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Chapter 61 Where is the God of War?

Late at night, Shanghai Coast Guard Bureau.

At this moment, all the staff in the entire criminal investigation hall looked solemn.

An hour ago, they received a report from a hotel.

A vicious explosion occurred in front of the Hilton Hotel.

The identity of the victim in the bombing is a huge taboo.

The second son of the Huang family, Huang Honghui!

A C4 explosive carrying 3,000 kilograms of power blew Mr. Huang Honghui away, leaving his life or death uncertain.

The nature of the case is egregious.

But the case itself is too difficult.

Female police officer Ye Mucha stood in the hall, her long black hair tied up, and her pretty face looked solemn.

Everything, only the person involved in the case - Huang Honghui.

"Three years ago, Huang Honghui was the most suspect in the murder case at the Bund Scenic Area."

"Six years ago, there was a vicious rape case at the Queen's Bar. According to the DNA sperm test, it matched Huang Honghui's identity DNA..."

"Last year, there was a mass murder case in Minhang District...According to the knives left at the scene, the biggest suspect...Huang Honghui..."

The staff is constantly sorting and reporting on the cases accumulated by Huang Honghui.

These are all unjust cases.

All cases involving the second son of the Huang family are unable to progress.

The second son of the Huang family does a lot of evil in daily life, and he does everything.

But the entire city system couldn't help him at all.

He does a lot of evil, but he gets away with it.

But tonight, the situation has changed. It is still a case involving the second son of the Huang family.

But the victim turned out to be Mr. Huang himself!

Do you care about this case... or don't care?

The second son of the Huang family has done many evil things, but now he wants to file a case against a villain and make him the victim?

This is a humiliation and a slap in the face to all the staff present.

I have been working in government offices for many years, but the funny thing is...

But a mere family monopolized and ruled the entire Jiangnan world.

Everyone is extremely unwilling to accept this case. Even if it is illegal, they don’t want to take care of it!

You want to protect a person who has done many evil things, but you still want to help him?

I'm sorry they can't do it.

Finally, the leader finally spoke.

"We...can't control this case."

As soon as this statement came out, all the staff present fell silent.

The second son of the Huang family has done many evil things, so asking them to protect a villain is really impossible.

This goes against their core principles!

Didn’t the Huang family arrogantly claim to be the emperor of this city?

That being the case, simply don’t care!

The Huang family is working as an aide in this Jiangnan area. One day, the Huang family...will suffer retribution.

A deep night.

The next morning, five o'clock.

Chen Zongheng woke up on time, got up, and exercised.

Ten thousand push-ups and ten thousand raises.

This level of exercise is a limit that humans simply cannot reach.

For ordinary people, being able to hold on to two hundred push-ups is the limit.

But he insists on doing 10,000 per day.

After exercising, take a shower.

Then he put on a clean and tidy suit.

Last night, there was a heavy rain...with lightning and thunder.

The air this morning is therefore particularly refreshing.

He raised his wrist and glanced at the Omega watch on his wrist.

Chen Zongheng lit a cigarette and walked straight across the lush green lawn to the Qiu Family Manor opposite.

In the Qiu family villa, the chef has prepared a sumptuous breakfast.

The Qiu sisters were sitting at the dining table, waiting for the meal to begin.

When she saw Chen Zongheng walking in, her sister Qiu Shuangxia curled her lips in disdain and turned her head away, too lazy to see this bastard.

It seemed that even one more glance at this man made her feel annoyed.

As for Qiu Yiren, her pretty face looked complex and tired, and she was sitting at the dining table, a little absent-minded.

Last night, the news that Huang Honghui was seriously injured in the bombing...she had received it as soon as possible.

At this moment, she felt even more worried.

The eldest son of the Huang family had just been beheaded and buried not long ago.

Now, the second son of the Huang family... has been seriously injured again.

According to the Huang family's temperament, how could it be possible... to give up?

The Huang family was completely like a sea of ​​fire to her Qiu family.

