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Chapter 726 Let go of the world's military power, Fang Zhizhi has many words


Slowly entered Qiu Yiren’s body!

At this time, her whole body was eroded by mutated cells of cold bacteria.

Autoimmune cells have almost no effect!

Because the human body’s immune cells have limited capabilities after all.

When cold bacteria mutate infinitely, they spread wirelessly.

The cold bacteria mutated into giant monsters.

At this time, the body's immune cells are unable to fight against cold bacteria.

In order for her to overcome the disease.

She needs to be put on hormones!

Glucocorticoids can activate all Qiu Yiren's body functions and potential in a short period of time!

Moreover, it can stimulate large-scale synthesis of immune cells.

It is equivalent to giving the patient a dose of stimulant.

Let her whole body defense system be activated!

This is an unprecedented... battle to defend immunity!

To defeat cold bacteria!

In the intensive care unit ward.

All the medical staff stood together.

With solemn eyes and cautious eyes, he checked the patient's condition on the medical equipment.

Glucocorticoids have been injected into the patient's blood vessels and veins.

Just wait for the results.

Faced with the huge variation of cold bacteria.

Human beings have absolutely no power to fight back.

How can it be so simple to develop a vaccine?

Humanity from the last century to the present day.

It took nearly a thousand years to finally develop a smallpox vaccine and eliminate this terrible cold bacteria.

Humanity has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years.

I have been fighting against cold bacteria all along.

From ancient times, we have used our own immunity to play games.

Later, I used Chinese medicine.

Then, use Western medicine.

Use various chemicals.

Cold bacteria are like the most terrifying demons in nature.


Colds and influenza have become almost the largest seasonal disease in the world.

At this time, the influenza bacteria in Qiu Yi's body mutated and decomposed.

It has become more severe than ever.

All the medical staff stood in front of the hospital bed,

His face was solemn and nervous.

Waiting for this war.

This is a medical war without smoke.

Hormones have entered Qiu Yi's body.

The cold bacteria and Qiu Yiren's own immune cells are engaged in an unprecedented confrontation in her body.

However, what made all the medical staff look solemn was...

Qiu Yiren's condition is still there, worsening rapidly.

The heartbeat is getting weaker and weaker.

Respiratory oxygen uptake also continues to decrease.

Including her blood pressure, it also began to decrease.

The patient's systemic functions are getting weaker and weaker.

And her body temperature was getting higher and higher.

Continuous high fever, 40 degrees does not go away!

Cold bacteria invade almost all body functions.

Ruled everything.

The immune cells in Qiu Yi's body, no matter how they resist...cannot turn the tide of the battle.

She was lying on the hospital bed, unconscious.

Her pretty face turned pale, and cold sweat continued to penetrate her forehead.

The situation is unprecedentedly severe.

Half an hour passed.

Not only did Qiu Yiren's body functions not reverse.

On the contrary, the desire is getting worse!?

Hong Yanwen stood in front of the medical equipment with her arms folded, her face becoming more and more solemn.

The results of the X-ray machine showed that countless glass-like cold bacteria began to spread in Qiu Yiren's lungs.

Inflammation has formed almost in her lungs and in various internal organs!

It simply cannot subside!


The situation is serious!

All the medical staff present looked solemnly and looked at Hong Yanwen with helpless eyes!

There is no use at all!

I've been on hormones, but they don't work?!

How terrible mutations can this cold bacteria produce in Qiu Yi's body?

And, at the same time.

Sanquan Group, inside the headquarters.

President Qi Wei, with quiet eyes, was sitting on a chair in the office.

She held a cigar in her mouth and tapped the mahogany tabletop gently with her fingers.

She raised her wrist and glanced at the time on her watch.


10 O'Clock.

‘Dong dong dong.’ At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the office.

"Come in." Qi Wei replied calmly with a calm voice.

The door of the chairman's office was pushed open.

The female secretary slowly walked into the office carrying a black metal suitcase, "Mr. Qi, the bacteria you want have been prepared."


Qi Wei took a deep breath of cigarette.

He slowly walked closer and glanced at the containers in the metal box.

Inside, there are a large number of cultured bacteria.

"Let's go." She put out the cigarette butt.

Stepping on high heels, I walked out of the office.

The female secretary carried her suitcase and followed quickly behind her.

Morning, ten o'clock.

Hospital No. A.

At this time, the situation in the entire intensive care unit was unprecedentedly serious and critical!

"Beep..." On the heartbeat chart, Qiu Yiren's originally weak heartbeat suddenly stopped!


At this moment, Chen Zongheng suddenly stood up from his chair!

Hong Yanwen's pretty face changed, "Quick! Pacemaker! Defibrillator!!"

Hong Yanwen shouted anxiously!


A group of medical staff rushed to get the instruments!

Hong Yanwen picked up the defibrillator, pointed it at Qiu Yiren's chest, and shuddered hard!

‘Bang!’ Qiu Yiren’s chest was shaken violently by the medical equipment!

The whole body was shaken violently!

The defibrillator uses high-voltage current to shock the patient, trying to restore the patient's heartbeat!




Hong Yanwen used a pacemaker to Qiu Yiren's chest, trembling and pacing continuously!


"Beep, beep, beep..." The instrument showed that Qiu Yiren's heartbeat started to revive again.

At this time, Hong Yanwen's forehead was already covered with sweat!

"What should I do? Team Leader Hong?"

The medical staff looked solemn and complicated, looking at Hong Yanwen anxiously.

At this time, Hong Yanwen looked solemn and helpless as never before.


The ability of cold bacteria to divide and mutate was completely beyond her imagination.

Even hormones don't work.

"What's going on?" Chen Zongheng looked solemnly, stared at Hong Yanwen, and asked coldly.

