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Chapter 480 Shura's angry eyes, murderous!

The atmosphere of terror spread throughout the square!

Shura Legion, a blood-red flag is planted high above the Black Crocodile Base, and the black skull flag is fluttering in the wind!

"The Shura Legion, the general Emperor Shitian, sends Asura off...!!"

Emperor Shitian's voice was sharp and he looked up to the sky and yelled!

"The Shura Legion, the first member, sends Asura a respectful farewell...!!!"

Behind them, a thousand camouflage soldiers responded with a roar like thunder...!

The atmosphere at the scene was overwhelming!

The carrier aircraft hovered a hundred meters above the ground.

Asura's figure stood in front of the cabin door. Under his helmet, his face was calm and indifferent.

Slowly scanned the people below.

His eyes were fixed on Emperor Shitian.

"By the way, after dealing with the Black Crocodile Group, by the way... let's take care of the Northern Alliance Group as well." Ashura's voice was cold and indifferent, and he slowly ordered to Emperor Shitian below.

Two hours ago, the Northern Alliance armed forces launched an attack on the carrier aircraft he was riding on.

From that moment on, the Northern Alliance armed forces...were sentenced to death.

In this world, anyone who dares to attack Asura will die without mercy!

"Yes...!" Di Shitian's voice was dignified and respectful, and he bowed and said...!

Asura (Chen Zongheng) stood in front of the carrier cabin, with cold eyes, scanning the thousand camouflage soldiers below.

Then, he fixed his gaze on Emperor Shitian.

"Take care of the Shura army and wait for my return." His voice was hoarse. After saying this... he turned around... and walked into the carrier aircraft.

The cabin of the carrier aircraft slowly starts and closes.

Emperor Shitian below, with a solemn expression and his fists in front of his temples, respectfully welcomes Master Asura to leave...!

In the dark night sky, the carrier plane slowly started up, its engine roared, and it roared and climbed rapidly towards the eastern sky...!

Below, a thousand camouflage soldiers all looked at him to greet him.

The scene is shocking!

All around, thousands of members of the Black Crocodile Group were kneeling on the ground, their faces extremely pale.

Several members of the Black Crocodile Group... tried to take advantage of the opportunity to sneak away...

But as soon as they slipped to the door, they were stabbed through the heart by a three-edged thorn...!

The three-edged military thorn roared violently, whirled through an arc in mid-air, and flew back to Emperor Shitian's hands!

The few members of the Black Crocodile Group who tried to slip away had a huge bloody hole in their chests... and their bodies fell to the ground hard.

The whole scene was extremely bloody!

"Who dares to escape? Kill without mercy." Emperor Shitian held a three-edged military thorn in his right hand and his voice was as cold as ice.

"Kakaka!" Surrounded by a thousand camouflage warriors, all loaded with firearms! Shura Camp is ready at any time!

At the scene, thousands of members of the Black Crocodile Group...were so frightened that their faces turned pale...all of them knelt down on the ground, kowtowed in fear, and begged violently for mercy.

Everyone is afraid of death.

These thousands of people were completely frightened at this time...In order to survive...they completely lost any dignity and kowtowed crazily!

However, facing the kowtows of thousands of people, Emperor Shitian... did not waver at all.

His face was cold, like a messenger from hell.

He is under Asura's command.

Shura Camp, the first tribe, led by the general.

The Shura Legion, crossing the Atlantic Ocean... is terrifying.

There is no sympathy in the Shura Army!

In the Shura camp, each of the eight major tribes is filled with surging ghosts and endless murderous intent!

Thousands of miles of night sky, twinkling with stars, filled with rumors.

Shura's eyes were angry and murderous, and his holy sword was unparalleled in the world.

Opening and closing the door widely, it is not out of the ordinary world, the cold front cuts the heaven and earth.

Walk straight forward with your sword in hand, and thousands of demons will flee.

The Shura Legion never shows mercy when doing things!

Emperor Shitian's eyes were cold, he looked around and shouted coldly, "All the remnants of the Black Crocodile Group...listen!"

In an instant, thousands of members of the Black Crocodile Group who were kneeling on the ground trembled in fear and raised their heads. Their eyes were complicated and incomprehensible, and they carefully looked at this terrifying Shura Legion general.

"If you want to live, cut off your right arm! Otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!!"

Emperor Shaktian's voice was like a raging sword, echoing in the night sky...!


The next second, when they heard this sentence... all the members of the Black Crocodile Group present turned pale with fright!!

I... broke off my right arm??!


This is simply... worse than killing them...!

They are all killers and warriors who have been killed on the battlefield for a long time.

Only when they hold a gun in their right hand can they kill.

In this chaotic Mediterranean where humans and ghosts are indistinguishable... let them... cut off their right hands??!

This is simply... cutting off their way of survival!

Cut off your right hand, how can you hold a gun from now on?

How to go to the battlefield and seize resources? How to kill the enemy?

Thousands of them, originally... were ordinary civilians who were unwilling to be oppressed and wanted to rob resources in the war and become heroes in troubled times... so they joined armed mercenaries and became battlefield killers, raping and plundering... killing people like


But tonight, cutting off their right hand... means cutting off their financial resources for the rest of their lives!

From now on, I can no longer hold a gun or lift a knife!

Even if their left hands can be trained, they are still not as good as before.

The right hand is the real main wrist of the killer.

The right hand is the core of a person.

The left hand is just an assist.

For them, this... is simply more terrifying than killing them!

Let a killer who holds a gun every day and can kill wantonly in the Mediterranean suddenly lose his right hand... and can only become an ordinary person... a common person?

This is simply...!

"Please...please sir...let us live a life...right hand...right hand is our life..." A member of the Black Crocodile Group begged, trembling and frightened.

But what answered him was the attack of the three-edged spurs.

"Poof!" The three-edged military thorn... directly pierced his Tianling Cap!

Blood splatters!

"Whoever dares to ask again will be killed without mercy!" Emperor Shitian's voice echoed in the sky like a demon...!

At this moment, the entire audience...thousands of people...were completely...scared!

Everyone looked pale and miserable... extremely embarrassed!

But at this moment, they... have no choice at all!

Although they are numerous...more than 5,000 people...

However, they are no match for the thousand Shura troops in front of them!

What's more, even their boss...Crocodile King was killed!

The entire scene was leaderless!

Everyone's mentality has collapsed!

Finally, one of the members trembled... and picked up a dagger from the ground... then, gritting his teeth, he slashed hard at his right hand!

"Poof...!" The moment the dagger cut, the entire right hand... was cut off!

"Uh ah...!!" The member's face was frightened and trembling, and he knelt on the ground, horrified and horrified in pain!!

Thousands of other members looked horrified and horrified... The situation at this time did not tolerate resistance at all!

Everyone could only look trembling, slowly picked up the weapons in their hands... gritted their teeth, and with a cruel heart... cut off their right hands... hard!

Some people are so frightened that they cannot remove the knife... they can only pick up the hot weapon tremblingly and point it at the palm of their right hand... a crazy attack...!

"Da da da da da...!" Under the bullet blast, the entire right hand... was directly blasted into a pile of meat residue!

The bloody sounds of arms being chopped off echoed throughout the Black Crocodile Group base... The sky above the dark night was as ferocious as hell!


This chapter has been completed!
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