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Chapter 669 Common people are guilty of the same crime!

"Who are you?! How presumptuous! Don't you know this is the Guo family's group?!" At the entrance of the Yuanxing Group building, two front desk security guards looked solemn and stepped forward to yell!

Even if they face the patrol room, they are still fearless!

They are the security guards of the Guo family, the richest super family in this land!

Even if the patrol house sees them, they will still give them 80% respect!

"I am the patrol room of Shanghai HF District! The Third Special Investigation Team! I have received an order that someone in your group is suspected of making a police call to confuse the public! In an attempt to disrupt the case! I have been ordered to take away the young president of your group for investigation! Who?

Anyone who dares to block the road will be directly punished with the crime of obstructing official duties!!" A patrol room captain looked solemn and directly took out his work ID and an arrest investigation warrant, and said sternly!

At this time, Yun Yin's orders just now were implanted in the minds of these patrol room members.

Therefore, they rushed to the Yuanxing Group Building to arrest and investigate Guo Shaoze!

This is also the hypnotic instruction given by Yun Yin in their minds!

Huh~! After hearing these words, the expressions of the two security guards at the entrance of Yuanxing Group changed?!

"How presumptuous! Our president is the prince of the Guo family! Are you allowed to see him whenever you want?!" The two security guards were still dissatisfied and said angrily and disdainfully!

They are the security guards of the Guo family.

The Guo family, looking at the whole Jiangnan, who dares to offend them?

On weekdays, I am used to being arrogant and domineering.

As a result, they were not afraid when they saw members of the patrol room.

However, what the two bodyguards did not expect was...

"Take it down!" the patrol room captain's face hardened, and he shouted!


The members of the patrol room who measured the area rushed forward directly!

He grabbed the two bodyguards and knocked them to the ground!

"Crack!" Two metal iron shackles burned directly on the hands of the two security guards!

The patrol room members showed no mercy and directly escorted the two security guards into the car and handcuffed them!

"Groups one and two, block the entrances and exits! Groups three and four, come upstairs with me!" the captain of the patrol room looked stern and shouted directly!


A large group of patrol room members directly dispatched... towards the Yuanxing Group building and attacked...!

Yuanxing Group, in the president's office.

Guo Shaoze was sitting in front of the sofa, swaying the luxurious Lafite red wine in his hand.

In his eyes, there was deep wisdom flashing.

In today's round, he will completely kill Qiu Yiren!

His No. 1 plan is to send someone to assassinate Qiu Yiren.

However, in response to Plan No. 1, the thoughtful Guo Shaoze also formulated Plan No. 2.

When, the assassination fails.

Guo Shaoze will launch Plan No. 2!

Plan No. 2 is to counterattack with an army!

If all those Vietnamese assassins were assassinated, they were killed by counterattacks.

Then, he would call the police and fake the scene so that the policemen would arrest Qiu Yiren.

Put the charge of murder on Qiu Yiren!

Counterattack an army!

Although, Qiu Yiren did not kill anyone.

But she instigated her subordinates to kill maliciously, which... is already a serious crime!

No matter what, this Qiu Yiren cannot escape tonight!

And, at this moment.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside the office corridor door!


"Bang...!" There was a loud noise!

The door to the luxurious and luxurious CEO's office was kicked open!

Guo Shaoze suddenly stood up from the sofa, his face changed, and his eyes became extremely cold!

"How dare you! Who dares to kick my office door?!" Guo Shaoze's voice was extremely cold!

Whoa! A large group of uniformed police officers armed with firearms rushed in! Countless firearms were pointed at Guo Shaoze!


When he saw this scene, Guo Shaoze's face suddenly condensed!

The air freezes instantly!

Guo Shaoze was stunned! Holding the red wine glass in his hand, his expression became complicated and deep, and a cold light flashed in his eyes!

"Who are you?" Guo Shaoze's voice was very calm, but it projected a hint of coldness.

A middle-aged man quickly walked into the office and handed over the police card in his hand, "Shanghai City Patrol Room!"

Hearing these words, Guo Shaoze's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, "Patrol room?"

"You guys, come to my group?! What are you going to do?!" His eyes suddenly turned cold!

How could his Yuanxing Group be a place where he could break into the Jiangnan Patrol Room at will?

This simply doesn't allow him to get off the Guo family's steps!

"Guo Shaoze! According to the informant's accusation! You are suspected of sending hired killers to carry out assassinations on the street! We are now ordered to arrest you and cooperate with the investigation...!!"

After saying that, the captain of the patrol room handed an arrest warrant to Guo Shaoze!

Huh~! Hear this!

Guo Shaoze's complexion turned livid instantly!


Damn it!!

Originally, he was the one who called the police and asked the police to arrest Qiu Yiren!!

