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Chapter 550 Prince, Gala!

And, just as he was driving a Hummer off-road vehicle and escaping quickly...!

Suddenly...on the muddy road ahead...a figure fell from the sky...!


The moment the figure landed, the entire muddy road ahead collapsed in an instant!

Countless amounts of soil splashed up...!!

The endless muddy road was blasted into a huge crater.

In the pothole, a figure wearing a black suit slowly stood up.

He was dressed in black, elegant and upright, with a calm face and no mood swings at all.

Underneath his pupils, his eyes looked like those of a demon.

There was mud all over the ground, but his clothes were not stained at all.

Like a gentleman, he lit a cigarette in his right hand and took a deep breath.

Then, step by step... towards the Hummer off-road vehicle dozens of meters ahead.

Tens of meters away, in the Hummer off-road vehicle, the Arctic Wolf was sitting in the vehicle, his face ferocious and trembling, with unprecedented horror...!!


His pupils were staring out of the windshield of the Hummer...!

That figure in black, like a demon, was walking towards him!


grim Reaper…!

The Arctic Wolf was sitting in the Hummer off-road vehicle, his whole body... his lips were trembling!

In great fear and shock, his face turned extremely pale!

At this moment, the Arctic wolf has no retreat...!

Behind is the Arctic Wolf Base Base Camp.

This road is the only way to escape.

At this time, the truth ahead has been blocked by the god of death.

Look at the God of Death, calm and elegant, holding a cigarette and walking step by step.

The pupils of the Arctic wolf are extremely ferocious.

Finally, he suddenly shifted into gear and stepped on the accelerator...!

Even if the other party... is the notorious God of Death, so what?

Faced with the huge will to survive, the Arctic wolf chooses to give it a try!

It's better than staying where you are...waiting to die!

"Buzz...!" The Hummer off-road vehicle roared crazily and made a violent roaring sound from the engine!

The entire behemoth off-road vehicle, like a steel beast, rushed towards the death in front...!

The Arctic wolf tried to use this method to forcefully open a way out...!

At the moment when the Hummer off-road vehicle was speeding wildly, the Arctic Wolf took out firearms at the same time, suddenly opened the window, handed a Desert Eagle out the window, and fired violently at the figure of death in front of him!

"Uh ah...!! Go-to-hell!!" The Arctic Wolf was completely crazy at this time, with a ferocious face, stepping hard on the accelerator with his right foot, while holding the Desert Eagle in his left hand, shooting wildly in front of the window!!

"Bang bang bang...!!" Bursts of violent gunfire echoed across the scene!

A burst of flames covered the sky and struck towards Chen Zongheng!

At the same time, the huge camouflaged Hummer off-road vehicle also crashed and charged like a steel behemoth!

Looking at the killing scene in front of him, the corners of Chen Zongheng's mouth... raised a faint arc.

With a calm and elegant look on his face, he walked forward step by step.

Countless bullets came suddenly, trying to shoot through his body!

But Chen Zongheng's expression was calm, without any disturbance.

At the moment when the bullet was about to penetrate his body.

He raised his left hand gently, as fast as the afterimage of lightning!

"Clang, clank...!" He caught all the bullets that came in his hands!

Then, his hand twirled slightly!

The bullets he caught in his hands were all thrown back at a strange angle from the same path!

"Bang bang bang...!" Several bullets hit the bulletproof windows of the Hummer off-road vehicle. The bullets penetrated directly and got stuck on the window glass...!

"Poof...!" The two bullets were thrown back along the same path and shot directly through the hand outside the car window.

"Uh ah...!" The Arctic Wolf's face was ferocious and trembling, and he suddenly retracted his left hand. The entire palm of his arm had been penetrated by two bullets, and blood overflowed crazily!!

But at this moment, he didn't have time to deal with the wound. He stepped on the accelerator crazily, drove the Hummer, and hit the god of death in front of him...!


This Arctic mercenary boss, at this moment, under the crisis of life and death, is completely crazy and out of control!

He just wants to live!

Even if there is death in front of you, you have to hit it! Crash out a way to survive...!!

"Buzz...!" The Hummer off-road vehicle, like a high-speed tiger, slammed into the black figure in front at a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour...!


But, at that moment!

The steel Hummer off-road vehicle suddenly stopped and hovered on the ground...!

The Arctic Wolf was thrown forward by a huge inertia!

If the seat belt hadn't tied him tightly to the chair, he would have been thrown away.

His face was trembling, and he raised his head in fear, looking towards the front of the Humvee...

I saw a figure in black, like a demon, pressing his hands hard against the front of the Hummer off-road vehicle...!

With his bare hands and body, he stopped the entire humongous vehicle...!

The wheels of the Hummer off-road vehicle were still spinning wildly in place on the muddy ground, splashing mud!

But the entire car was completely stranded at this time and could not move at all!

The more the car spins in place, the deeper the mud under the wheels sinks.

The Arctic wolf looked trembling and ferocious as he tried to unbuckle his seat belt and escape from the vehicle...

But it was discovered that the entire seat belt had been stuck.

In great panic, he simply locked the door of the Hummer SUV!

The entire Hummer off-road vehicle uses military-grade steel plates and bulletproof glass!

In other words, this car is a mobile steel fortress!

It's a huge toy he borrowed from the prince.

This military Humvee can withstand the bombardment of several grenades without destroying the body.

The body is made of titanium alloy steel plates tens of centimeters thick.

Super bulletproof glass tens of centimeters thick for car windows.

This level of defense is simply terrifying.

As long as the Arctic wolf doesn't come out, the people outside won't be able to stand him...!

Arctic Wolf plans to hide in the car and wait for help...!

He sat in the car, tremblingly took out his mobile phone, dialed a text message signal... and sent a distress message to the prince.

Although he is just a dog of the prince.

But today, he has successfully kidnapped Qiu Yiren.

At this time, Qiu Yiren was in his base.

I believe that when the prince learns, he will definitely send a large number of garrison troops to come...!

The Arctic wolf looks ferocious, sitting in the car, facing death, waiting for rescue.

And, at the same time.

Khanstan Continent, inside a huge palace.

The prince of this small armed country, Gala, was sitting on a palace chair, reading a book lightly.

That is a set of "The Complete Napoleonic Wars".

This small continental prince from the egg land of the East worshiped Napoleon throughout his life.

Trying to learn from his heroic spirit of never ending a hundred battles, so as to continuously expand the territory, and even annex those mysterious ancient eastern continents.

For example, the hot summer next door.

Now is an excellent opportunity.

He learned from a secret place that the female president of a pharmaceutical group in the Jiangnan area of ​​Yanxia Continent, Qiu Yiren... had an X project in her hands that could develop biochemical weapons!

This gave Prince Gala a glimmer of hope!

His ambition may... become a reality!

As long as he masters project x, he can... turn things around and dominate the world!

So he issued a secret reward order and asked mercenary forces from all parties in Southeast Asia to kidnap the Qiu Yi people.

Just to get the legendary x project...!

Use this to develop biochemical weapons...!!

This chapter has been completed!
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