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Chapter 632 Unidentified Creatures!

But this time, Chen Zongheng... did not avoid it at all.

His body rolled violently in the water.

Then, it rushed towards the nuclear-powered submarine again, madly@!

This time, he faced the terrifying electromagnetic pulse wave...!

1,500 meters below the water, murderous intent surges!

Surrounding the Predator, within a radius of fifty meters.

The terrifying electromagnetic pulse band, surrounded by madness!

A terrifying pulse protection barrier was formed!

The pulse band has been turned on to its maximum limit!!

Such terrifying super fluctuations caused murderous intent to surge throughout the entire sea area!

Electromagnetic pulse, as a terrifying melee killing weapon.

It is enough to kill any creature that tries to get close!

In the deep sea waters, there is a shark swimming slowly in the water.

Swim from the side of the nuclear submarine.

But it hasn't gotten close to the nuclear submarine yet.

On the nuclear submarine, a terrifying wave of pressure suddenly erupted!

"Pfft...!" The shark trembled violently, and then... its entire body exploded into a bloody mass in an instant!

Diffuse and floating in the deep blue water.

The fluctuations of electromagnetic pulses are too strong.

Strong enough to blast any living thing into pieces!

This is simply...!

But, it’s in this terrifying pulse band!

Chen Zongheng in front of him flashed rapidly, like a meteor, rushing toward the Predator submarine!

He seemed to have no fear at all...that electromagnetic pulse fluctuation?!

In an instant, he rushed into the electromagnetic pulse band of the nuclear submarine...!!

Terrifying pulse band, surging wildly!!

Ultra-high-speed frequency, constant hammering, hitting his body cells!!

The water surface is shaking like crazy!

Chen Zongheng's body was subjected to wave after wave of terrorist pulse attacks!!

His body, skin, flesh, bones, internal organs...blood vessels, all over his body, were subjected to violent pulse shock!!

"Uh...!" Chen Zongheng's pupils condensed, and he forced himself to hold back this wave of terrifying shock waves!!

His body actually... managed to withstand this terrifying fluctuation?!

This is simply!!

Not even sharks can get close to this terrifying pulse wave.

As soon as he got close, his body was blown to pieces.

But he, Chen Zongheng, actually withstood the terrifying electromagnetic pulse band head-on!

With a ferocious look on his face and blood-red eyes, he just rushed straight into the pulse wave range!

Predator, inside the nuclear submarine!

The commander and his men looked shocked and disbelieving... staring at the signal on the radar screen!!

That red dot was breaking through their electromagnetic pulse siege, and was rapidly... approaching!!


Damn it!!



"Alert...!!" the commander shouted angrily with a stern look on his face!

"Prepare for impact!!"

"Beep, beep, beep, beep...!" The violent warning sound radar kept sweeping across!

The red dot is getting closer and closer!


The sound of violent impact reverberated violently...!!

The entire giant nuclear-powered submarine was violently hit by the red dot!

Inside the submarine, the hatch shook violently!

It was as if there had been a big earthquake!!

"Boom...!!" The second impact sound came hard!

In the submarine, in a certain defense cabin, the expressions of a group of soldiers changed drastically...!!

Because, on the thick steel plate of the defense cabin, a... terrifying fist mark appeared!

The entire submarine deck was dented by the blast!

Predator submarine, exterior!

Chen Zongheng's figure stopped firmly above the submarine.

He clenched his fist with his left hand and struck hard at the steel deck of the submarine!

Every punch carries terrifying power!

With one punch, the entire deck of the submarine was dented again!

Is this an attempt to break open a nuclear-powered submarine with bare hands?!

And, at this moment!

The propeller of the nuclear-powered submarine is spinning crazily again!

The nuclear-powered submarine passed quickly underwater, trying to escape at a faster speed and throw away the man above the submarine!

Chen Zongheng's pupils froze, and he swung his right hand violently!

The Devil Crying Dagger strikes suddenly!

The ghost weeps with silver light, fiercely shooting towards the propeller of the nuclear submarine!

"Clang...boom...!!" Devil May Cry dagger collided violently with the high-speed rotating propeller!!

There was a terrifying sound of metal smashing!!

In an instant, the entire huge propeller was shattered into pieces!


The entire huge nuclear submarine decelerated instantly and stopped in the deep water!

Inside the Marauder submarine!

The commander's expression suddenly changed and he said angrily, "What's going on?!"

"Report! Our... our propeller propeller... was attacked. The propeller was blown up..." An engineer reported with a solemn expression!


Hearing these words, the commander's whole body trembled suddenly and he almost fell to the ground!

The propeller propeller was blown up?!!

Is this him!!

Doesn't this mean... that they, in the deep sea, completely... lost contact?!!

