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Chapter 618 Take a break and salute!

Dozens of J-15 fighter jets were escorting the tanker airspace.

Protect this refueling mission!

Until, wait until the J-20 fighter jet is refueled.

The fuel pipe of the tanker is slowly retracted.

All the staff on the tanker stood in front of the aircraft window, saluting and paying tribute to the J-20 fighter jet!

Soldiers deserve to be honored with military honors!

In the J-20 fighter jet, Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm and deep. At the same time, he slowly raised his right hand in a standard military salute to respond to all directions.

In the Arabian Sea, a brief interlude was completed.

Next, he will fly a J-20 fighter jet, alone, into... a war-torn area, which is also the area with the most serious military threats in the two continents today!

Persian Gulf Straits!

Execute emergency alert mission!

He suddenly pressed down on the fighter's throttle lever!

"Whoosh...!" The J-20 fighter jet's engine roared, and instantly... it took off into the sky...!

The J-20 fighter jet roared rapidly through the clouds at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

During the whole process, turn on the stealth mode and roar rapidly.

And, at this moment.

Suddenly, a signal came from the radio?

Chen Zongheng's eyes narrowed, he turned on the signal and saw... was it a message sent from the capital city?

His eyes narrowed and he picked up the signal.

"God of Death, did you shoot down the B-2 Phantom bomber?" A familiar hoarse voice came from the radio signal.

Exactly, Zhang Universe.

"Yes." In the J-20 fighter cabin, Chen Zongheng was piloting the fighter plane, with a deep expression on his face, and slowly replied with one word,

"Is something wrong?" Chen Zongheng lit a cigarette and asked.

"Oh, it's okay." Zhang Yuzhou's calm and hoarse voice came from the radio headset.

"You also blew up the other side's military base?" Zhang Yuzhou asked again.


Chen Zongheng still looked calm and slowly uttered one word.

"Oh, if it explodes, let it explode." What is surprising is that in the radio headset, Zhang Universe... seems to not care about this matter at all??

This is simply.

"Is there anything else?" Chen Zongheng asked calmly while driving a fighter jet with a calm and indifferent voice.

"You, fly to the Persian Gulf Strait first. After reaching the Strait, I will contact you again." Zhang Yuzhou's voice was calm and deep in the radio headset, and he said slowly.

Chen Zongheng didn't pay much attention and directly hung up the radio communication.

And, at the same time.

Located in the Gulf of Oman.

The depths of the endless blue sea.

A huge aircraft carrier is slowly sailing on the sea.

Ford-class, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!

Affiliated to, on the other side of the ocean, that...the largest Martial Continent!

Surrounding the Volt aircraft carrier, a huge aircraft carrier battle group was formed within several kilometers of the sea area!

Murderous intent.

At this time, the Ford-class aircraft carrier, the supreme commander of the ship, was in the confidential office.

As the super captain of this aircraft carrier, Clinton is standing in front of the office at this time.

He put his hands behind his back, clenched his fists tightly, and stared at the picture coming from the satellite screen in the office!

In the picture, their secret armed base located on the coast of the Arabian Sea was instantly bombed and destroyed by a J-20 fighter jet!

Razed to the ground!

No one survived!

This is simply!

Clinton's dark muscles had bulging veins.

His pupils contracted violently.

Staring intently at the image that was constantly playing back on the satellite screen.

In the screen:

The silver J-20 fighter jet, like a meteor, roared and swooped towards the ground below the base!

Then, in an instant...the entire base was razed to the ground!!


This is... what kind of flight method?!

In the East...when did such a...terrible air combat pilot appear?!!

Clinton's fists clenched tightly, making a... crunching sound!

At this moment, his expression was as serious as ever!

The base was destroyed. This is simply an unprecedented shame!

"Whoever he is, hunt him down." Clinton said slowly, his voice as cold as ice.

"Move the course of the mothership... towards the Persian Gulf!"

And, at the same time.

The J-20 fighter jet roared across thousands of kilometers.

An hour later, we finally successfully arrived over the Persian Gulf.

Thousands of meters in the air.

Chen Zong was sitting in the cabin of the J-20 fighter jet, with calm and deep eyes as he looked around at the sea below.

The deep blue sea is endless.

Last night, there was a sudden assassination on the m side.

The current situation in the entire world is in complete turmoil.

Almost all the forces from all sides exploded.

The skies above the Persian Gulf were even filled with invisible radio waves, and various anti-airspace radars were turned on.

Scanning the situation high in the sky.

The entire sea area has almost fallen into an unprecedented tense situation.

And, at this moment.

On the radio waves, news from the capital city came again.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were indifferent as he picked up the radio wave message.

"Has Death arrived?" Zhang Universe's deep and hoarse voice came from the radio waves.

"We have arrived over the Persian Gulf." Chen Zongheng replied slowly with a calm and indifferent voice.

"Okay." Zhang Universe's voice responded slowly in the wireless headset. Gradually, his tone became serious.

"Codenamed Death, below, I accept your emergency resignation!"

"The third department, the strategic armed organization, now orders you to land the fighter jets on the Vostok aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf ahead!"

