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Chapter 612 Great Power!

"Ding ding ding~!" At this moment, his personal mobile phone suddenly rang!

Standing in front of the fighter jet, Chen Zongheng's eyes were deep, he took out his phone and answered the call.

"Arrived at the airport?" Zhang Yuyu's deep and hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes." Chen Zongheng held the phone and replied coldly.

"The vehicle has been prepared for you and is fully fueled." On the other end of the phone, Zhang Yuyu's voice was deep and he said slowly, "Drive it to the Persian Gulf 6,000 kilometers away. I will give you navigation guidance along the way.


While Zhang Yuyu was still giving instructions on the phone, Chen Zongheng had already hung up the phone.

He simply ignored the safety instructions at the back.

He raised his head and looked at the price in front of him, it was a huge guy.

J-20, super stealth, fifth generation fighter!

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm, he slowly took a deep drag on the cigarette, and then put out the cigarette butt.

The next second, his body... suddenly jumped up!

"Whoosh!" In an instant, he jumped onto the top of the three-meter-high fighter jet.

He opened the transparent fighter cabin, his eyes were deep, and he sat in the cabin seat.

J-20, fighter jet.

The cabin is densely packed with various operation buttons.

Fighters are completely different from other means of transportation.

Its complex operability and strict posture conditions make its posture performance extremely difficult.

Countries around the world spend huge sums of money to train fighter pilots.

There was a time when the Ministry of National Defense of China... spent about ten years to train a fighter pilot from a novice to a fighter pilot capable of flying into the sky and remaining in combat operations!

Moreover, it costs a huge amount of money.

Every time they fly a fighter jet, it costs them $100,000 for one hour!

This speed of burning money makes fighter pilots more valuable than ever.

In other words, training a pilot who can fly all-weather, taking 1,000 hours as an example, costs the equivalent of 3 billion yuan. Including the costs of various training and ground simulation training, the total cost is at least 3.5 billion yuan.

Therefore, people all over the world are trying their best to protect fighter pilots.

It would be better for a fighter jet worth billions to have an accident than for a pilot to have an accident.

The fighter ejection device is prepared for this.

However, Yanxia and some overseas military powers have also equipped special forces dedicated to infiltrating behind enemy lines and rescuing fighter pilots.

Once a fighter pilot is hijacked by the enemy, then... special forces must be sent to infiltrate and rescue the pilot at all costs!

But, at this time.

Chen Zongheng, who is sitting in the J-20 cabin, is a qualified fighter pilot!

He has received the most terrifying hell training, and he is a natural-born combat killer.

It is cultivated in the hot summer with huge investment.

Fighters, nuclear-powered submarines, aircraft carriers, tanks... he can drive any equipment related to force!

He adapts to all-weather and all-terrain combat rules!

The strength of one person is enough to... fight the entire armed forces!

"Buzz...!" At this time, Chen Zong was sitting in the cabin and had already turned on the engine switch of the fighter jet!

The violent engine roared, and two strings of terrifying flames flew out of the rear wing engine of the fighter jet!

With cold eyes, Chen Zongheng drove the J-20 fighter slowly toward the airport runway.

He is proficient in all types of fighter jets in Yanxia and is familiar with all operating modes of these fighter jets.

Even more professional than those professional fighter pilots.

Because, his time and experience in high-altitude combat have been accumulated for more than ten years!

But, at this time.

Airport departure hall.

The group of passengers looked extremely excited and looked at the fighter jet that was about to take off on the airport runway.

These ordinary people are just ordinary people living in peacetime.

They work, live and go to work.

They live in a peaceful era.

In their lives, they have never seen or been exposed to... a real war.

I have never seen such a terrifying weapon of war.

J-20, fighter jet!

In the terminal, countless passengers are watching...

He piloted the J-20 fighter plane and slowly entered the airport runway.

Chen Zongheng put on an oxygen mask.

The fighter jet spiraled into the sky at high speed, and there was a shortage of oxygen in the cabin.

Therefore, drivers must wear oxygen masks to obtain sufficient oxygen needs.

"J-20, codenamed Weilong, applied for tower monitoring and requested to borrow the runway." Chen Zong sat horizontally in the fighter jet, turned on the radio, and communicated with the tower.

"Hongqiao Tower, the J-20 is allowed to use the runway. If you have any requests, please make them." In the radio stream, the airport tower staff looked solemn and replied to Chen Zongheng, who was among the fighters.