That will be an endless bloody battle.

When everyone is here, let’s have dinner.

This breakfast was still very quiet.

Chen Zongheng pours a glass of red wine every morning.

It seems that he is the only one who enjoys this kind of life.

"It rained last night."

In order to break the too quiet and dignified atmosphere at the dinner table, Qiu Yiren opened her mouth to find a topic.

However, her topic is also quite embarrassing.

"Well, I heard thunder." Chen Zongheng replied lightly and continued to taste wine and enjoy steak.

"Today, the weather is quite good." Qiu Yiren hesitated and added.

"Well, it's okay."

The conversation between the two was completely awkward.

Qiu Yiren is a strong business woman, with a graceful and graceful attitude. But... in front of this man, all her aura can't be maintained.

Chen Zongheng, on the other hand, was as cold as an iceberg. He ignored this wealthy CEO.

"Humph, I'm full." My sister Qiu Shuangxia casually stuffed a few sandwiches, then coldly waved her hands and left.

She didn't want to see Chen Zongheng for a moment.

Qiu Shuangxia walked out of the villa carrying a small Hermès satchel.

Then a pink Lamborghini roared away...

As a daughter of a wealthy family who was born into a noble family, she stretched out her hands from clothes to food and opened her mouth, and developed such an elusive princess disease.

Qiu Yiren said hello to the bodyguards beside her, and still asked the two bodyguard cars to follow her cautiously to protect her sister's safety at all times.

Today's situation in Shanghai and Shanghai is turbulent, and crises may arise at any time. The best policy is to be prepared just in case.

After breakfast, Qiu Yiren and Chen Zongheng also hurriedly got in the car and headed to the company.

It was calm and calm along the way.

Qiu Yiren was sitting in the Mercedes-Benz, browsing the real-time news on her mobile phone as usual.

At this time, the news on the Internet had almost exploded.

[The second son of the Huang family was seriously injured by a car bomb at the entrance of the Hilton Hotel last night. It is suspected that someone did it maliciously!]

[Shocking news! The Huang family has encountered the strongest enemy in a century! The second son was attacked last night! Life or death is uncertain!!]

All kinds of eye-popping gossips have spread throughout Shanghai in an instant!

Last night, the news that the second son of the Huang family was injured was urgently blocked. However, because the incident happened suddenly and in public.

Therefore, various gossips were still spreading. Almost overnight, they spread throughout Shanghai!

One night, all the people...clapped their hands and applauded!

Behind the scenes, in the streets and alleys...

People were talking a lot... almost everyone was rejoicing that the second son of the Huang family had finally received his comeuppance.

The Huang family, a giant family that has existed for hundreds of years, has been running rampant in the south of the Yangtze River. Over the years, they have committed all kinds of evil, including rape and robbery!

Such a cruel and vicious family has long caused public resentment!

It's a pity that no one dares to speak out because they are afraid of the Huang family's power.

Now, the second son of the Huang family...has finally been punished.

In an instant, the voices of all the people were ignited!

It’s not that I won’t report it, it’s that the time has not yet come.

Although, the key information about this explosion has been blocked. There is no way to know.

People don't know who the murderer is? Who dares to be so bold as to bomb the second son of the Huang family?

However, everyone vaguely guessed that...the perpetrator...may be the same man who disrupted Huang Xuyang's funeral before...?!

A few days ago, the funeral of the eldest son Huang Xuyang was disrupted! The funeral was cancelled!

And last night, the second son of the Huang family... was seriously injured by the explosion again!!

Such methods are simply too shocking!

This is a public provocation to the Huang family that has lasted for centuries!

This is, in front of the 30 million people in Shanghai, we are going to start a war with the Huang family!

The Huang family finally suffered retribution.

People are shocked, people are horrified, people cheer...!

At the same time, everyone was speculating...Who is the person who dares to deal with the Huang family alone?

Who is the hero?

Where is the God of War?!

This chapter has been completed!
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