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Chapter 582

The next day, early in the morning.

It was still dark before Chen Zongheng got up early.

Push-ups, thirty thousand.

Sit-ups, thirty thousand.

Pull-ups, thirty thousand.

Fighting and grappling, half an hour.

After the morning exercise, I turned into the shower room and took a cold shower.

Then, he put on his shirt and suit and took the iron and lead sandbag weighing one thousand kilograms.

Slowly walked out of the villa.

Arrive at Qiujia Manor.

After enjoying breakfast at Qiu’s house.

Together with Qiu Yiren, he took a Mercedes-Benz convoy and slowly drove away from the manor.

In the Maybach car, Qiu Yiren was sitting in the car with mixed emotions, with a laptop on her knees.

She is constantly analyzing and calculating the company's financial statements on the computer.

Today, the company's financial bills are already severely overloaded.

In just one day, due to the sudden cutoff of pharmaceutical raw materials, the company... fell into a difficult situation.

First of all, it is reflected in the stock market.

All day yesterday, stocks plummeted 10%.

Today, as soon as the stock opened, it plummeted again, directly 10%, reaching the limit.

In just two days, the Qiu Group's books evaporated, with a market value of tens of billions.

The capital market is an extremely realistic industry.

Investors will withdraw their investment immediately if they hear any disturbance or public opinion.

Buy up, not down.

The Qiu Group's stock market is now in crisis.

However, the stock market is only one aspect.

Today, what is more serious is the 'food and grass problem.'

Continuing to monopolize food and grass like this is simply not an option.

The Qiu Group could not last more than half a month.

The only way is to... snatch the medicinal materials from some medicinal material dealer at a high price.

Yuanxing Group, quoted 5 yuan.

Then Qiu Group will quote 8 yuan!

Use a higher bid than Yuanxing Group to snatch the medicinal materials.

However, this is nothing short of a fantasy.

Because Qiu's Group's funds are far from enough.

Yuanxing Group is a wealthy person in Jiangnan!

Comparing funds and engaging in price wars with the wealthy?

This is tantamount to digging your own grave.

There is no way to compete with Yuanxing Group.

What should we do about this?

Qiu Yiren's heart was filled with anxiety.

But there is nothing you can do.

The Mercedes-Benz convoy did not drive to the Qiu Group Building.

Instead, we drove all the way to Qiushi Medicine, a very large pharmaceutical factory located in Songjiang District.

The leaders of the pharmaceutical factory came out in person to greet Qiu Yiren.

Qiu Yiren, led by the leaders of the pharmaceutical factory, came to the factory's flow workshop to conduct inspection and research.

Now, due to the shortage of medicinal materials, the assembly line of this medicinal material factory has almost cut down on half of the labor force.

A large area of ​​factory machinery has been controlled there since yesterday and cannot be used at all.

Thousands of employees, on the other hand, were sitting in the restrooms of the factory, or sitting on the stone ridges of the factory along the road, smoking cigarettes, feeling extremely lonely.

They even worry about when they will lose their jobs.

This is completely exhausting.

Because all the medicinal materials have been consumed.

It's not that they are not allowed to work.

Rather, there are no medicinal materials for them to use to make medicine.

Qiu's Group's supply of medicinal materials was originally replenished once a week.

However, now that the supply of medicinal materials has been suddenly cut off, the entire order has been thrown into chaos.

The production chain is broken.

Tasks that require drug production cannot be completed at all.

Looking at the entire huge factory building, it fell into such a desolate scene.

Qiu Yiren's pretty face is a little complicated.

The factory leader led her to visit the entire factory.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm, he was holding a cigarette and followed her calmly.

Maintain a distance of three meters to maintain her safety.

"This month, employees' wages will be paid as usual." Qiu Yiren looked around the factory area, and then said to the factory leaders behind him.

"Mr. Qiu...but...we are really in a tight situation. The production tasks have not been completed, and our factory is still facing a lot of breach of contracts that require compensation...this." The factory leader looked embarrassed.

"Then we will withdraw money from the financial factory's own funds and pay employees wages." Qiu Yiren said with a calm face, not allowing for refutation.

It is true that the company is facing a crisis.

But employees’ wages must also be guaranteed.

After giving instructions to the factory leaders, Qiu Yiren turned around and left with Mr. Chen in a complicated mood.

