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Chapter 57

In the banquet hall, the atmosphere was strange and quiet.

Chen Zongheng quietly enjoyed Western food and red wine as if nothing happened.

Huang Honghui's eyes became colder and colder, and a hint of chill emerged.

He just stared at Chen Zongheng, the ferocious curve of the corners of his mouth vaguely visible.

"You eat so calmly, are you really not afraid that...my elder brother's evil spirit will haunt you?"

Huang Honghui's voice was calm and cold.

The air seemed to cool down instantly.

Chen Zongheng gently cut off a piece of steak and put it into his mouth.

After finishing chewing, he took a sip of red wine.

"Only when you are full can you have the strength to kill."

His answer was calmer and simpler.

Huh~! The air suddenly became cold!

What a domineering and arrogant answer!

Only when you are full can you have the strength to...kill people?!

Saying these words in front of the second son of the Huang family... is simply arrogant! Unscrupulous!

Huang Honghui's pupils shrank and became angry and uncontrollable!

"You...are really crazy."

Huang Honghui's palms firmly grasped the dining table in front of him. The huge force caused a corner of the mahogany dining table to be dented and cracked. This shows the depth of his inner strength.

The two young masters of the Huang family have practiced martial arts since they were young and have a strong foundation in kung fu.

On that day, the eldest son Huang Xuyang died because Chen Zongheng moved too fast and a chopstick penetrated his throat...so he had no time to take action.

Now, it is impossible for the second son of the Huang family to make the same mistake again.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

On martial arts and physical skills, on ruthlessness and treachery.

The second son, Huang Honghui, is even better than his eldest brother.

Chen Zongheng did not reply to him, and still sipped the red wine lightly.

Among the delicacies in the world, red wine is one of them.

He is a big drinker. Now that he has such a rare 82-year-old Lafite, why not enjoy it?

If a woman misses it, she will again.

But if the red wine is missed, then...it will never be seen again. Because in this world, how can there be a few bottles of 1982-year-old red wine?

"Oh, that's fine. A dying person can drink as much as he wants." Huang Honghui's voice was calm and cold, with a strange murderous aura.

In his eyes, this Chen Zongheng... is already a dying man.

In the eyes of the Huang family, Chen Zongheng is bound to die. There is no chance of surviving and ascending to heaven. Absolutely impossible.

His death is only a matter of time.

All it takes is one order from his father, and the Huang family...will definitely come out in full force.

Bloodbath, Jiangnan.

"Do you need another bottle?" Huang Honghui looked at Chen Zongheng with a mocking look as if he were looking at a dead person.

Then he clapped his hands at the waiter and signaled for another bottle of 1982 red wine.

Soon, the waiter walked into the restaurant carrying a freshly opened bottle of 1982 Lafite.

"Pour some wine for this Mr. Chen. After he dies, he won't have the chance to drink such a delicious wine." Huang Honghui ordered the waiter in a strange and sinister voice.

The waiter cautiously came to Chen Zongheng and gently poured him a drink.

The bright red Lafite red wine is poured into the goblet, filled with a rich aroma.

Chen Zongheng was also polite, raised his glass and sipped lightly.

“Good wine.”

Chen Zongheng's eyes were indifferent, he nodded elegantly, and gave a soft praise to this famous Lafite wine.

Qiu Yiren sat aside, feeling somewhat depressed by the atmosphere. She didn't know how to speak. In this situation, it seemed... inappropriate for her to speak.

"Drink more. When you die, you won't be able to drink such good wine. After all, those buried in the barren mountains may not have any bones left, and no one will come to offer incense to you, right?" Huang Honghui said in his voice.

Calm, with murderous intent looming in the corner of his mouth.

Upon hearing Huang Honghui's threat of killing, Chen Zongheng was not angry, but instead showed a leisurely expression.

"For the sake of Mr. Huang's generosity, when Mr. Huang dies, I can leave you a complete body so that you can reunite with your brothers." Chen Zongheng sipped his wine and said leisurely.

Boom! Huang Honghui finally couldn't hold back his anger and slammed his palm on the table!

Alas! The thick mahogany dining table cracked instantly!

A deep palm print was dented on the dining table.

This kind of strength is shocking!

This Huang Honghui is absolutely extraordinary!

His skill can be said to be comparable to him.

"Chen... Zongheng." Huang Honghui's eyes flashed fiercely, and he gritted his teeth and spit out his name.

"I promise, your life won't last long."

The anger of the second young master of the Huang family has become uncontrollable.

The air became suddenly cold and the situation became tense.

"Master Huang, why did you come to see me today? Let's get down to business." At this moment, Qiu Yiren, who was sitting next to him, finally stood up, interrupting the tense and dignified atmosphere at the scene.

Huang Honghui's eyes were ferocious and cold, and then he slowly looked away.

All the murderous intent in his body was restrained.

"Today, seeing Miss Qiu's face, I will...save your life for now."

He glanced at Qiu Yiren, with a light smile on his lips.

Being able to restrain murderous violence in an instant so cleanly without leaving any trace. This second son of the Huang family is definitely a respectable figure!

At this time, the banquet hall became quiet again. The tense atmosphere dissipated without a trace.

"Miss Qiu, at tonight's banquet, Mr. Huang... is here to give you a way out." Huang Honghui said slowly with a faint look in his eyes.

Upon hearing this, Qiu Yiren's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

"Master Huang, what do you mean? I'm sorry I don't understand."

Huang Honghui smiled calmly and calmly.

"Huang doesn't like to be secretive, so open the skylight and speak frankly. Miss Qiu, as long as... you hand over the 'project' in your hand, then... the grievances between your Qiu family and my Huang family can be slowly resolved, and even

…Resolving it is not a problem.”

Huang Honghui's eyes were leisurely and filled with endless depth.

"As long as we can cooperate, everything is easy to discuss."

Qiu Yiren's pretty face changed color slightly.

This Huang Honghui, as expected...he came with bad intentions.

Again, is it for the ‘project’ in your hands?

Ever since the 'project' came out, there has never been a moment of peace around her.

Murderous intentions are coming from all directions.

Everything is just because of that ‘project’.

Qiu Yiren's eyes flashed with complexity, and after a moment, she said solemnly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Huang... our Qiu Group does not intend to make that project public."

It was a simple sentence, but it showed Qiu Yiren's determination.

The Qiu Group already has enough enemies, and now that's the case... we don't need to be afraid of one more.

The Huang family is indeed very powerful. It has been a giant family for hundreds of years, and has inherited the glory of Huang Huang.

However, she, Qiu Yiren, is not afraid.

She is not a woman who can be intimidated if she is threatened. If there is a threat, then she will face it head-on.

This project represents an opportunity for the Qiu Group to rise.

Whether she can stand on the international stage and become a witness to a period of history, this opportunity lies in her hands.

There is no way she would give up.

"Oh?" Upon hearing such an answer, Huang Honghui's eyes gradually narrowed.

He didn't expect that Qiu Yiren would refuse so quickly?

Is this woman... really not afraid of his Huang family??

"Miss Qiu, you don't need me to remind you of the current situation of your Qiu family, right?"

"Did you know that because of one of your decisions, the entire Qiu family may face... catastrophe?"

Huang Honghui squinted his eyes and tapped his fingers in a calm voice.

Threat, intimidate, intimidate.

His words represent the attitude of the entire Huang family.

This chapter has been completed!
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