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Chapter 764 Scavenger!

The scavenger was brought into the holding room and imprisoned directly.

After the patrol room members left, he didn't make any move. He just lay in the holding room and began to sleep in the corner.

Now is not the time to take action.

The best time to start is at three o'clock in the morning.

This time is when the body's biological clock is at its weakest. People fall into a deep sleep and will lose any consciousness.

It is also the best time to kill someone.

He just lay in the interrogation room, sleeping quietly.

Time passes minute by minute...

Finally, it was three o'clock in the morning.

The scavenger lying on the ground opened his eyes instantly.

He stood up slowly and walked to the door of the interrogation room step by step.

The entire corridor was guarded by two patrol room members, sitting at a table at the front and back.

Unfortunately, it was already 3 o'clock in the morning.

Although the two patrol room members were sitting on the table, their eyelids had already dozed off.

With calm eyes, the scavenger gently took out a piece of iron wire from between his fingers and fiddled with it a few times between the locks of the iron prison door.

The lock on the prison door was instantly unlocked.

He pushed gently and pushed the door open silently.

Then, with a calm expression on his face, he walked towards Cell No. 4 step by step.

The BOSS of the Ministry of Commerce Building is being held in this room. The scavenger walks very lightly and almost no sound is heard.

On both sides of the corridor, there are two 24-hour surveillance cameras.

But, unfortunately, the leather jacket he was wearing had a special electronic interference metal mesh woven into it.

Therefore, the moment he walked out of the corridor, the two cameras were interfered with by electromagnetic interference.

The picture is almost frozen in place.

Although, in the monitoring room, the patrol room members were still staring at the screen, there didn't seem to be any special circumstances on the screen.

But in fact, the picture on the surveillance camera has been blocked.

The scavenger walked to the door of Room 4 step by step.

He held the iron wire in his right hand and fiddled with the door lock of the room, and the door... was opened instantly.

He stepped on leather shoes and tiptoed into room No. 4.

At this time, Ye Liang was lying on the ground in the corner of the wall, curled up and sleeping.

Since being arrested this morning and after a whole day of interrogation, Ye Liang has almost collapsed.

At this time, he was weak and weak, lying directly on the ground, sleeping very deeply.

The scavenger's eyes were calm, and he slowly walked to Ye Liang step by step.

He slowly took out a pair of transparent gloves from his pocket, and then... slowly put them on.

He slowly made fists with both hands, and then... he lowered his body, and slowly aimed his fists at Ye Liang's temples.

The human temple is one of the most vulnerable parts.

The temple is the weakest part of the skull plate.

The location of the temple is the intersection of the parietal bone, frontal bone, sphenoid bone and temporal bone, which is called the "pterygoid point" or "pterygoid suture".

This is where the skull plate is thinnest and the bone is fragile.

The skull is a layer of hard bone plate that protects the brain. The thickness of the skull plate varies from place to place, with an average thickness of 5 mm and a thickest part of 1 cm. The thickness of the bone plate at the temple is only 1——

2 mm, it is the weakest part of the skull. It is easy to fracture after being hit by violence. Fractures can directly affect the function of the brain.

Therefore, many killers like to kill people by... directly hitting them in the temple.

Because this part is so fragile beyond imagination.

The distribution of blood vessels in this part of the skull is quite abundant, thus constituting numerous sources of intracranial hemorrhage. The middle meningeal artery originates from the internal maxillary artery, travels upward along the squamous portion of the temporal bone in the epidural mater, and runs along the squamous portion of the temporal bone at the temple.

Some of the branches are the anterior and posterior branches of the middle meningeal artery. At the same time, the middle meningeal vein also accompanies the middle meningeal artery. Under the dura mater deeper in the skull, there are also cortical arteries and veins in the temporal lobe of the brain.

Just a little push.

It can directly rupture the blood vessels in the brain.

Let the target person die on the spot.

At this time, the scavenger had slowly clenched his fist.

The next second, his fists violently hit Ye Liang's temples hard!

"Poof!" There was a soft muffled sound!

Ye Liang, who was lying on the ground sleeping, didn't even have time to open his eyes!

His brain cells...blood vessels burst suddenly in an instant!

The next moment, his brain was deprived of oxygen, and within a few seconds, he died!

Ye Liang didn't even have time to look straight, let alone see who the murderer was.

Even at the last second before death, his brain did not wake up.

Just like that, he was killed directly in his sleep.

The scavenger's eyes were calm, and he opened his eyelids and took a look.

After death is confirmed.

Then he slowly stood up.

Hitting the temple with both fists is one of the best ways to kill someone.

Fast and convenient.

Moreover, at this time, Ye Liang could hardly find out the cause of death.

Even if the forensic doctors performed an autopsy, they could not find any cause of death on the corpse.

Moreover, there were no fingerprints left on the body.

There are no scars or bruises on the temples.

The only thing that can explain Ye Liang's death is sudden death from a stroke.

A blood vessel in the brain suddenly burst, causing sudden death.

The scavenger's eyes were calm, a hint of curvature flashed at the corner of his mouth, he slowly stood up and walked out of Room 4.

Then, he slowly closed the door.

Lock the door.

The whole process was covered up seamlessly.

Ye Liang's death has been disguised.

Next, he will deal with Guo Shaoze.

Step by step, with calm eyes, he slowly walked to the door of Room 6.

But, just as he took out the wire and planned to untie the door.

Guo Shaoze in the room suddenly... slowly stood up.

