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Chapter 696 Forty degrees!

nine in the morning.

Qiu Yiren was in the hotel, hurriedly washing up and tidying up her clothes.

Then, carrying the suitcase, he and Chen Zongheng hurriedly took the elevator downstairs.

According to the planned itinerary, she will leave H City this morning.

The flight is at ten o'clock in the morning.

At this point, it’s almost the same time to take the nanny car to the airport.

In the past few days, business negotiations in H City have gone smoothly.

She found a new supplier cooperation channel for low-temperature air transportation.

This is an unprecedented attempt and will help her break the blockade of Jiangnan medicinal material dealers.

The elevator slowly stopped on the first floor of the hotel.

The two canceled their room cards and walked out of the hotel.

At the entrance, Sanquan Group has already arranged a nanny car in advance and is waiting at the entrance of the hotel.

Qi Wei herself did not come, but made a phone call to Qiu Yiren to say goodbye and welcome her to H City again.

Qiu Yi and Chen Zongheng stepped into the nanny car.

The Lincoln nanny car started slowly and drove away towards Tianhe International Airport...

"Ding ding ding ding~!" At this moment, Qiu Yiren, who was sitting in the nanny's car, suddenly received a call from a certain medicinal material dealer in Jiangnan.

"Mr. Qiu..." On the other end of the phone, a certain herbal medicine dealer asked slowly with a complicated voice, "I heard... that you went to City H to discuss material cooperation?"

"Oh, your news is very effective?" Qiu Yiren sat in the nanny's car, her voice was calm and cold, and she replied slowly.

On the other end of the phone, the voice was complicated and he compromised, "Mr. Qiu... you said this... isn't it unnecessary. You want raw materials for medicinal materials. We have them in Jiangnan Medicinal Materials Market. There must have been some misunderstanding some time ago... Look, like this... let's continue

If you cooperate, I will give you a half reduction on the cost of medicinal materials..."

"I'm sorry, it's not necessary. I think our cooperation... can be terminated here. You can contact Yuanxing Group. He is very wealthy and will probably continue to cooperate with you." Qiu Yiren said slowly with a calm and magnetic voice.

Then, regardless of the pleading voice of the herbal medicine dealer on the other end of the phone, she hung up the phone.

Apparently, the news that she was on a business trip to H City these days to negotiate a new medicinal material supply contract has spread to Jiangnan.

The group of medicinal herb dealers in Jiangnan were all panicked.

Qiu's Group is one of the largest purchasers in the Jiangnan medicinal materials market.

If so, the Qiu Group will not cooperate with them.

Then, how many people in Jiangnan medicinal material merchants will go out of business!

Yuanxing Group is just a short-term cooperation!

Everyone knows that with Guo Shaoze's temperament, it is impossible... and incapable... to start a pharmaceutical company.

So these days, they are only cooperating with Guo Shaoze for a short period of time, and each of them is benefiting from it.

I just want to take advantage of this opportunity to raise the price of medicinal materials and blackmail the Qiu Group and major pharmaceutical companies!

But who could have predicted the outcome?

Qiu Yiren actually bypassed Jiangnan medicinal material dealers... and tried to find suppliers from other provinces?


The Jiangnan medicinal materials market will be completely driven to a dead end.

All medicinal material dealers were frightened by this news.

Along the way, the nanny car drove to the airport within a few dozen minutes.

Qiu Yiren’s phone calls kept coming.

The phone calls are almost ringing off the hook.

The group of businessmen from the Jiangnan medicinal materials market kept calling Qiu Yiren to persuade her, saying that they could relax the price of medicinal materials and hope to continue cooperating with Qiu's Group.

I hope Qiu Yi people will not cooperate with pharmaceutical companies from other provinces.

However, Qiu Yiren was sitting in the nanny's car and didn't give them any chance at all.

Rejected directly.

In the end, she didn't even bother to answer the phone anymore. She hung up all the calls from these herbal dealers.

If you are unkind, then I am unjust.

At this time, Qiu Yiren had already made up his mind.

I will never cooperate with this group of Jiangnan medicinal dealers again.

They colluded with the Guo family to maliciously raise the price of monopoly and medicinal materials.

The overthrow of the cooperation contract brought the Qiu Group to the brink of a huge crisis.

It is impossible for Qiu Yi people not to avenge this.

Black-hearted people, there is no need to cooperate anymore!

