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Chapter 608 Deception!

In an instant, Chen Zongheng's body trembled!

Yuan Li's lips, warm and soft, pressed against her gently.

Her breathing was messy, and there were tears on her pretty face.

But when she closed her eyes, she had already kissed Mr. Chen.

She is self-aware.

She knew the reason why she lived in Tomson Yipin.

How could a mistress and a canary not know her own ending?

Perhaps, the relationship between her and Mr. Chen was destined to be impossible, but for her, even if it was just... a dream at this moment.

This man saved her.

This man gave her hope of survival.

Tonight, she is willing to dedicate her body, including her soul, to this man.

Yuan Li closed his eyes, and his messy red lips touched Mr. Chen's lips.

Her beautiful eyes filled with tears, and she began to take off her nightgown on her own initiative.

The movements were messy and panicked.

Her beautiful white body was naked on the sofa.

Like a frightened rabbit.

However, at this moment, Chen Zongheng suddenly woke up from his lust.

He suddenly opened his eyes and pushed Yuan Li away.

He stood up coldly, his whole body radiating hot heat.

Yuan Li was pushed down on the sofa. His long hair was messy, making him even more beautiful and pitiful.

She looked at Mr. Chen in confusion and astonishment.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were cold and he quickly left the living room without stopping and walked towards the door.

"Mr. Chen...?" Yuan Li's confused and confused shout came from behind him?

However, Chen Zongheng didn't respond at all and just pushed the door open and walked out.

"Forget everything about tonight. If you dare to reveal even a single word, I will kill you with my own hands."

Chen Zongheng's voice was as cold as cold. After speaking, he closed the door with a bang.

He just left.

In the first-class mansion of Tomson, Yuan Li was the only one left, lying on the sofa sluggishly, his nightgown was messy and his beautiful eyes were red.

There was endless self-mockery in her eyes...

Is it you who is unattractive?


She started laughing to herself.

Smiling and laughing, she started sobbing.

Then, there was a sad and messy cry.

That night, Yuan Li cried very painfully.

As a canary, as a mistress.

She was a failure.

Late at night, a yellow Lamborghini Urus off-road vehicle was speeding down the street.

Chen Zong was sitting in the car, his pupils scarlet and bloodshot.

In the cold winter of January, his body was emitting endless heat.

Sweat dripped from his forehead.

Burning in the fire, but nowhere to vent.

Yuan Li, in his heart, is destined to be a complete canary.

She represents the memory of that woman.

Therefore, Chen Zongheng cannot break this memory.

He couldn't touch Yuan Li.

If it moves, maybe... the memory will be shattered.

The relationship between the two will fall into a special situation.

Chen Zongheng would rather treat Yuan Li as that woman, locked in a cage forever, as a substitute for memory, watching her, unbroken, intact.

This is enough.

This may be the possessiveness of men.

At this time, he was sitting in a Lamborghini off-road vehicle, stepping on the accelerator, speeding through the midnight streets.

"Boom...!" The sports car almost burst out at a terrifying speed of 350 kilometers per hour.

Chen Zong was sitting horizontally in the car, his body unable to bear the heat at all.

I was sweating all over my body and losing heat like crazy.

Sweat was constantly evaporating from his skin.

Waves of water vapor dispersed.

His body has its own temperature, which is higher than that of ordinary people.

At rest, the temperature reaches 70 degrees Celsius.

At this time, he was suddenly on fire, and his body temperature had exceeded 300 degrees Celsius!

The body is like hot steel, constantly dissipating heat.

He opened the car window and let the cold wind howl in, trying to dissipate heat from his body.

I'm afraid I won't be able to return to the villa tonight.

In his current state, there is no way he can go back...

He drove a Lamborghini off-road vehicle and roared all the way.

Looking around in the dark streets.

Finally, he found a fresh food cold storage on the street ahead.

"Creak...!" The Lamborghini off-road vehicle drifted rapidly and stopped steadily in front of the fresh food cold storage door!

Chen Zongheng's eyes were cold and he immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

In front of the icehouse door, two doormen on duty were sitting at the door, smoking.

