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Chapter 524 The trend of the wind!

The next day, early in the morning.

Before dawn, Chen Zongheng was already carrying a heavy lead sandbag hanging all over his body and undergoing crazy physical training!

Five thousand push-ups, five thousand sit-ups!

Military boxing, capture, assassination, fighting!

A whole three hours of crazy training!

Carrying a lead weight weighing thousands of kilograms, he can still explode with such physical strength. You can imagine... his physical fitness is terrifying!

These days, since the appearance of Divine Phoenix, he has not relaxed for a single day.

Start training like crazy and stimulate your body to its maximum potential.

Keep your body in its peak state at all times!

That terrifying woman is hiding in the dark and may appear anytime, anywhere!

In order to ensure the progress of the task, there will be no accidents.

Chen Zongheng must maintain a high degree of alertness and tension in his body at all times!

Because, that is a...horrible Chinese character code name that also comes from the third department!

A terrifying woman that even the God of Death must face seriously!

If there is a slight difference.

I'm afraid... the God of Death may... have his head in a different place.

No one knows that woman better than Chen Zongheng.

That was a terrifying woman who came out of the same purgatory as him.

Lethality index:★★★★★★★

Assassination techniques:★★★★★★★

Concealment methods:★★★★★★★

International threat index: sssssss level!

Seven S level, threat index!

This is simply!

International Overseas has compiled a threat index list for those agents and mercenaries who pose a terrorist threat.

And, this one, codenamed Shenhuang, is among them, with a threat index of sssssss level!

Between the two of them, no matter their moves, killing blows...even attack methods, or even their physical limits, it was almost like retreating!

Even the weapons are all forged and produced by the same department.

Both of them are terrorist killing machines belonging to the third department.

The two were given Chinese character-level code names.

The whole overseas world was frightened by the news.

There were several bloody battles between the two.

However, there was no winner or loser!

Because once you win or lose, it will be life and death.

After finishing his morning exercise, Chen Zongheng took a bitterly cold shower, then put on a thousand kilogram weight-bearing iron weight again, put on a white shirt, and hid the lead weight under his clothes.

Put on your suit jacket and tie.

Apart from being slightly bloated, there was nothing unusual about him.

He just looked calm and left the villa.

Walking towards the Qiu Manor facing me.

After enjoying breakfast in Qiu's Manor.

Chen Zongheng and Qiu Yiren walked out of the villa together, took a Maybach car, and drove away from the manor together...

Heading towards Qiu's Building.

It was calm along the way.

On the streets of Shanghai, apart from the constant flow of traffic and the white-collar pedestrians rushing past in the subway station, there is nothing else out of the ordinary.

Chen Zong sat in the Maybach car, lit a cigarette, and spoke calmly.

Qiu Yiren, with beautiful eyes and complicated eyes, sat aside with a laptop on her lap, paying attention to the latest trends in the stock market from time to time.

Yesterday, Yuanxing Group... cashed out a large amount of funds, making people suspicious.

In order to prevent fluctuations in the stock market, Qiu Yiren is always vigilant about stock information.

Along the way, the atmosphere was quiet.

Until the Mercedes-Benz motorcade arrived at the entrance of Qiu's Building, there was no crisis.

The bodyguard stepped forward respectfully and opened the car door for Mr. Qiu and Chen Zongheng.

The two stepped out of the car and walked into the building side by side...

And, at the same time.

The entire business district of Shanghai City is still in constant turmoil.

Yuanxing Group has cashed out a lot and is still continuing.

Guo Shaoze himself transferred a large number of stocks in the A-share market.

Yuanxing Group also released its equity again, allowing a large number of shareholders to start acquiring Yuanxing Group's shares and raise funds.

Moreover, various assets and bonds under Yuanxing Group have been mortgaged and exchanged by banks.

In exchange for a lot of cash.

As for those small assets, those that can be sold...that can be mortgaged, almost all have been mortgaged by Yuanxing Group.

On this day, cash-outs were still carried out in large quantities and continued to heat up.

The entire Jiangnan business community continues to be in turmoil.

Various negative news, including news about [Yuanxing Group is planning to escape from the mainland!], are constantly being reported.

At this time, as the person involved in this major news, Guo Shaoze.

He was currently lying on the massage chair in the CEO's office, puffing out smoke rings lightly.

In front of him, there was an unsealed bottle of Lafite 1982.

At this time, he was smoking a cigar quietly and enjoying the expensive Lafite.

"Sir, at present, the total funds we have cashed out total 40 billion and 70 million life coins."

The beautiful female secretary wore an OL uniform and carefully reported the report.

"It is expected that the total amount that can be cashed out before twelve o'clock tonight... will reach 70 billion."

"According to the estimates of the financial headquarters, approximately 100 billion funds can be cashed out before twelve o'clock tomorrow night!"

Female secretary reports!

Guo Shaoze's eyes were calm, he slowly blew out a smoke ring and nodded.

"Public opinion news is not enough...continue to release news. In addition, buy me a ticket to fly to Great Britain the day after tomorrow." Guo Shaoze said lightly.

"Sir...you want to go abroad?" the female secretary asked confusedly.

But Guo Shaoze slowly shook his head.


"The media breaks the news, there is no bait...how to break the news? It's just a bait."

When she heard this, the female secretary's face froze! She understood!

The young master bought a plane ticket and let the media reveal the news... to create the illusion that he was going abroad to escape?

Confuse the enemy?!

This move is simply profound!

The female secretary nodded respectfully, "I understand!"

Sitting on the massage chair, Guo Shaoze took a deep breath from his cigarette, and the corners of his mouth curled up even more.

At this time, the entire Shanghai City, news media... information about the escape of the Guo Group was almost overwhelming. He bought a ticket to go abroad, which would add fuel to the fire. Why not?

"Jingle Bell."

And, at this moment, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

The female secretary hurriedly stepped forward and glanced at the caller number on her desk.

Then, her expression became a little solemn.

"Sir... it's... it's a call from the Jiangnan Ministry of Commerce..."

Jiangnan, a call from the Ministry of Commerce?!

This is an authoritative organization!

I think it was Yuanxing Group's large-scale cash-out operations in the past few days that attracted the attention of the Jiangnan Ministry of Commerce!

After all, how could the Ministry of Commerce not pay attention to such a huge cash-out?

This is a cash-out of hundreds of billions of dollars!

Almost the entire Jiangnan department was aware of such a big movement!

Once an abnormality is detected, the Ministry of Commerce will directly intervene and conduct an investigation and review.

"Oh, really?" Guo Shaoze's face was calm and indifferent. He did not take this call seriously at all.

"Take it." Guo Shaoze said two words lightly.

The female secretary had a complicated expression on her face, and carefully picked up the phone in front of her desk and handed it to Guo Shaoze.

This chapter has been completed!
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