The deep sea area of ​​1,500 meters is too deep.

The signal is very weak.

There was no way to contact the support troops above.

At this time, the thruster was blown up?!


Their nuclear submarine can only stop here??

Waiting for...death to come?!!

Damn it!!

"How many food reserves are there in the warehouse?!" the commander asked angrily with a stern look on his face!

However, at this time...obviously, this is not the time to worry about food!

Because, another member of the engineering team ran up anxiously!

"Report!! The ship's third section cabin, the water pressure escape hatch, was attacked by unknown creatures!! Trying to break open the hatch!!" The engineer's man's voice was anxious, and he urgently reported...!!


The commander's face was as embarrassing as ever...!!

What the fuck?!!

What on earth is that unknown creature outside the ship?!!

Not even electromagnetic pulse can do anything to him?!

At this time, you are still trying to break open a nuclear submarine?!

"Mobilize three force teams!! Go to me immediately!!"

"Also, be ready to close the third stage at any time!!"

The commander looked extremely embarrassed and gave an urgent order!!

Following the commander's order.

The three special forces teams rushed towards the third section of the submarine in an instant!

The nuclear-powered submarine is divided into four compartments.

The first cabin, the cockpit, is located directly in front of the nuclear submarine.

All control equipment and signal transmission of the submarine are in the first cabin.

The second cabin is the rest cabin.

All employees in the submarine move and rest in this cabin.

The third compartment is the weapons and ammunition compartment.

All weapons and ammunition are stored in this cabin.

The fourth cabin is the nuclear propulsion cabin.

The nuclear submarine's nuclear power reactor is placed in this cabin.

And this time!

The most critical thing about the Predator nuclear submarine, the third compartment, the weapons and ammunition compartment, was attacked by external forces!

There are unknown creatures outside the hatch, attacking violently!

Try to break out of the door!

Three force teams, armed with close-range weapons, rushed to the third cabin!




On the hatch deck of the third cabin, there were waves of terrifying bombardments that kept echoing!!

I saw that the entire hatch had been deformed by the bombardment!

It seems that there is some terrifying creature outside the cabin door, violently hitting the cabin door!

The three armed teams had solemn expressions and dozens of firearms, all locking the direction of the hatch!

A captain, with a solemn and alert look on his face, slowly stepped forward, staring intently at the dented mark on the hatch?

When he saw the sunken mark clearly, his pupils... suddenly froze!

Because...the dented mark on the hatch...is...the mark of a human fist?!!

Outside the cabin door, there are humans, attacking with fists?!!





Outside the cabin door, there were constant violent bombardments, which was extremely terrifying!

The shape of the entire hatch has been distorted by the blast and is out of shape!

The hatch is made of ultra-high-strength titanium alloy steel!

But, at this moment.

The entire cabin door was severely deformed!

The terrifying cracks are spreading continuously!!

At this moment, the expressions of all members of the attack team suddenly changed!

"No...!" A captain's expression suddenly changed and he shouted!

But he had no time to react!

"Boom...!!" A sound!!

The entire cabin door suddenly... was blasted open...!!

A huge wave of water pressure surged into the third hatch like a torrent in an instant!

In an instant, the expressions of all the special forces members changed suddenly!

The entire attack team was directly washed away by the waves!

A long and narrow figure, like a demon, suddenly... jumped into the hatch from the external waters!

Exactly, Chen Zongheng!

His eyes were cold and he stood up slowly.

Standing in the water, looking around.

At this time, the entire hatch was almost in chaos as it was washed away by water waves!

The emergency waterproof hatch of the nuclear submarine opened instantly!

Block off external water flow!

Inside the cabin, it’s finally safe!

At this time, the water level in the cabin was already as high as half of the body.

In the third section of the cabin, the atmosphere was solemn and dead!

The group of special operations team members were struggling and standing in the water level. Dozens of firearms were locked on the back of the broken cabin!

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm, he slowly turned his head and turned around.

"Can I get on the boat?" His voice was calm and hoarse, as if he was mumbling to himself.

The group of special forces members looked at each other with ferocious expressions.

Next second!!

The special forces members aimed their guns at Chen Zongheng and opened fire in unison!!

"Da da da da...!" The sound of assault rifle attacks swept across and echoed!

Amidst the bombardment of countless bullets, Chen Zongheng kicked the hatch steel door away with a fierce kick, and then grabbed the hatch steel plate and used it directly as a defensive shield!

"Dang, clang, clang, clang...!!" Countless bullets hit the hatch shield like crazy!

Chen Zongheng grabbed his shield and kept resisting bullets.

At the same time, his body flashed upwards rapidly.

"Bang bang...!" He directly used the shield as a weapon and flew it away!


This chapter has been completed!
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