind the sea of ​​camouflage people...!

When he saw this flag...King Crocodile's whole body...his pupils shrank suddenly?!

I couldn't believe it...glaring hard at that flag...!

The background color is blood red, and on the red flag is engraved... a black and ferocious skull...!!

A skull Shura flag makes gods avoid and ghosts cry!!


This is……

The Crocodile King's body trembled violently...!!

My pupils were wide open in shock and disbelief...!!!

His legs and knees are shaking...!!

This...this is...

Shura Legion...!!

Boom! At this moment, the Crocodile King's heart trembled violently, his pupils shrank... His whole body trembled and staggered, and he took two steps back in fear...!!

Shura... Shura Army?!!

The blood-red skull and crossbones flag flutters in the wind in the night sky!

The sound of gunshots, howls, and killings...the sounds are all in my ears!

Blood, broken bodies, and corpses everywhere... spread endlessly!

The blood-red skull and crossbones flag flutters in the dark night!

Like Shura in hell, fear spreads...!!

At this moment, there are tens of thousands of people present...at the headquarters base of the Black Crocodile Army...all of them have trembling eyes...!!

Everyone saw that blood-red hole flag...!!!

In this Mediterranean Sea, there is a terrifying taboo!

But seeing the bloody skull and crossbones flag, all the gods and Buddhas shunned it...!!

That flag represents...a terrifying name...!


Ghosts and gods give way, gods and Buddhas retreat!

This is the most terrifying mercenary army in the Western world!!

A terrifying existence that is as famous as the Black Water Mercenary Group of Country M and the Twelve Dark Temples of the West...!!

The blood flag flutters and terror spreads...!

At this moment, there were thousands of people on the field, and everyone’s hearts were trembling...!!

Although the opponent only has a thousand people, and their Black Crocodile Group has tens of thousands of people! But damn...the opponent is the Shura Legion...!!!

At this moment, panic spread throughout the Black Crocodile Group base...!

Tens of thousands of people were shocked and panic spread...!

King Crocodile stood in front of the corridor on the second floor of the base building, his pupils widened...and his lips were trembling...!!

The crocodile bite scar on his face... now... became extremely ferocious and frightening.

He couldn't believe it... couldn't imagine it...!!

His Black Crocodile Group has never provoked Shura Camp...!!

Why, tonight... Shura Camp actually attacked its own headquarters?!!

That is why ah?!!

"Get on...get on the tank...!! Speed ​​up and get on the tank...!!" The Crocodile King looked horrified and shouted angrily at his men!!

Facing the bloody massacre of a thousand Shura Camp soldiers, they, the members of the Black Crocodile Group, had no power to fight back...!!

Only heavy weapons...!!


"Buzz buzz..." The sound of track metal grinding against the ground swept through the dark night of the endless base.

Leopard 2A7 tanks slowly drove out of the ground.

The reason why the Black Crocodile Group has been able to expand so rapidly in the Mediterranean is because... it has supporters behind it!

And these Leopard 2A7 tanks are provided by the supporters behind them...!!

Leopard 2A7, the latest sophisticated land weapon developed by country D.

Equipped with the L/55 120mm smoothbore gun of Rheinmetall Defense Company, it is amazingly powerful!

The total combat weight is 67 tons, which is suitable for traditional military operations and cross-country operations.

With the appearance of tanks one after another, the entire war situation seems to be about to turn around.

"Buzz..." Dozens of tanks and turrets moved slowly.

The huge 120mm smoothbore cannon has unprecedented terrifying firepower!!

Tanks, as the king of land warfare, have well-deserved terrifying deterrent power!!

At this time, no matter how strong those thousand Shura Legion soldiers are... I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand the bombardment of this terrifying tank, right?!

Although, the Crocodile King never wants to start a war with the Shura Legion!

Because, they are no match at all!!

But today, only a thousand people from the Shura Legion came to the door. If that's the case, then...don't blame him for being ruthless!

Let’s talk about killing these thousand people!

The worst thing is, afterwards, he took the legion and fled to country D, asking for political asylum...!!

At that time, if the Shura Legion wanted to take revenge, they might not be able to do anything about it!

Ten Leopard 2A7 tanks, ready...!

Missile preheating, loading...!

The murderous intent at the scene was depressing, filled with gunpowder smoke, and was about to break out...!!

And, at this moment...!

Suddenly...above, hundreds of meters in the air, there was a huge roar of wing engines...!

"Buzz...!" A huge black shadow of a carrier aircraft suddenly passed over the base of the Black Crocodile Group...!

Chen Zongheng stood in front of the carrier plane's hatch, wearing a Shura helmet and terrifying silver claws on his hands. His eyes were cold as he stared at the base hundreds of meters below.

The corner of his mouth raised a curve!

At the same time, at the base of the Black Crocodile Group below, all the members raised their heads in horror, looking at the carrier aircraft above in disbelief?!

The crocodile king's pupils were horrified as he looked at the carrier aircraft hundreds of meters above...!

This plane came suddenly...the situation is weird?!

This, is the support force of the Shura Legion arrived???

A carrier aircraft is an aircraft specially used to carry support forces!!

Thinking of this, the Crocodile King's face trembled and became ferocious!

It is already difficult to deal with a thousand people in front of you!

If so, support troops arrive and descend...!!

Damn it! Their Black Crocodile Legion...will definitely die...!!!

"Fire for me...! Shoot down the plane...!!!" The crocodile king looked ferocious and furious, suddenly shouldered the grenade gun, pointed it hundreds of meters above the sky, and opened fire violently!!

"Da da da da da...!!" Waves of surging grenades flew towards the sky hundreds of meters away...!!

And, at the same time...all the tanks below suddenly raised their gun barrels and locked onto the carrier aircraft above...!!

"Boom...!!" A tank shuddered suddenly and opened fire...!!

A huge cannonball burst out from the barrel and struck in the direction of the cabin door of the carrier aircraft hundreds of meters above...!!!!

With just one shot, the cabin of that carrier aircraft can be bombed into pieces...!!

But, just when that huge cannonball was about to hit the cabin of the carrier aircraft!

Chen Zongheng stood at the door of the cabin, a sneer flashed across his lips.

He suddenly and slowly raised his hand...!

This is??

Trying to...catch the cannonball with your bare hands??

In the blink of an eye, the cannonball in front struck Chen Zongheng's hand hard...!

The next second, he will be blown into a bloody mist and crushed to pieces!

But, just in the next second.

That huge missile was caught by Chen Zongheng... so easily?!!

Below, all tank crews:......???

All members of the Black Crocodile Group:......????!!!

The Crocodile King raised his head in disbelief, his pupils trembling??!!

He couldn't see clearly who the man on the carrier plane was...but...catching the shell with his bare hands??!!!

What the hell...!! How is it possible...!!!

Is this Superman???

Or the Winter Soldier??

This is...impossible!


This chapter has been completed!
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