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Chapter 77 Because I am Chen Zongheng

The sun sets in the west and it is almost dusk.

At the entrance of Qiu's Building, five Mercedes-Benz cars were waiting quietly.

Qiu Yi and Chen Zongheng walked out of the building and got into the car with the support of a group of bodyguards.

The day passed and it was still calm.

But the whole Shanghai city is quietly brewing.

Tomorrow is the last day of the Huang family's three-day blood letter period.

Chen Zong was sitting horizontally in the Mercedes-Benz, puffing out smoke rings lightly.

He is as calm as an outsider.

Qiu Yiren sat aside with complicated eyes, absent-minded.

There was only the last day left, and she placed all her hopes on this Chen Zongheng.

If something happens to Chen Zongheng, then she, Qiu Yiren, and the entire Qiu Group will be completely disintegrated by the Huang family.

The Mercedes-Benz convoy drove along without any attacks on the road.

Half an hour later, the motorcade drove into the Ziyuan mansion area.

The Mercedes-Benz stopped slowly at the entrance of Qiu's Manor.

Qiu Yi and Chen Zongheng got out of the car and walked into the villa.

In the villa hall, sumptuous dishes are prepared on the dining table.

The family sat down and started eating.

However, except for Chen Zongheng and Qiu Shuangxia, who were calm and indifferent, everyone in front of the dining table was uneasy.

Chen Zongheng sipped the red wine lightly, he didn't care at all about the ant-like Huang family.

The witch Qiu Shuangxia simply doesn't care about these trivial matters of the fight between wealthy families. In her eyes, there is nothing that her sister can't solve, not to mention... The Huang family is targeting Chen Zongheng, what does this have to do with her family? The little girl obviously doesn't

Thinking of this, I feel very calm.

"Tomorrow, there will be two bodyguard teams sent from the capital to report and expand your bodyguard team." His father Qiu Huaihai was silent for a long time and said to his eldest daughter Qiu Yiren.

"Yes." Qiu Yiren hesitated and nodded.

"Be more careful these days." Mother Luo Xiangnan's beautiful eyes were filled with worry. She really couldn't rest assured and reminded her worriedly.

"Mom, don't worry...it's okay." Qiu Yiren picked up the bowl and chopsticks, took a bite of rice, and said, hiding her inner worries.

But, as a mother, how can Luo Xiangnan feel at ease?

Luo Xiangnan turned her head and looked at Chen Zongheng.

"Xiao Chen, these days... I hope that you will ensure the safety of my beloved." Luo Xiangnan's voice was solemn. This was a mother's plea.

Chen Zongheng gently put down his wine glass.

"Your daughter will be fine." His voice was very calm, but it had an inexplicable aura of unruliness.

"Because, I am Chen Zongheng."

As soon as these words came out, the air became silent.

Arrogant, domineering, domineering.

Just these few words of his give people an aura that is invincible in the world.

Because, he is Chen Zongheng.

At this moment, Qiu Yiren raised her head, looking at this man with complicated and inexplicable beautiful eyes... For some reason, an inexplicable emotion flashed in her eyes.

His father Qiu Huaihai also looked at Chen Zongheng in astonishment... He had been in the shopping malls for decades, but he had never seen such an unruly and profound aura in a young man.

He actually faintly saw a hint of a 'ferocious beast' in this young man.

"Tch, who do you think you are? You can't live more than two days, and you are still bragging from here. Is your name Chen Zongheng still the king of heaven and me?" The little witch Qiu Shuangxia on the side did not buy it at all, her pretty face pursed,

He glanced sideways at Chen Zongheng as if looking at an idiot.

Chen Zongheng's eyes were calm and he didn't pay attention to Qiu Shuangxia. He slowly picked up the goblet and took a sip.

Why bother playing the harp to the birds?

If Qiu Shuangxia's words were heard by those overseas battlefield mercenaries, they would probably tremble with fear.

Because the name she was bragging about represented one meaning: hell.

The God of Death, Chen Zongheng.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the villa, the night sky is dotted with stars.

The entire city of Shanghai was shrouded in tranquility and tranquility.

Tonight is the second night since the blood letter appointment with the Huang family.

Tonight, some people are bound to be unable to sleep.

The sun rises.

This city wakes up from the dark night.

The last day before the Huang family’s blood letter appointment.

In the early morning, Chen Zongheng put on a suit, tie, and watch, and then walked out of the villa calmly.

Still, as usual, go to the Qiu family villa for dinner.

A glass of red wine and a steak.

After the meal was over, Qiu Yiren took a car with him and drove to Qiu's Mansion.

Today, the number of escorted Mercedes-Benz convoys is even greater.

A total of ten Mercedes-Benz cars were supporting us from front to back, from left to right. They were strictly guarded on all sides to protect the main car in the middle.

Qiu Yiren and Chen Zongheng were sitting in the main car in the middle, and the air inside the car seemed quiet.

Outside the car window, there is an endless flow of people on the streets during the morning rush hour.

Qiu Yiren's beautiful eyes glanced out the window complicatedly, not knowing what she was thinking in her heart.

"Mr. Chen, are you... really sure?" After a long hesitation, Qiu Yi turned her head and asked with a hint of nervousness, her beautiful eyes complex.

The last day of the Huang family's appointment. Qiu Yiren's heart could not be calmed down at all, and she was worried.

"No." Chen Zongheng suddenly replied with a single word.


Upon hearing this, Qiu Yiren's pretty face suddenly changed.

not sure?

All her bets, the future of the company... were all placed on this man. But now, he said... not sure?

"When dealing with ants, why do you need to be sure? Raise your finger and destroy them."

Chen Zongheng lay quietly on the luxury massage chair in the car, closed his eyes and said quietly.

In his eyes, the Huang family seemed like ants.

Qiu Yiren's beautiful eyes were complex and solemn, looking at this man for a long time, and then she sighed softly.

At this moment, she really...had no chance.

Now, all hopes are pinned on Chen Zongheng.

If Chen Zongheng dies, then the next person to die will be her Qiu Group.

The Mercedes-Benz motorcade slowly stopped at the downstairs of Qiu's Building.

Along the way, there was no danger or attack. But everyone knew that this was the calm before the storm.

It was the morning rush hour at this time, and at the entrance of Qiu's Building, an endless stream of employees were rushing to work.

Chen Zongheng and Qiu Yiren got out of the car and slowly walked into the building.

All around, when the employees saw Chen Zongheng, they all whispered.

Everyone looked at this man with complicated eyes.

"Oh my God, this Director Chen... still doesn't want to run away... Today is the last day of the Huang family's appointment."

"As promised by the Huang family, tomorrow...he will die. Eh."

"What should we do? What should our Qiu Group do?"

The employees were cautious and sighed and talked in low voices.

A negative and frightened mood spread among thousands of employees in Qiu's Building.

Yes, the deadline for the Huang family's appointment.

Everyone knew that the Huang family was going to take action.

Security Director Chen Zongheng is bound to die.

As for the Qiu Group, they may be... doomed.

This chapter has been completed!
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