Throughout the morning, Qiu Yiren kept running around the factory.

To appease the confidence of the upper management of the factory, and then investigate the completion of each factory and the shutdown of assembly lines.

Throughout the morning, she visited almost dozens of factories.

The situation is not optimistic.

Many factory assembly lines have stopped production.

The workers have no work to do.

If the factory does not produce, there will be no source of income.

If wages cannot be paid, the factory may face closure.

If this continues, it won't last long.

At noon, Qiu Yi and Chen Zongheng took a Maybach car and rushed towards the company.

However, while on the road, Qiu Yiren also received a call from the loan collection department of China CITIC Bank.

"Mr. Qiu, I am the manager of the loan department of China CITIC Bank."

"Mr. Qiu, regarding the billion-dollar production loan you owe our bank, do you think...can you repay it in advance?" During the phone call, the bank's loan department manager began to collect the arrears.

"Our loan contract hasn't expired yet. I will pay it back when the time comes, don't worry." Qiu Yiren looked coldly and retorted the other party, then hung up the phone.

The more something goes wrong, the more trouble there is.

When you are poor in the busy city, no one cares about you; when you are rich, you have distant relatives in the mountains.

When you are in glory, everyone around you is eager to fawn over you.

The bank is also eager to deliver the loan money to your office door, and is eager to let you borrow money.

But, when you are in trouble.

Everyone around the world began to mock him coldly.

The bank even directly pressed for debt and wanted to pay back the loan in advance before the contract expired.

I'm afraid you won't come out yet.

After Qiu Yiren returned to Qiu's Building, as soon as she walked into the office, she received another reminder call from the bank.

The term of the loan contract has not yet expired, and one bank after another has started calling and urging payment.

Qiu Yi almost exploded.

She has never been under such great pressure in her life.

She sat in the office and tied up her long hair.

Force yourself, be patient, and don't be impulsive.

At this point, she was helpless.

You can only bear this pressure by yourself.

Opening the company's financial statements and looking at the few billions of funds left on the company's financial bills, Qiu Yiren felt helpless.

These billions are almost all the cash flow Qiu Group has on hand.

For ordinary people, billions of dollars of funds may be too much to be used up in a lifetime.

But, for the Qiu Group, this simply... won't last long.

Because, the Qiu Group has hundreds of thousands of employees to pay.

There are dozens of super factories that need to be kept running.

One day's expenses reached several hundred million.

Several billions can really only last for more than ten days.

With these billions, there is absolutely no other way but to protect ourselves.

You know, the enemy company, Yuanxing Group, has a cash flow of 100 billion!

At this moment, Qiu Yiren finally understood why Guo Shaoze wanted to cash out a large amount of money a few days ago.

One hundred billion in cash.

This is simply... impossible to fight.

If the quantity is reduced and compared.

This is equivalent to having only a few dozen dollars in your hand.

And the other party has a thousand dollars in his hand!

How to fight this?

How can a few dozen yuan compete with a thousand yuan?

How can a few billions compete with a hundred billions?!

Qiu Yiren's beautiful eyes were complicated. Sitting in the office, she felt an unprecedented pressure.

After hesitation, she called the medicinal material suppliers one by one.

However, the results obtained are the same.

Or, it will be out of stock and supply.

However, some suppliers of medicinal materials with long cooperation years were honest and told the truth to Qiu Yiren.

"Mr. Qiu, really... don't blame us. It's true that Yuanxing Group's bid was too high, twice the market price. There's nothing we can do about it. We have to make money. Besides, we can't offend you.

Qiyuanxing Group..."

Hear the answers from the suppliers on the phone.

Qiu Yiren had no choice but to hang up the phone.

In this game of chess, she seemed to be...really at the end of her rope.

Completely, reached a dead end.

That person and the family behind him suddenly appeared in her mind.

Could it be that we can only...contact that person?


She didn't want to contact that person.

In addition to the holidays, I would go to check in and have a New Year's Eve dinner just because I had completed my tasks.

She had almost no sense of belonging to that place.

Qiu Yiren thought for a long time and finally gave up the idea.

Find another way.

She picked up the office phone and dialed the number of Shanghai Commercial Building.

Tomorrow is New Year's Day, 2020.

In the new year, I wish everyone all your wishes come true!

This chapter has been completed!
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