"Are you finally here?" Guo Shaoze's voice was calm. He stood up and sat in the corner of the wall. His eyes were deep and cold, and he slowly stared at the sweeper at the door.

At this moment, the scavenger's eyes were slightly stunned.

Then, the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc.


"I didn't expect you to be quite vigilant."

The scavenger was sluggish for a moment and did not stop the action of unlocking it.

He slowly unlocked the door and walked into the cell step by step.

Then, close the door and lock it.

He slowly stared at Guo Shaoze in the corner of the wall.

Guo Shaoze was also staring at him at this time.

"That gentleman sent you here?" Guo Shaoze asked slowly with a deep and complex voice.

The corner of the scavenger's mouth flashed with an arc, "Since you already know, why bother asking more?"

"The boss wants you to die, Mr. Guo, you have to die."

The corners of the scavenger's mouth curved even more.

‘Zheng.’ In his right hand, a sharp four-edged military thorn slowly emerged.

"It seems that tonight is a bit tricky. Originally, I planned to have you euthanized."

"However, it seems that at this time, I can only let you die by my sword."

The scavenger's voice was calm and deep, and he spoke slowly.

Originally, he planned to let Guo Shaoze die in peace, pretending to be a natural death.

He had even thought of a way to die for Guo Shaoze.

Death from a throbbing heart.

However, at this time, I did not expect Guo Shaoze to wake up suddenly.

It seems that this Guo Shaoze has been prepared for a long time.

From the looks of it, the only option is to change the way to die.

We can only let him be murdered and die.

This kind of death is not a natural death. Therefore, it will naturally cause social criticism.

But at this time, there is no other way.

As long as we can clean up Guo Shaoze, that will be fine...

And, at the same time.

Late at night, three o'clock in the morning.

The big Buddha has left the office at this time, and is... lying in the bedroom, resting and sleeping.

At this moment, an urgent phone call came suddenly.

On the bed in the bedroom, the sleeping Buddha suddenly opened his eyes.

He slowly stretched out his hand, picked up the phone and saw that it was a call from Assistant Ding.

He slowly answered the phone.

"Has it been cleaned up?" was the first question the Buddha asked when he answered the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Assistant Ding looked complicated and said hesitantly, "No. Guo Shaoze has not dealt with it completely."

"He was already awake when the scavenger entered his room. It seems that the only way to deal with it is...with external force. However, evidence may be left behind."

After hearing Assistant Ding's report on the phone, Dafo's face condensed slightly.

"Also, sir...there is one more thing." Assistant Ding reported on the phone.

"Say." The Buddha's voice was calm and hoarse, and he uttered one word.

"Guo Xinglei, chairman of Yuanxing Group, made dozens of phone calls to me. He asked me to tell my husband... that he was willing... to offer higher profit shares of the company and beg him to give his son a chance." In the phone call,

Assistant Ding was careful and slowly reported the report.

After hearing these words, the eyes of the big Buddha were inexplicably deep.

He took a deep breath.

It seems that they are weighing the pros and cons.

"In that case, then give him another chance."

"Let the scavenger stop."

"Also, if you pick up Guo Shaoze in person, I will give him a finger as a punishment."

The Buddha's voice was calm and deep, and he spoke slowly.

Now, Guo Shaoze has discovered it.

Then, it would be meaningless for the scavenger to take action again.

Even if Guo Shaoze cleans it up, traces will still be left.

Guo Shaoze was viciously murdered and silenced in the patrol building.

This will definitely arouse public opinion in society.

This, on the contrary, is detrimental to the forces behind them.

It may even arouse the suspicion of the Forbidden City.

Therefore, now we can only settle down and let things go.

What's more, Guo Xinglei has already begged for mercy.

Just for the sake of being an old friend.

Give Guo Shaoze a chance.

A few minutes later.

In the cell, the scavenger, who was about to go under the knife, received a phone call.

The task is terminated.

Save Guo Shaoze's life.

at the same time.

Twenty minutes later.

A black Audi A6 car with a special license plate slowly parked at the door of the West District Patrol Building in Shanghai City.

Assistant Ding was dressed in a black suit, with calm eyes, and slowly walked into the patrol room building with his briefcase in hand.

At three o'clock in the night, employees were on duty in the patrol building.

Assistant Ding took out his work ID and walked to the front desk of the patrol building with deep eyes.

"In the name of my husband, come here... to bail the young president of Yuanxing Group, Guo Shaoze."

When they saw the assistant's work ID, a large group of staff members in the patrol building suddenly looked solemn and all bowed and saluted!

"Meet Assistant Ding!"

At the same time, the top leader on duty in the patrol room also rushed downstairs to greet Assistant Ding.

Assistant Ding was unambiguous and took out a stack of stamped documents from his briefcase.

"According to my husband's wishes, I have been ordered to come and release Guo Shaoze on bail."

Assistant Ding directly handed the thick stack of documents to the leader of the patrol room.

Originally, the patrol room leader wanted to protest a few words.

After all, this Guo Shaoze is a criminal suspect. How can you say bail, just bail?

However, when I saw the thick stack of stamped documents.

The expression of the patrol room leader suddenly changed.


Fold the file.

I can't afford it!

The expression of the boss of the patrol room BOSS became complicated and ugly.

This, stamped red document is issued.

There is absolutely no right to resist.

The leader of the patrol building could only slowly make way for Assistant Ding with a complicated look on his face.

The documents have been issued and there is no right to resist.

His little patrol building.

After all, it can't compete with the sky above.

If God wants you to die, you have to die.

If God wants you to live, you will be invulnerable.

This chapter has been completed!
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