Along the way, Chen Zongheng was calm and indifferent, sitting on the massage chair next to the nanny car, closing his eyes and resting calmly.

Qiu Yiren, on the other hand, kept making phone calls, rejecting calls one after another from those Jiangnan medicinal dealers.

Half an hour later.

The Lincoln nanny car slowly parked at the entrance of Tianhe International Airport.

Qiu Yi and Chen Zongheng got out of the car. She declined the driver's offer to carry the luggage for her and carried her suitcase by herself, heading towards the airport entrance passage.

Chen Zongheng, on the other hand, followed him slowly with calm eyes.

He didn't take the initiative to carry the gift for her.

In his eyes, the idea of ​​a man taking the initiative and taking care of a woman does not exist at all.

The two passed through the airport security check.

Then get your tickets.

Arrive at the terminal and wait.

At this time, it is 9:40 am.

There are still ten minutes until boarding.

Qiu Yiren was sitting in the terminal, holding her mobile phone, still busy sending various company emails and messages.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm, sitting aside and smoking lightly.

The atmosphere in the entire terminal was peaceful.

But, gradually... Chen Zongheng's eyes suddenly... slowly condensed.

His eyes were deep and he slowly... scanned around.

Not far from the airport, several middle-aged and elderly passengers were walking out of the airport security check channel with large and small bags.

It seems that they are locals who are rushing to travel.

Chen Zongheng glanced at the locals with deep eyes.

Then, he withdrew his gaze.

"Ahem~" At this moment, Qiu Yiren suddenly started coughing.

At this time, she seemed to be feeling a little unwell.

She had a fever in the morning and took antipyretics.

But the fever did not subside, and the effects of the medicine could not be suppressed at all.

At this time, while sitting at the airport to rest, her body temperature began to rise again.

Chen Zongheng's eyes narrowed and he suddenly noticed something strange about Qiu Yiren.

He stretched out his hand directly and touched Qiu Yiren's forehead.

High temperature, fever.

"39 degrees, you have a fever." Chen Zongheng said slowly in a calm and indifferent voice.

When he stretched out his hand to explore, he noticed that Qiu Yiren's body temperature was abnormal.

High temperature persists and occurs suddenly in a short period of time.

This is a viral cold!

At this time of climate change, it is the time for viral influenza to be the most effective!

On the other side of the Atlantic, in a certain continent, people are already panicking because of an outbreak of viral cold.

At this time, Qiu Yiren also contracted this viral cold?!

Viral colds are different from common colds!

Viral cold is a common disease among people, including common cold, influenza and viral pharyngitis, etc. It is mainly transmitted through the nasal cavity through air or hand contact.

Influenza is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza virus. The virus exists in the respiratory tract of the patient and is transmitted through droplets when the patient coughs and sneezes. Because of its strong contagiousness, the transmission route is difficult to control, the transmission speed is fast, and the spread is

It has a wide range, so it is difficult to control, very harmful, and even severe cases may occur!

"Viral cold... I have antipyretics in my bag, which should be able to suppress it." Qiu Yiren's pretty face became a little weak and pale, and the sudden high fever caught her off guard.

However, she is a medical researcher herself, and no one knows more about viruses than she does.

So she took out the antipyretic medicine directly from her bag and took two pills in an attempt to bring down the high temperature.

However, after she took the antipyretic medicine, her body temperature still did not go down within a few minutes.

She kept reaching out, touching her forehead, and taking her temperature.

The body temperature is still rising.

As a professional medical researcher, her hands can distinguish many temperatures.

At this time, although there was no thermometer, she could clearly feel the body temperature on her forehead through the rich heat-sensing nerves on the back of her hand.

The body temperature is still rising.

The body temperature has reached 40 degrees.

If this continues, she won't be able to resist at all.

Qiu Yiren only had one thought in her mind, bad.

"The virus is in my body and has produced drug immunity..." Qiu Yiren's face instantly became solemn, and she looked at Chen Zongheng with some confusion.

"We can't board the plane." Qiu Yiren made a decisive decision and hurriedly stood up from the chair, "I have to go to the hospital!"

At this time, the fever exceeded 40 degrees.

This viral cold has already produced antibody immunity in Qiu Yi people's bodies, and it cannot be suppressed by ordinary antipyretics.

The situation is serious, Qiu Yiren's only option is to go to the hospital!

Happy New Year~!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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