"And you will carry out this special encrypted mission aboard the Eastern aircraft carrier!" Zhang Yuyu's voice was deep and solemn, and he commanded solemnly on the radio.

At this moment, in the J-20 cabin, Chen Zongheng's pupils narrowed slightly.

Special, cryptographic tasks?

He glanced around the sea below.

Even the Vostok...has arrived in the Persian Gulf?!

"God of Death, take the order." Chen Zongheng spoke calmly and slowly replied four words to the radio.

"Okay!" In the radio signal, Zhang Yuyu's tone was solemn, "Next, I will dock with you at the coordinates of the Oriental. We will arrive and land on the Oriental ship within ten minutes!"

Zhang Yuzhou reported a series of special encryption codes.

Among them, the current coordinate position of the Eastern aircraft carrier is included!

"Received." Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm and he slowly replied with two words.

Then, before he could wait for the radio current to enter, Zhang Yuyu finished his instructions... and immediately hung up the current signal.

His eyes were calm, he took a deep breath of the cigarette, and then, he pushed the fighter's power lever fiercely!

"Whoosh...!" The entire J-20 fighter jet roared past, piercing the air towards that special location in the Persian Gulf...!!

The coordinates of a certain mysterious location in the Persian Gulf.

A huge red ship, like Noah's Ark, is slowly sailing on the Côte d'Azur!

Along the sides of the ship, countless aircraft carrier combat formations are lined up in neat rows!

The red dragon, Dongfang!

Last night, a certain top figure in yl was killed.

The international situation is shaken.

And, as yl's most friendly partner, Dongfang.

How can we remain indifferent to loyalty?

Immediately, the red-red aircraft carrier Vostok rushed over from the nearest strait.

Joint martial arts exercise.

The sword points to the west!

And, at the same time, participating in the martial arts exercise were also warships from the north, Polar Bear Continent!

Three-party alliance, force deterrence!

This is not just dissatisfaction with the powerful and terrorist acts somewhere on the other side of the ocean.

What’s more, support for yl friends!

When one person is in trouble, support comes from all directions!

The aircraft carrier Vostok, Polar Bear Island, and aerobatic battleships were all dispatched.

Joint exercises over the Persian Gulf!

And, at this moment.

In the sky above the Eastern aircraft carrier, suddenly... a sound of breaking through the air swept across!

Thousands of meters high in the sky, a silver J-20 fighter jet roared and roared towards me...!

Chen Zong was sitting in the cabin with calm eyes and a cigarette in his mouth as he drove the fighter jet towards the red aircraft carrier's extended runway and landed slowly.

The aircraft carrier Vostok immediately sent a radio greeting:

"This is the aircraft carrier Vostok, this is the aircraft carrier Vostok! Please report your mission code for this mission!"

On the radio, the aircraft carrier Vostok immediately sent a matching mission code.

The Vostok aircraft carrier, as a special-class aircraft carrier, has an absolute military defense system.

Any fighter plane, even one from the East, must land on the aircraft carrier runway.

All require password matching and confirmation. Only after passing the pass can the landing be allowed.

Otherwise, once the password matching is wrong, the fighter plane will never be allowed to land.

It will even shoot down fighter jets on the spot in the airspace two thousand meters away from the aircraft carrier.

This is for absolute security defense!

In the J-20 fighter plane, Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm, he picked up the walkie-talkie and slowly announced a series of special codes, "zshk-1234-5sf1-.132.·~."

"Wait a moment, the code is being matched." The staff at Radio 6 said with a solemn expression.

A few seconds later, amid the infinite current, the respectful voice of the staff finally came out, "J-20 fighter, your code matched successfully! Eastern aircraft carrier, welcome to board the ship...!"

Chen Zongheng's eyes were deep as he piloted the fighter jet and slowly landed towards the red aircraft carrier below.

But, at this time.

Below, in the Eastern aircraft carrier, countless staff on the deck also began to make special preparations for the landing of the J-20.

The aircraft carrier, deck and airport runway are only one kilometer apart.

Special methods are required to complete the takeoff and landing of aircraft on this extremely narrow runway.

To take off, electromagnetic ejection is required to take off.

For landing, three metal cables on the deck are required to hook the landing pulley hook of the fighter jet at the same time. Only then can the fighter jet be successfully landed.

There can be no deviation from every angle.

Otherwise, the fighter jet will hit the aircraft carrier and blow up directly.

Therefore, almost every fighter pilot on the aircraft carrier spends his life taking off and landing.

Angle adjustment, signal matching.

Then, landing was allowed.

The J-20 fighter jet slowed down across the board and then glided towards the Eastern aircraft carrier for landing!

"Whoosh...!" The moment the fighter jet landed, the three metal cables on the aircraft carrier deck instantly... hooked the roll-off frame below the fighter jet.

The entire fighter jet was dragged dozens of meters ahead, and then... it finally... came to a slow stop.

On the deck, a large group of armed staff wearing camouflage uniforms walked forward solemnly.

The cabin door opens.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm as he slowly stepped out of the J-20 fighter jet.

The next second, all the staff on the deck took a break and saluted!


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Many thanks!

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Shamelessly continue to beg...~!!

There will be an extra update tonight!

This chapter has been completed!
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