But the result...!

At this moment, these losers from the patrol room actually ran into their own company?!

Catch yourself instead?!!

Damn it!

At this moment, Guo Shaoze's face suddenly turned cold! His face was changing repeatedly!

"Which informant made the accusation?!" Guo Shaoze asked angrily!

"Guo Shaoze, if something happens, let's talk about it when we get back to the station!"

The captain of the patrol room winked at the group of police officers behind him and said, "Take them away!"

Guo Shaoze's breathing was long, his eyes were as cold as sharp swords, and he shouted sharply, "Bastard! Who dares to touch me?! Do you know who I am?!"

The scene was instantly depressing!

A group of patrol room members were slightly startled, as if they were stagnated by Guo Shaoze's fierce momentum.

The captain of the patrol room looked very sharp and shouted angrily, "The emperor is guilty of breaking the law and the common people are equally guilty! Not to mention you Guo Shaoze?! You are suspected of committing a crime, please cooperate!"

Guo Shaoze's face was extremely cold, his eyes were fixed on the captain, "Do you know...the relationship behind my Guo family?"


Hearing these words, the scene instantly became silent!


The identity behind the Guo family is indeed monstrous.

That affects the existence of the entire Jiangnan underground force!

"Take it!" The captain of the patrol room was too lazy to talk nonsense to Guo Shaoze and shouted directly.

What rights and status?

He doesn't care at all!

He is in his position and does what he is told!

If you commit a crime, you must be judged...!

How can the law be blasphemed?!


Several members of the patrol room rushed forward instantly!

At this moment, Guo Shaoze's face suddenly changed and became extremely cold as a cellar!

"How outrageous! If I, Guo Shaoze, am even slightly injured today?! I will affect the Buddha behind me... None of you here today can escape from the relationship!!" Guo Shaoze's voice was as cold as three feet, with a fierce anger, "I don't care who of you.

Dare you touch me?!"

Behind his Guo family, there is a super giant Buddha to keep his Guo family safe!

Who dares to touch him today?!

The captain of the patrol room was also frosty and showed no fear, "It's useless even if the emperor comes! There is no privilege before the law! Take it down for me!"

Dozens of patrol room members stepped forward without saying a word, held down Guo Shaoze, and cuffed Guo Shaoze's hands with cold metal handcuffs!

Guo Shaoze's face was extremely cold. He was held down severely by two members of the patrol room and his hands were handcuffed. At this moment, he was in a state of embarrassment!

"I ask for a phone call!" Guo Shaoze looked up and said coldly with a cold face.

"You are now a criminal suspect! You have no such right!" the captain of the patrol room said sternly with a cold face!

Guo Shaoze's face is extremely ugly, so cold that he can almost kill someone! He is a dignified son of the Guo family, a genius of Jiangnan! Even in Baidao, Jiangnan, no one dares to touch him! But today, he is a dignified prince of the Guo family, Zong Ci'an of the Yuanxing Group

, was actually arrested by several ant patrol officers?!

This is simply a great shame!

A group of policemen arrested Guo Shaoze and were about to take him away... Suddenly a group of men in suits rushed in outside the office! They are Guo Shaoze's group bodyguards!!

When the group of bodyguards in suits rushed into the office, they were all stunned!!

"Young Master!" The expressions of the bodyguards in suits suddenly changed! In this Shanghai City...there are actually bold policemen who dare to arrest their young master?!!

"You bastard! Let go of our young master!" The bodyguards in suits were full of momentum and were about to rush forward!

Swish, swish! Countless cold firearms were pointed directly at the group of bodyguards in suits! Dozens of police officers were holding firearms, and the atmosphere was tense!!

The patrol captain's face was cold, "What are you doing? Obstructing the patrol from carrying out official duties. Do you want to rebel?!"

The bodyguards in suits had extremely cold expressions on their faces. They blocked the door of the office and refused to let the patrol officers move even a step!

Guo Shaoze's hands were iron cuffed, and he said slowly with a hint of coldness, "If you don't want to die, I advise you to loosen my handcuffs... otherwise..."

The patrol captain froze and yelled, "Are you threatening the official duties of the patrol?"

Guo Shaoze raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Patrol? I have Jiangnan underworld to protect me, you can't catch me..."

The captain of the patrol room shouted at his men, "Take everyone away! Bring them all back to the station for interrogation!"

At this moment, the group of bodyguards in suits no longer dared to move! Dozens of policemen and dozens of firearms were locked on! No one dared to move!

Guo Shaoze was escorted by two police officers and brought into the car.

And his group of bodyguards in suits were all detained by patrol officers, handcuffed, and put into police cars...

Dozens of patrol cars, sirens blaring, escorted the criminal suspect Guo Shaoze... all the way towards the police station...

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