"The cold bacteria divide...too fast and completely occupy the peak. The patient's body's own immunity is completely...not enough to resist the invasion of cold bacteria."

Hong Yanwen's face was more solemn than ever before, and she spoke in a complicated manner.

There was silence in the intensive care room.

All the medical staff remained silent.

This is a result that no one wants to see.


Now, it's Qiu Yiren's last time.

She may have already anticipated her own ending.

A week ago, she had predicted that...if she could not develop a vaccine to defeat the cold bacteria within seven days...

Then, she...

Hong Yanwen sighed with beautiful eyes, endless complexity and helplessness flashed through her eyes.

Her eyes were slightly red.

Looking at the patient, he was lying in front of him.

But she is powerless.


She hesitated, then suddenly took out a fully folded letter from the pocket of her white coat and handed it to Chen Zongheng.

Chen Zongheng raised his eyes slightly, looking at her with cold and doubtful eyes.

"Please, Miss Qiu Yiren. She said that if she can't wake up... she will ask me to pass this letter to you." Hong Yanwen said softly with a complicated voice.

Chen Zongheng's eyes narrowed, and he slowly took the letter.

He glanced at Qiu Yiren, who was unconscious and unbelieving on the hospital bed. Her heartbeat... breathing was almost at the limit of her life.

For some reason, at this moment, Death's heart felt a little inexplicable, as if it had been stabbed by a knife.

He turned around and came to the window sill of the ward alone.

Opened the letter:

[Mr. Chen, I'm sorry. I didn't expect that in the end... I would say goodbye to you in this way. 】

[Thank you for taking care of me these days. I will remember your life-saving grace in my heart. However, I will never be able to repay it in this life. 】

[If there is an afterlife, I will repay you for your life-saving grace.]

[After I left, I established a fund trust in your name with assets of 20 billion. Thank you for taking care and protecting me and the Qiu family these days. In addition, you lent me money and bills.

All are recorded on the group's bill. The group will repay you as normal.】

[After I leave, Project

[Oh, by the way, there is one more sentence that I have been holding in my heart for a long time, and I have never dared to say it to you. But now that we are separated, I can’t hold it in anymore. Mr. Chen, you are actually quite handsome. At least, yes

As far as I'm concerned.]

[Okay, no more talking. If there is an afterlife, goodbye. 】

[Qiu Yiren, handwritten. January 31, 2020.]

After reading the contents of this letter.

Chen Zongheng's expression was complex, stunned, and inexplicable.

This god of death is as cold as a mountain.

At this moment, the hand holding the letter was trembling a little.

The handwriting on the envelope is very clean and neat.

It seems that I can imagine... her sitting on the hospital bed, stretching out her trembling hands, writing this letter to herself word by word.

That woman knew a long time ago... that she didn't have much time left.

She left a 20 billion fund to Chen Zongheng.

To repay the life-saving grace these days?


Chen Zongheng's eyes were more complex than ever before...

What if there is an afterlife?


But, is there an afterlife?

He once asked Buddha whether he was destined to be with her.

Buddha said, you have no fate with her.

He said, seek fate.

The Buddha said, then you will have to wait for thousands of years.

In these thousand years, you have seen her, but she does not know you are there.

Are you willing to wait?

He replied that he was willing to wait.

In that life, he was a king, and his bloody hands were called emperor.

Thousands of beauties are by his side, but I don't know who is in his chest.

Until that day I met her, the most gorgeous flower,

But the country is going to fight, and I don't know who will end up with her.

He asked the Buddha if he was destined, and the Buddha told him to wait for a thousand years.

Only when you let go of the military power in the world can you know how sweet the words are.

He said he was willing to wait a thousand years just for this chance.

Destined to be pitied by no one for thousands of years, nine reincarnations will determine Tianxuan.

In the first life, he was a stone, but she was a piece of white paper.

From the beginning of writing, he was destined to die for her.

In the second life, he was an old tree, and she also came here,

The fallen leaves are falling silently to guard and pave this road of reincarnation.

In the third life, he was the cold wind, and she turned into a lamp,

That night it was the third watch again, and I watched her from a distance all my life.

In the fourth life, it was a bridge, only ten meters long in total.

She had too heavy luggage, so she left in a hurry.

In the fifth life, he was the eagle and she was the star in the sky.

She couldn't hear the screams clearly, so she could only wait to hear them in the next life.

In the sixth life, he was a broken knife, and she was a ball of burning fire.

The sword was so burned that it broke his waist, but he still couldn't spare a move.

In the seventh life, he was a human being, but he saw her grave,

He carved a mark on the monument, and we would hear about it again three hundred years later.

In the eighth life, he was a prince, but she had already grown old.

Sitting alone in the golden building, she still didn't look back.

In the ninth life, he became king again, and the general dispersed his troops in tears.

He took back his merits, but he couldn't win her heart.

Finally in the tenth life, I fell in love with her ten times,

Every line written here is just to wait for this time.

The Buddha said that you still have to wait a long time. It’s only one thousand years to go.

But he looked at her back and recalled the scene of the ninth life.

He paid so much, but she didn't say a word,

No matter how hard it was, he never flinched and was never afraid of trouble.

He laughed so crazy that he touched his chest,

You have tasted all the suffering in this world, but she is not by your side.

My heart finally became dull, even the sky was sighing,

He spent these thousand years in exchange for love, but he decided to end it.

The Buddha said that in another life, you can fall in love and have a head full of white hair.

He said, don't wait, maybe you will be disappointed if you get it.

Buddha sighed and said, finally you can't wait anymore.

This way the person in front of you can wait a lifetime longer.

This chapter has been completed!
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