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Chapter 746 Tribulation!

"Don't you know whether counterfeit medicines are made?" Qiu Yiren asked with cold eyes, staring at the female interrogator.

The three female interrogators glanced at Qiu Yiren with indifferent eyes.

"According to the clues reported by mass informants, your Qiu Group is suspected of manufacturing counterfeit medicines."

"Moreover, we found this in several secret factories under your command. Mr. Qiu, what is your explanation?"

As the female interrogator spoke, she took out a bag of fake medicine evidence and waved it in front of Qiu Yiren's eyes.

"Mr. Qiu, I don't know about this box of medicine. How can you explain it?"

When she saw this box of medicine, Qiu Yiren's pretty face turned even colder.

If you want to impose a crime, why bother?

But what she didn't expect was.

This group of business building members are so bold that they even dare to forge evidence of crime?!

How turbid is the sky in Jiangnan?

Qiu Yiren's beautiful eyes were as cold as cold.

"Forged evidence? Haha..."

"I underestimated you. In order to frame and accuse you, you are really... willing to do anything."

A hint of endless ridicule flashed across Qiu Yiren's face.

The sky in Jiangnan is extremely chaotic.


The female interrogator had a cold face and slammed the table!

"We, the Ministry of Commerce Building, are investigating the case and will not allow you to talk nonsense!! This incriminating evidence was collected from the factory of your pharmaceutical company! You have to admit it whether you admit it or not... you have to admit it...!"

"The witnesses and material evidence are all there, what else can you say?!"

The female interrogator's voice was as cold as ever and she shouted angrily.

In the interrogation room, Qiu Yiren's pretty face was complicated and cold.

There was a hint of ridiculousness in his eyes.

"Forged witnesses, forged physical evidence... I really admire the methods of your Ministry of Commerce."

She raised her eyes slightly and looked at the female interrogators with mocking eyes, "Is it the Yuanxing Group behind the scenes? Yuanxing Group, how much did it give you? To make you... sacrifice your lives for him like this?"

Qiu Yiren's voice was filled with unprecedented sarcasm.

"Pah...!" The female interrogator's face turned cold and she shouted angrily, "This is so outrageous! I am working in the Ministry of Commerce, how can I allow you to slander me?!"

"If you don't tell the truth today, don't even think about getting through it safely!" The female interrogator's voice was more serious than ever before, "Your legal team can't save you! So, don't even think about it!!"

This sentence is tantamount to...cutting off all opportunities for Qiu Yiren.

The legal team cannot save her.

Ministry of Commerce Building, monopolize power!

This is an endless rhythm!

A trace of coldness flashed across Qiu Yiren's beautiful face, "You guys still want to torture me to extract a confession?"

"Mr. Qiu, it's best for you to admit it obediently. This way... you won't have to suffer so much physical pain."

The female staff member's voice was cold and threatening.

"Otherwise, tonight, I'm afraid...it will be difficult for you to have a good day."

The female staff member's voice carried an unprecedented threat.

However, Qiu Yiren at the interrogation table still showed no sign of submission.

Suspected of manufacturing counterfeit medicines, this title, but its nature is extremely evil!

This is a rhythm that will completely bring down her entire group!

This kind of false accusation is unprecedented!

Qiu Yiren, how can you admit it?

However, she didn't admit it.

The interrogation will not stop.

Tonight, she couldn't sleep.

The interrogation lasted from ten o'clock in the evening to three o'clock in the morning.

During this period, Qiu Yiren even felt a little tired.

She just flew back from H City today and has not slept well for two consecutive days.

But when she was sitting in the interrogation room, her eyes just closed.

He was slapped directly in the face.

"Pah...!" A crisp slap hit Qiu Yiren's face hard.

A red and swollen palm print instantly appeared on her beautiful face.

Qiu Yiren was distracted and her long hair was a little messy. She raised her beautiful eyes and stared coldly at the female interrogator.

She didn't expect that... these people from the Ministry of Commerce building would do anything so unscrupulous in order to get herself to plead guilty and confess?!

This is strictly enforced to force a confession...!

Tonight, the people of Qiu Yi suffered an unprecedented disaster.

Being maliciously framed.

All criminal evidence is ‘conclusive’!

The other party has already arranged everything!

The dragnet and the earth's net are ready.

I just waited for myself to jump in and be caught.

However, how could Qiu Yiren admit to such an unfounded crime?

At this time, she was a little caught off guard.

Because the incident happened suddenly, she had no time to react.

While refusing to plead guilty and being severely interrogated, she... was also quickly thinking of ways to deal with it.

At this time, even Mr. Chen was arrested.

Besides, even if Mr. Chen is really good at fighting... he can't forcefully hijack the Ministry of Commerce building, right?

If Mr. Chen is kidnapped, just get out by yourself.

Then, her crime will be confirmed!


Qiu Yiren's pretty face is very complicated.

Today, how to... escape from this disaster??

Early in the morning, three o'clock.

The night is deep.

However, the entire Ministry of Commerce building was brightly lit.

All-night interrogation!

A total of forty senior members of the Qiu Group were brought into the isolation interrogation room.

Conduct interrogations one by one.

If they don't confess, the interrogation will never end!

Basically, don’t give them a chance to sleep or rest!

No sleep, no food, no water!

Not allowed to go to the toilet!

This is simply!

This is torture even more vicious than forcing a confession through words and deeds!

It makes people live and have a mental breakdown!

And, even under such severe circumstances.

However, among the forty senior executives of the Qiu Group, still... none of them admitted the crime!

The chairman of Qiu Group, Qiu Huaihai, is very old, but at this time he is more stubborn than ever.

Sitting in the interrogation room, I was subject to the interrogation by the interrogators, all kinds of loud noises, and the torture of lightning.

Don't let him sleep.

But he refused to admit it.

And, at the same time.

In several other rooms, the other senior executives were tortured horribly.

Even some female managers have collapsed.

However, in the end, their rationality was still supporting them, and they could never admit to this groundless crime.

This is a frame-up!

If he admits it, then their Qiu Group will be completely finished!

But, at this time.

Three o'clock in the morning.

At the end of the corridor, there is the last independent interrogation room.

Chen Zongheng, dressed in a crisp suit, was locked in the interrogation room.

It's different from other people's interrogations.

He sat there quietly, with iron shackles on his hands and feet.

A whole night has passed during the entire interrogation process.,

At this time, it was already 6 o'clock in the morning.

But he still didn't speak a word.

He stood there quietly, like a wooden sculpture.

"If you don't explain...! Don't force us to take action...!" The three interrogators looked stern and shouted angrily!

However, Chen Zongheng still looked indifferent and sat quietly.

It was as if he was sitting cross-legged in meditation.

No mood swings at all.

Finally, one of the interrogators got angry and couldn't help it anymore, so he decided to use torture!

This chapter has been completed!
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