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Chapter 487 D-level protection!


Hearing these words...it was Qiu Yiren's turn...who was stunned??

She stood at the door of the building, her beautiful eyes were stunned...she didn't react for a moment??

"Mr. Qiu...Mr. Chen...does he...have a girlfriend?" Seeing that she was silent and silent, Zhou Ruotong reminded her again and asked.

"Ah..." Qiu Yiren's pretty face was dull, and her expression was confused and confused... she hesitated for a long time before she came back to her senses.

"He...he shouldn't...have a girlfriend, right?" Qiu Yiren's beautiful eyes were a little complicated and she said uncertainly.

"Actually... I don't know him very well..." Qiu Yiren explained softly with a complex voice.

Indeed, although Mr. Chen is her employee...it is almost confusing who is the superior? and who is the subordinate.

Moreover, Mr. Chen's whole person...is like a cold iceberg. On weekdays...except for commuting to and from get off work, he has almost no contact with Qiu Yi people.

Therefore, Qiu Yiren knows almost nothing about Mr. Chen’s private life.

As for the girlfriend?

Anyway, Mr. Chen has almost never interacted with anyone of the opposite sex since he took office until now.

Judging from the characteristics of young people's love habits, they don't see each other for three days without crying and making trouble, and they don't see each other for a month??

This Mr. Chen... doesn't look like he has a girlfriend, right?

But...this is just a guess in Qiu Yiren's mind.

Zhou Ruotong on the side finally relaxed slightly when she heard...'He shouldn't...have a girlfriend?'

"Well, thank you very much, Mr. Qiu. I'll treat you to dinner another day~" Zhou Ruotong smiled slightly, then turned around and got into the Maserati car.

"Mr. Qiu...I'll take my leave now."

Qiu Yiren nodded, "Ms. Zhou, drive more slowly. You can come to my company for tea when you have time."

"Okay, definitely." Zhou Ruotong sat in the car with a charming smile on her lips.

The Maserati sedan started and roared away with a low roar of the engine...

Qiu Yiren was left standing at the door with a dazed look on her face...looking at the shadow of the car driving away...for a long time.

Then she shook her head, turned around and walked into the building...

Qiu's Building, ninety-nine floors.

Office of the Director of Security.

The entire office was surrounded by smoke rings.

Chen Zongheng had cold eyes and crossed his legs... sitting on the office chair.

The ashtray in front of the table was already full of cigarette butts.

He looked indifferent... while smoking, and holding the white paper in his hand, scanning it lightly.

Above are the names of all the people with the surname "j" around Qiu Yiren.

The letter ‘j’ can represent so many things.

That’s fine, it represents a person’s name.

It can also... represent the name of a certain organization or force.

Last night, what was the meaning of the ‘j’ that the Crocodile King wrote on the ground with his bloody hand?

Chen Zongheng stared at the white paper with deep eyes... for a long time.

His eyes kept scanning the names above.

After staring at it for a long time, he slowly took out his mobile phone and dialed a mysterious code number in Kyoto.

After entering the password and verifying the identity, the call was connected.

"Dear fellow agents, Third Department, welcome you home. For weapon support, please press 1. For manual support, please press 2. To remotely access the Skynet satellite system, please press 3. To find a local safe house, please press 4. Full

For online information search and investigation, please press 5. For manual service, please press 0.”

An electronic mechanical synthesized sound came from the phone.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were cold and he directly pressed the '5' button.

"Dear agent, you are welcome to use the newly launched... online information search by the third department! This search engine is directly connected to the patrol room's large database and can screen all population and household registration information in Hot Summer Country. Just enter the name of the person and the area where you are located.

, you can search for any information you want." A mechanical and electronic synthesized voice came from the phone.

"Please, enter the name information of the person you want to screen."

Chen Zongheng held a cigarette in his mouth, looked at the phone, and slowly entered the names of the people registered on the white paper... One by one, he began to slowly screen and search!

The names on the paper were checked one by one.

Everyone cannot escape the content screening of information big data.

As long as he has the habit of using the Internet.

Even if he browses every Baidu search...every Taobao store browse...even including...who he chats with online...

As long as you want to look it up, there is no information that you can’t find!

After inputting dozens of names on the paper, Chen Zongheng investigated the information and data behind them one by one, and wrote down their data on the paper.

And when he entered the name "Ji Qingci" and started screening... he faintly discovered a problem?

During the phone call, the third department system... After a big data investigation, all the information on Ji Celadon was listed.

There is nothing unusual about the rest of the information.

However, one piece of university information caught Chen Zongheng's attention?

Ji Qingci: Graduated from the University of California.

Major subject: Applied Mathematics.

Minor: Applied Physics, Medicine?

When he saw this minor subject, Chen Zongheng's pupils... finally slowly condensed?!

The suspicion of Ji Celadon has almost reached an unprecedented level.

Living overseas, studying in country Y, the closest country to the Mediterranean Sea.

Minored in physics and medicine?

So, as for the secret of Project

Even if Qiu Yiren hides the secrets from the outside world, for a professional physicist...as long as he studies and speculates according to the steps...perhaps, it is not difficult to deduce...the other functions of this extraction formula!

No matter what angle you consider...this Ji Qingci makes Chen Zongheng feel a little uneasy.

So, why...would she betray Qiu Yiren?

for money?


At this moment, Chen Zongheng's eyes slowly condensed.

He took a deep breath of cigarette and opened WeChat on his mobile phone.

I found Qiu Yiren's WeChat account, edited a piece of content... and sent it.

【Ji Qingci, stay away from her.】

The content is not complicated...just a simple sentence.

Needless to say, he should have sense and self-awareness based on the IQ of the woman next door.

At this time, the president's office is next door.

Qiu Yiren was sitting at her desk, processing an application document with a solemn expression.

Today, she decided... to submit application documents and apply for official organization protection!

So at this time, she was filling out the application documents carefully.

To apply for official protection from the Kingdom of Hot Summer... this requires extremely complicated steps.

And, tangible evidence of victimization.

It is impossible for the government to send a large amount of manpower and material resources to protect you for no reason, just because of your one-sided words.

Moreover, official protection...is also hierarchical.

s, a, b, c, d, e levels.

The protection methods corresponding to each level are completely different.

The highest level, S-level protection.

Only the No. 1 figures in various circles and temple leaders are qualified to receive this level of protection.

For ordinary commercial dispute protection, generally only e-level protection can be applied for.

At this time, Qiu Yiren was applying for Class D protection.

Intellectual property rights, and life safety protection.

Now, her life safety has been threatened. In order to protect the opportunity of Project X, she has no choice but to apply for D-level protection and official support.

And, at this moment, ‘ding~’ suddenly, a WeChat message was sent to her mobile phone?


This chapter has been completed!
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