"Evacuate the ground team and I will take off." Chen Zongheng said slowly and calmly.

"Received!" the tower staff replied respectfully.

This is the first time that Shanghai International Airport has received an order for military fighter planes to take off.

At this time, countless staff members throughout the airport looked excited and solemn.

Soon, the airport runway and all ground work teams were evacuated.

The J-20 fighter slowly entered the runway and taxied slowly along the take-off area of ​​the runway.

The violent roar of engines echoed over the entire airport.

The J-20 fighter jet is about to take off!

In the cabin, Chen Zongheng pushed down the accelerator and accelerated.

The speed of the J-20 fighter suddenly increased!

Two hundred kilometers, three hundred kilometers, four hundred kilometers...!

Chen Zongheng suddenly raised the elevation angle to increase lift!

The nose of the fighter jet slowly raised and tilted!

Keep accelerating!

The speed exceeds one thousand kilometers per hour!

"Whoosh...!" The J-20 fighter jet...like a rainbow sword, suddenly rose into the sky...!

Under the attention of the audience, thousands of passengers, and airport staff, the J-20 fighter jet took off!

"Whoosh...!! Poof...!!" The J-20 fighter jet flew past rapidly at high altitude and erupted into a terrifying vortex sonic boom!

That is the terrifying sonic boom produced by the speed exceeding three times the speed of sound!!

In an instant, all the airport staff present saluted in unison!

Salute respectfully to the J-20 fighter jet that disappeared from view!!

Although, they are not soldiers.

However, this military salute represents the reverence for soldiers!

This military salute represents...the awe of a great country and its important weapons!

The J-20 fighter jet flew rapidly and penetrated an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Chen Zong was sitting in the cabin, wearing an oxygen mask.

Turned on the navigation system and sped towards the Persian Gulf Strait!

At this time, the entire J-20 battle speed has exceeded Mach 2.9!

At terrifying supersonic speed, it roared away in the direction of the Persian Gulf Strait on the navigation map...!!

Mach 2.9, three times the speed of supersonic speed!

The surrounding scenes, clouds... passing rapidly!

Sitting in the cabin, the terrifying pressure of speed is almost suffocating.

However, Chen Zongheng sat calmly in the cabin without any emotion.

The speed of Mach 2.9 is the limit of the J-20 fighter.

This speed has already broken the maximum speed of M Fang, the so-called invincible Hornet F22.

Wherever the annihilation system passed, sonic boom swept across!

In hot summer, it is six thousand kilometers away from the Persian Gulf.

The J-20's rapid flight at this time can reach its destination in about two hours.

This emergency mission is closely related to the secret targeted bombing by m side last night.

Although Zhang Universe did not explain the situation on the phone,

But how could Chen Zongheng not guess it.

yl and Yanxia have a good relationship and are a friendly alliance.

Now, such horrific acts by the m side have completely destroyed global peace!

This is causing trouble!

The fighter plane flew rapidly and passed through the sky.

After one hour.

The four fuel tanks of the J-20 fighter jet, with their terrifying liters of fuel, are almost exhausted.

The fuel consumption of an ordinary car is about 7 liters per 100 kilometers.

Even the most powerful Ferrari sports car only consumes about 30 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers.

However, the fuel consumption of the J-20 fighter jet driven by Chen Zongheng was unprecedentedly terrifying!

Fuel consumption per 100 kilometers is 2.35 tons!

A one-hour flight consumes hundreds of thousands of RMB in fuel!!

This is simply!

At the same time, Chen Zongheng also received a radio message from Zhang Yuyu again.

"Where is your location?" Zhang Yuyu asked slowly and calmly on the phone.

"Arabian Sea, coordinates, x147/s712." Chen Zong was sitting in the cabin, reporting his flight status in a calm voice.

"The air tanker has taken off. In ten minutes, it will approach you and start the air refueling plan." Zhang Yuyu said slowly with a deep voice.

This mission is unprecedentedly urgent.

Even Chen Zongheng had no choice but to lower his altitude and go to a ground gas station to refuel.

Instead, refuel directly at high altitude.

While flying, refuel at the same time.

It is enough to show the urgency of this task!

Thank you to the brothers who gave me *** today, thank you for your support...!!!

Also, shamelessly ask for another monthly pass~~

I look forward to Chen Zongheng shining brightly in the Persian Gulf!!

This chapter has been completed!
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