Seeing this mysterious man in a suit suddenly approaching, the two security guards were stunned and looked at him warily?

"Brother, it's late at night, is there anything going on?" Two security guards asked in confusion.

Chen Zongheng directly took out two thick stacks of banknotes from his suit pocket, totaling 20,000 yuan.

He threw it directly in front of two security guards.

"Borrow the cold storage." Chen Zongheng's voice was cold. After throwing away the money, he walked directly towards the cold storage.

Huh~ When the two security guards saw this whole 20,000 yuan, they were instantly moved!


It’s too generous!

The two security guards directly picked up the money and hid it in their clothes.

"It's easy to talk about." After receiving the money, the two security guards became kind-hearted.

Anyway, no one comes to the cold storage at night.

It's okay to borrow him for a while.

If you don't make this money, you won't make it in vain.

"Brother, what do you want to use the cold storage for? Do you want to put anything in it?" Two security guards looked at him and asked curiously.

"Sleep." Chen Zongheng's voice was cold. After saying that, he walked to the cold storage, opened the cold storage door coldly, and walked in.


After hearing this, the two security guards trembled.



"Brother, this... this is not okay!" The two security guards suddenly changed their colors!

Does this man have a mental problem?

Come to the food cold storage to sleep??

The temperature of the cold storage can be as low as -30 degrees Celsius!

Damn it, can I sleep??

I'm afraid that just a few minutes after lying down, my whole body will turn into an ice corpse!

Two security guards immediately stepped forward and tried to persuade the man to come down.

Damn it, it’s going to cost someone’s life!

However, just as two security guards rushed up and planned to stop him.

Chen Zongheng suddenly stretched out his hand.

"Bang bang." He struck the two security guards' necks with two strikes of his knife.

The expressions of the two security guards changed, their eyes widened, they fell to the ground and passed out.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were cold as he opened the cold door and stepped directly into the freezing cold storage warehouse.

The entire cold storage was filled with cold air.

The walls of the warehouse are covered with thick ice.

Chen Zongheng directly found a place in the icehouse against the wall, lay down and slept.

And, the moment he just lay down.

The ice beneath him was instantly flooded with high temperatures.

It made a 'sizzling' sound.

The ice beneath him began to melt gradually with his body temperature.

At this time, his body temperature exceeded 300 degrees Celsius.

Only by lying in this bitterly cold icehouse can I lower my desire and extinguish the fire in my heart.

He just lay in the icehouse and gradually fell asleep.

minus -30 degrees Celsius.

It is impossible for any normal person to lie here for half an hour.

In just 20 minutes, a person's body will be frozen.

However, Chen Zongheng was lying in the icehouse and gradually... fell asleep...

The next day, early morning.

Outside the icehouse, two security guards were lying on the ground and were woken up in a daze.

"What's going on? Why did you faint?" A driver who came to deliver the goods looked at the two security guards in surprise and asked.

The two security guards looked at each other in confusion.

Then, I glanced at the time hanging on the wall.

Early morning, 7 o'clock??


The face of the security guard suddenly changed!


Last night, that man... said he slept in the icehouse?!

Someone is going to die!

The expressions of the two security guards suddenly changed, and they rushed directly to the icehouse and pushed open the door of the icehouse.


When they saw the situation in the icehouse...the expressions of the two security guards changed completely!!

I saw that all the ice cubes in the entire huge icehouse melted!

The ice cubes turned into puddles of cold water.

In the icehouse, all the fresh pork stored frozen had melted and gone bad.

I saw the man in black suit lying on the floor of the icehouse.


Has it been frozen to death?!

Looking at the 'corpse' on the ground, the expressions of the two security guards became embarrassed...


This...is a dead person.

But, why do the ice cubes in the icehouse melt?

The two security guards looked embarrassed.

And, at this moment.

The man lying on the ground suddenly woke up and slowly stood up.


Seeing this scene, the two security guards were almost frightened and stepped back!

Damn it!!

Is it a fake corpse?!!

Add more updates!

Hey, my mood dropped inexplicably. I fell in love.

Brothers, come and give me some monthly tickets to comfort me.

This chapter has been completed!
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