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Chapter 534 Air-to-surface missiles!

"Abdul?" Chen Zongheng asked calmly in English to the person in the headset.

This was the first time he took the initiative to talk to the Arctic mercenary captain.

Huh~! In the radio headset, the other party’s breathing suddenly tightened?!

"You dare to resist? I guarantee you will not survive three minutes." Abdul's voice was extremely cold in the radio headset. Through the headset, you could hear the sound of firearms and ammunition being loaded!

Obviously, Abdul was angry! He was loading the gun and planned to stop the car and give Chen Zongheng a fatal blow!

He will never let any unexpected situation happen to this mission!

This damn security director will definitely die today!

However, at this moment, Chen Zongheng looked calm and spoke slowly into the wireless headset.

"Let me and Qiu Yiren go, please make a condition." Chen Zongheng said slowly in a calm and indifferent voice.

Huh? Upon hearing this, Qiu Yiren, who was sitting aside, was startled.

Looking at Mr. Chen in astonishment and confusion??


Is this...?? Still Mr. Chen??

Mr. Chen...is begging for mercy from those mercenaries???


Is this still Mr. Chen’s style?

This is not like his behavior at all!

Mr. Chen, can you also beg for mercy??

And, in the radio headset, Abdul was also stunned after hearing this sentence??

The other party is begging for mercy??

He didn't expect that the other party would beg for mercy so quickly?

This is no fun at all.

In the radio headset, Abdul's voice was strange and he said coldly, "You want me to let you go? The condition is very simple, one billion U.S. dollars."

Abdul's voice was cold and strange, and he made his own conditions.

One billion dollars!

He can get a reward of one billion US dollars for kidnapping Qiu Yiren this time.

Since the other party wants to beg for mercy...then hand over money equal to the chips.

In fact, Abdul did not give Chen Zongheng any chance to survive.

Asking for a billion dollars is not extortion or exorbitant asking price, but nonsense.

One billion US dollars, this is an astronomical sum.

Who can spend a billion dollars in one go?

almost impossible.

He never thought about surviving with Chen Zongheng.

This sentence is just a joke and a joke.

However, Chen Zongheng took it seriously.

He thought for a moment and replied into the wireless headset, "Okay, one billion dollars."

"Give me ten minutes and transfer it to your account."

Chen Zongheng's voice was calm and did not sound like he was joking at all.

"Give me your bank account number?"

This time, it was Abdul's turn in the radio headset to be stunned??

Listening to this tone, the other party really plans to transfer money?

There was disdain on Abdul's lips, but he was not afraid and directly reported his bank card number.

"Citibank, account number 10569-1112-2233. Remittance name, Abdul Arthur."

"Boy, I'll give you ten minutes. If the money doesn't arrive, haha... my bullet will arrive between your eyebrows." Abdul's voice was provocative and cold, and he slowly replied through the wireless headset.

"Okay." Chen Zongheng's voice was calm and he replied with a single word.

Qiu Yiren's pretty face was stunned and she looked at Mr. Chen with some surprise???

Looking at Mr. Chen's expression at this moment...it doesn't seem like he was joking at all??

At this time, the Mercedes-Benz convoy was still speeding down the road.

The convoy did not stop and slow down.

It didn't stop at all because of this episode.

At this time, the task is against time.

In order to prevent complications, Abdul did not let the convoy stop, but let the convoy speed all the way towards the scheduled destination!

At a certain private airport in Shanghai, they have bribed the airport, and a private plane is waiting at the airport.

Waiting for them to arrive at the airport, they can take off directly.

Then escort and kidnap Qiu Yiren to escape from the hot summer.

Everything is according to plan!

At this time, inside the Maybach sedan in the middle.

The driver endured the severe pain of his broken right hand and still drove the vehicle forward.

In the back seat, Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm and indifferent, he took out his Huawei mobile phone and directly... dialed a mysterious phone number in the capital city.

"Hello?" A few seconds later, the other end of the phone was connected. A hoarse voice came over.

"Assemble one billion U.S. dollars and transfer it into a Citibank account for me." Chen Zongheng said coldly to the other end of the phone in a calm and cold voice.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds.

"God of Death, what trouble have you caused again?" Zhang Yuyu's hoarse and deep voice came from the phone.

"International mercenaries, just kidnapping." Chen Zongheng said calmly and replied lightly as an explanation.

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Yuyu: "..."

"Send me the location. I'll dispatch the nearest one to the Haiwu District. The Liaoning nuclear aircraft carrier is the closest and is recuperating along the Jiangnan coast. I'll ask them to send an air-to-surface missile over." On the other end of the phone, Zhang Yuyu's voice was calm and slow.


It seemed as if what he was talking about was just a simple matter.

But if these words were heard by others, they would be completely frightened!

With just a phone call, the Liaoning nuclear aircraft carrier can be dispatched to launch air-to-surface missiles?!!

What the fuck?!!

Are you kidding me?!

Inside the Maybach, Chen Zongheng also frowned slightly.

Just a mere international mercenary who needs to launch air-to-ground missiles??

How can you kill a chicken with a bull's knife??

Is this universe too fussy?

Doesn't he wish Jiangnan wasn't chaotic enough?

"No need to go to such trouble, just follow my request and transfer money to the account." Chen Zongheng's voice was cold and calm, and he directly reported Abdul's Citibank account to Zhang Yuyu.

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Yuyu was silent for a few seconds.

"Reaper, we are all in the same department, as you know... our department has been short of funds recently, and it is not easy for everyone to make money." Zhang Yuyu said helplessly with a complicated voice.

"3,2,1..." Chen Zongheng didn't bother to talk nonsense to him and started counting down directly.

"Hey, forget it... give me three minutes, and one billion US dollars will arrive in your account. Remember to ask the other party to check it." Zhang Yuyu refused to withdraw, so he could only agree.

"By the way, after the task is completed, remember to pay me back the money." Zhang Yuyu seemed a little worried and reminded him again on the phone.

However, Chen Zongheng obviously ignored him and hung up the phone directly.

Ahead, in the Mercedes-Benz S600 sedan, Abdul was sitting in the passenger seat with his gun and bullets loaded.

He had no hope that the other party would actually send money.

This is simply impossible.

How is it possible that the other party is just a small security director, spending a billion dollars?

This is almost an astronomical amount of money.

Abdul prepared weapons and ammunition, and was ready to stop at the right moment...and directly kill that damn security director.

And, at this moment.


Suddenly, there was a text message alert on his phone?

More to come!!

Recently, I have a lot to say to you.

Last month, everyone said that I was slow to update, only updating twice a day.

So, I accelerated the update speed, updating it 5 times a day, with tens of thousands of words updated every day.

However, I update thousands of times every day, and everyone complains... I update too little?

This is really helpless.

Brothers, coding is quite tiring, really.

I start writing at 9 a.m. every day and finish at 9 p.m., writing 12 hours a day.

There is almost no time to go out, let alone chat with friends and family.

After a whole day, I felt quite depressed.

I want to say...I am not God.

It is really difficult to ensure speed and quality at the same time.

But, I'll try my best.

I'll try to make the later chapters more interesting and more informative.

However, can your monthly pass be a little more?

My book has 30,000 readers.

But in the end...the monthly ticket rewards were only over 500...

Asking for...votes

This chapter has been completed!
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