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Chapter 6 Top Secret Information! Access Denied!

At the same time, the crime scene occurred at the Sheraton Hotel late at night.

It was surrounded by dozens of SWAT vehicles.

Dozens of heavily armed special police officers were waiting around the hotel, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn!

After receiving a report, a vicious serial murder occurred at the Sheraton Hotel! The entire Shanghai Municipal Criminal Police Brigade was dispatched immediately and rushed to the scene!

The criminal police captain Wu Tongwei looked solemn...slowly scanning the murder scene in the hotel banquet hall. This was the bloodiest...most shocking murder scene he had ever seen in his life!

There were no traces of struggle or resistance in the entire crime scene. The dozens of corpses of foreigners on the ground were all killed by simple blows! Killed with one strike, without any unnecessary movements! It was like a carefully arranged

Murder scene!

"Master, according to the witness descriptions of the guests at the scene...and the comparison of traces and fingerprints...so far...only one murderer has been found?!" The young policewoman Ye Mucha's face was complicated...she looked at the master Wu Tongwei. This murder case was too suspenseful, and she did not dare to make any assertions.


According to the descriptions of hundreds of witnesses at the scene, there was only one young man in a tuxedo who committed the crime at the crime scene...! But this description is too unbelievable! It is almost impossible! Facing dozens of foreigners with guns, the young man was bare-handed.

...how to commit murder?!

Wu Tongwei narrowed his eyes slightly and said deeply and solemnly, "There is indeed only one murderer. He carried some kind of terrifying and sharp weapon in his hand. That weapon...slit the throats of these foreigners and killed them instantly."

"Master... how is this possible?!" Ye Mucha's eyes widened with disbelief. She faced dozens of foreign men with guns alone... with her bare hands...?

Wu Tongwei scanned the traces of the scene with an unusually solemn expression, "In this world, there are many forces that are difficult for us to contact...their mystery is beyond the imagination of normal humans..."

"Report! Team Wu! The murderer's fingerprints were found at the scene!" The two criminal police officers looked solemn and handed a bag of broken wine glasses to Wu Tongwei.

The wine glass was stained with the murderer's fingerprints.

Wu Tongwei took the evidence bag and stared at the fragments of the wine glass with solemn eyes...for a long time...

For some reason, an idea that he didn't even dare to think about flashed through his mind... This murderer, I'm afraid... has no intention of hiding his identity at all?! Fingerprints at the scene, clues and traces, hundreds of witnesses... everything...

…It’s all just because… he doesn’t want to clean it up? Or… he doesn’t bother to clean up the evidence at all??!

Shanghai, tonight...is destined to be sleepless.

Dozens of police cars roared, taking dozens of bodies and evidence from the scene back to the police department.

Wu Tongwei immediately asked the Physical Evidence Department to conduct analysis. Based on the fingerprints of the murderer left at the crime scene, the identity of the criminal was compared!

The large database begins to quickly scan and compare data.

As long as you have the other party's fingerprints, you can quickly screen out his identity information!

Half an hour later, the corresponding fingerprint identity was finally matched in the database on the computer screen!

But when the police officer clicked on the identity file, a red dialog box suddenly popped up on the computer screen!

"Beep, beep, beep!" accompanied by a burst of sirens!

On the big screen, a line of words appeared:

National top secret information! Access denied!

Detective Captain Wu Tongwei's pupils shrank and he stared at the line of red fonts on the computer screen in disbelief!

All the police officers present were also shocked! Everyone’s eyes were solemn and horrified!!

National... top secret information?! What does this mean?!!

The serial murder case at the Sheraton Hotel tonight...could it be a state organization??!

At the same time, the head of the Shanghai Public Security Department...Director Hou suddenly received a mysterious phone call from the center of the imperial capital...!

ten minutes later.

Director Hou Liangdong issued an order to all police officers in the department:

The investigation into the Sheraton Hotel serial murder case has been terminated. All clues at the crime scene have been destroyed.

Those dozens of foreign corpses were handed over to the upper-level organizations of Yanjing!

In the early morning, a flash of oriental fish belly white appears in the sky.

In the hotel room, Chen Zongheng finished his thousandth push-up and then took a shower.

After changing his clothes, he lit a cigarette, went downstairs and exited the room.

Seraphim is dead and he will leave Shanghai.

Just as Chen Zong was walking out of the hotel door, a magnetic voice suddenly called to him.

"Good morning, sir." Qiu Yiren was wearing a white work uniform and standing in front of a Mercedes-Benz not far from the hotel.

She had been here since early in the morning and waited for more than two hours... and then she finally saw this man.

Chen Zongheng took a deep breath of cigarette and ignored the woman.

He went straight to his Maserati, opened the door and got into the cab.

Qiu Yiren stepped forward quickly and placed her delicate body in front of the Maserati, blocking the way.

"Are you seeking death?" Chen Zongheng's voice was cold and he stared at the woman blocking the car.

"I'm sorry." Qiu Yiren stood in front of the car... bowed apologetically, and begged in her voice, "Sir, the Qiu Group... and I really need someone of your skill... to maintain our safety.


Qiu Yiren is a woman who is unyielding. This is true in business, in medical research... and the same is true when looking for talents.

As long as Chen Zongheng didn't agree for one day, she planned to keep visiting. She would not hesitate to visit the thatched cottage even if it damaged her reputation as a wealthy CEO.

"I told you, you can't afford what I want." Chen Zongheng's voice was indifferent and he didn't pay attention to the woman in front of him. He started the car directly.

"What remuneration do you want? How much commission? As long as you ask..." Qiu Yiren's beautiful eyes were pleading. Last night's dinner...the assassination crisis made her deeply afraid. So she wanted to do it at all costs.

Hire the man in front of you to ensure your own safety.

"Sir, how about 100 million? Our Qiu Group is willing to pay you an annual salary of 100 million and hire you as the group's security director!" Qiu Yiren said solemnly with a pretty face. Her expression did not look like she was joking at all. To spend a huge sum of 100 million...

Hiring a security director is almost crazy!

In the Maserati car, a flash of disdain flashed across the corner of Chen Zongheng's mouth... One hundred million? A mere one hundred million, and he wanted to hire a codename figure that trembled in fear throughout the Pacific and Western Hemisphere... the God of Death?

I wonder if this woman is too simple or too naive?

"Based on your rank and status, you are not qualified for me to protect you." Chen Zongheng's voice was cold and disdainful, and he suddenly stepped on the accelerator and brake...!

"Buzz...!" The Maserati car flicked sideways, and the front of the car drifted rapidly along Qiu Yiren's delicate body!

"Buzz...!" The engine roared, and the Maserati sped away... leaving behind a pair of gradually blurring shadows of car lights hundreds of meters away...

Qiu Yiren's pretty face was dull, and she stood there blankly... In her mind, she kept recalling the man's words: Based on your level and status, you are not qualified for me to protect you...

This chapter has been completed!
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