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Chapter 536 Skyrim!

The Mercedes-Benz convoy was speeding along, covering hundreds of kilometers.

In the Mercedes-Benz convoy, more than twenty Arctic mercenaries were opening the metal safes they were carrying.

A bunch of loose gun parts are placed in a metal safe.

It turns out that this is why they bring safes.

Hidden inside these metal safes are terrifying thermal weapon parts!

They carried the metal safe and passed the airport security check.

Carrying guns, he entered Shanghai.

Now, these guns were quickly assembled by them.

‘Crack, click, click.’ The sound of metal parts being quickly assembled echoed in the car...

The scene was extremely hideous and terrifying.

Half an hour later.


Finally, the Mercedes-Benz fleet suddenly braked and stopped at an international airport on the outskirts of Shanghai.

This is an airport that the Arctic mercenaries have contacted in advance. The airport management staff has been bribed by the Arctic mercenaries.

At this time, a private Boeing plane was parked on the tarmac of this airport.

The door of the Mercedes-Benz opened, and more than twenty members of the Arctic mercenaries rushed out with fierce expressions.

This is an air route specially used for Arctic mercenaries to escape.

The twenty-odd mercenaries looked fierce, and they no longer held back their previous forbearance. At this time, they completely showed the aura of ferocious desperadoes!

More than 20 people rushed directly to the Maybach car in the middle.

The Maybach car was locked in the dark with guns!

"Hold your head with both hands, don't move, come out...!" More than two dozen mercenaries looked cold and threatened directly...!

Qiu Yiren's pretty face was complicated. She could only obey and obey, carefully holding her head in her hands, and then walked out of the Maybach car.

Chen Zongheng, however, still looked calm, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and slowly stepped out of the Maybach car.

"Take your hands out! Do you hear me? Hold your head with both hands! Otherwise I'll shoot you!!" When the mercenaries saw that he didn't do as he was told, they became angry and pointed their guns directly at him, saying angrily!

But Chen Zongheng, with calm and indifferent eyes, glanced at the group of mercenaries.

The look in his eyes seemed... like looking at some monkeys.

The group of mercenaries suddenly became furious and felt that they were being despised!

Click! The two mercenaries loaded their guns and were about to shoot Chen Zongheng to pieces in the head!

But, right now!

Captain Abdul suddenly stepped forward and placed his hands on the firearms of the two members.

The anger of the two members was suppressed.

"Don't be impulsive. He is our gold mine. Don't kill him yet." Abdul said slowly in a deep and chatty Arabic.

"If you want to kill him, you have to wait until he spits out all the money behind him before killing him." Abdul said to his men with a strange arc on his face.

"Bring him back to the headquarters first, don't be in a hurry, we'll keep him and blackmail him slowly."

Out of greed, Abdul planned to drain the security director dry for money.

Let him spit out all the gold mining property behind him.

Only by utilizing waste can we extort money.

The Arabic language is very strange. It is the Arabic of the ancient African grasslands.

They come from the war-torn African savannah.

In that steppe, the Arabic language of the nomads was not prevalent in the world.

Therefore, few people in the world can understand their Arabic dialect.

Therefore, the conversation was conducted in Arabic.

But, what they don't know is.

Chen Zongheng could understand their conversation.

He is fluent in more than 100 international languages ​​from all over the world.

Including the tongue-twisting languages ​​of various hidden tribes and races.

Almost no language in the world can escape his eyes.

Even if he doesn't understand the other person's language.

Through the tone and demeanor of the other party's speech, eye breath, breathing rate, and facial and body expressions... he can also guess the content of the other party's words with a 95% probability.

Because he has received the most professional facial recognition training.

You can guess what the other person wants to express by looking at their facial features.

As an agent, his eyes can see through almost anything in this world.

This kind of mind-gazing technique is simply terrifying.

At this time, Chen Zongheng had clearly heard... the conversation between Abdul and his men.

However, he did not take any action.

Because I'm too lazy to do it.

His purpose is to save trouble by finding the opponent's base and completely destroying it.

Now, the headquarters has not arrived yet, and there are only a few little Luo Luo in front of him, and he is really too lazy to do anything.

Chen Zongheng just stood there, and while waiting, he lit a cigarette leisurely.

Seeing this scene, the group of Arctic mercenary men became even more angry, staring at him and gnashing their teeth!

However, they finally endured it.

For the sake of money, this man must be kept for now and cannot be killed.

Abdul's eyes were deep and he glanced at Chen Zongheng meaningfully.

"You are really brave. You dare to smoke at this time." Abdul's voice was deep, he stared at Chen Zongheng and said slowly in English.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm, he slowly blew out a smoke ring, and replied in English, "When will you let us go? You have already received the money, and I hope you will keep your word."

keep your word?

Abdul smiled, a strange and deep smile.

"Don't worry, you are just hostages now. You are safe. We are holding you hostage to prevent accidents on the road."

"As long as we arrive at the headquarters base safely, we will let you back immediately." Abdul said slowly and deeply.

"Okay, I hope you keep your word." Chen Zongheng took a deep breath from the cigarette and said calmly.

In fact, he hoped that Abdul could keep his word.

Because, if he breaks the contract, then he... can take action.

If he really lets him go...then what is his reason for taking action?

You have to find a reason to kill someone, right?

However, Abdul did not know Chen Zongheng's inner thoughts at this time.

Abdul's eyes were deep, he gestured to his men and said, "Take them away."

The subordinates stepped forward directly, restrained Qiu Yi and Chen Zongheng, and directly pressed the two of them into the private cruise plane not far away.

Qiu Yi and Chen Zongheng were directly suppressed and put into the private plane.

The two were taken to a row of seats in the plane and forced to sit down.

Then several armed members with firearms sat aside, watching the two of them vigilantly.

Abdul followed the pilots and got into the cockpit in the front row.

"Buzz...!" Soon, the private plane started and taxied along the runway... all the way.

Finally, the plane climbed up and flew into the sky!

The Arctic mercenaries kidnapped Qiu Yi and Chen Zongheng and flew into the sky...

This chapter has been completed!
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