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Chapter 820 The art of killing!

She was panicked.

This is her first time killing someone.

Murder, according to the laws of Yanxia, ​​is punishable by... imprisonment, death penalty, and life!

She was also very excited. For the first time, she hit the opponent's three aorta with one blow, killing him with one blow.

She learned the techniques Mr. Chen taught her completely and thoroughly!

The scene in the classroom almost fell into... an unprecedented silence.

Yuan Li just stood there blankly, with a beautiful and complicated face.

The chest rose and fell slightly, messy.

She was following the method taught to her by Mr. Chen, trying to adjust her breathing and calm herself down.

At this time, she was in a very confused state of mind.

It was as if all the adrenaline was condensed together, and there was a sense of oppression that needed to be released.

Her right hand, holding the pen, was trembling slightly.

I don’t know, are you flustered, frightened, or excited?

"Fuck...! Take it down...!!" And, at this moment, in the classroom, the captain in black looked ferocious and shouted angrily...!


The members in black suddenly reacted!


Three or four members in black, with fierce expressions, charged directly towards Yuan Li to surround him!

Damn stinky girl!!

Dare to kill...their people?!

This damn... is simply looking for death!!

At this time, the group of people in black were completely angry!

They want to catch this stinky girl, take her back, torture her, torture her...!!

Three or four members in black suits rushed towards Yuan Li fiercely!

And, at this moment.

Yuan Li's delicate body took a step back.

At the same time, her right hand holding the pen suddenly raised.

Like a conditioned reflex... take action!

"Pfft...!" The sharp and long pen suddenly stabbed into the right eye of a man in black!

The sharp pen directly pierced his entire right eyeball!

Blood splattered everywhere!!

"Uh ah...!!" The man in black howled angrily!!

Yuan Li's pretty face was tense and her heartbeat was racing. This time, her strength... was well controlled!

The pen was not inserted too deep, just enough to be fatal! She took advantage of the situation and quickly pulled the pen out of the man's right eyeball!

"Uh ah...!! My...my eyes...!!!" The man's right eye socket was filled with blood!!

His hands trembled, he covered his eyeballs, and howled miserably!

Immediately afterwards, his body fell to the ground with a "Bang!" sound!

Just now, the blow of the water pen penetrated his eyeball. The twenty centimeter long water pen had already taken advantage of the situation and severely pierced the brain cells, blood vessels and nerves behind his eyeball!

Therefore, the moment the pen was removed, the man's brain suffered an instant massive intracranial hemorrhage!

In an instant, the breath is gone and you die, and you die without burial.

It's all done in one go, the shots are gorgeous, there's no sloppiness at all, one hit will kill~!

This is simply!

Yuan Li withdrew the blood-stained pen with his hand, and then took advantage of the situation and stabbed a man in black who rushed up...!

At this time, the pen in her hand was her knife.

She is the murderous weapon!

"Pfft...!" She held the pen in her hand, and with the sharp tip of the water pen, she slashed the neck and trachea of ​​the charging man!

The man's body trembled slightly!

Then, he suddenly covered his neck with both hands!

Because of Yuan Li's blow.

The sharp pen had instantly... cut his trachea!

Although, the pen is not as sharp as the dagger.

However, as long as you master the proportion of strength, you can still...like a blade, break through the enemy's skin and cut open the opponent's trachea!

At this time, the man's entire neck and trachea were completely cut open!

His body trembled, and when he took a big breath, his body shook violently, and countless bloody blood spattered out of his neck and trachea!

His body fell backwards, and he suddenly sat down on the piano stand in the classroom. Then, he lost too much blood, and his whole body... suffocated to death.

In the entire classroom, the scene was unprecedentedly shocking!!

In the blink of an eye, he took action...attacked and killed three people?!

Yuan Li held the blood-stained pen in his hand and walked slowly towards the men who kidnapped and suppressed Qiu Shuangxia step by step.

"Let her go." Yuan Li's voice was very calm. At this time, she had suppressed the panic and tension in her heart.

Completely integrated into this murderous atmosphere.

Mr. Chen told her... When you compare killing to an art form.

You will find that it will be... the most perfect, outstanding and exciting art in the world.

Every killing is art.

There are good and bad ways to kill someone.

Completed in one go, no sloppiness, just like a gorgeous movie-like action.

This is art.

Fellow killers not only compete with each other in terms of their killer strength.

What's more, they are competing against each other's killing art.

One move after another kills people.

This is art.

It's a pity that many people have difficulty appreciating this art.

Even more, I dare not appreciate it.

Violate social order.

Killing is illegal.

At this time, Yuan Li completely...integrated into this realm.

She suddenly felt...

Killing is such a perfect thing.

Watching the enemy die gorgeously under his own hands.

Look at yourself, kill people as quickly as possible in one shot.

With this feeling, she...actually felt...a little addicted?

There was blood in the classroom.

Several corpses just fell to the ground.

Yuan Li walked step by step towards the group of men who kidnapped Qiu Shuangxia.

"Let her go." Yuan Li said again in a calm voice.

At this time, the breath in her pupils was...quietly changing.

From an ordinary girl, she transformed into... a cold-blooded killer with no mood swings and suppressed emotions.

The pen in her hand was dripping with blood.

Even her right hand, which was holding the pen, was blood red.

That is the blood of the enemy.

Ahead, the man in black, with a ferocious look on his face, suddenly pulled out a dark, sharp pistol from the inner pocket of his suit!

"Ugly bitch...! You are seeking death...!!" The captain looked ferocious and furious, and the dark gun bore was directly aimed at Yuan Li!

This captain is completely angry!

This stinky bitch killed three of his men in a row in the blink of an eye?!

Damn it!


It’s humiliating!!

The captain looked ferocious and furious, pointing his gun directly at Yuan Li!

No hesitation at all!

The next second, press the trigger!



At the moment when the captain fired his gun!

Yuan Li's delicate body has already gently turned to one side to dodge!

Mr. Chen taught her that the most important thing about avoidance skills is not speed.

Rather, it's an opportunity.

When, the enemy fires.

When the enemy attacks.

Your eyes must be locked on the enemy's limbs and body immediately.

You, be one step faster than him and catch his movements!

When a person punches, his shoulder will first activate the muscles and then lift the arm.

Therefore, when the enemy punches, the moment his shoulder moves slightly sideways, you...have already captured the opponent's movements, and can be one step faster than him, dodge, or attack.

And, when a person, before shooting.

His right heel will be slightly raised.

That is, the right leg is accumulating strength and the muscles are tense.

Every professional gunman and killer will make such an action when shooting.

Lift your right heel slightly, and tighten the muscles of your entire right leg to accumulate strength.

This is to cope with the huge impact when the firearm is discharged!

The moment the firearm fires and the bullet is fired.

The rear seat of a firearm will withstand huge impact force.

Ordinary people simply cannot bear the impact, which will affect the stability of holding the gun, causing the bullet to deflect... and even cause the body to become unstable.

Therefore, raising the heel of the right foot and accumulating strength in the muscles of the right leg is to reduce the impact of the firearm.

When the gun is fired, the impact of the pistol's recoil is transmitted through the body, and all of it is transferred to the right foot.

Use your right foot to step hard on the ground. Transfer the impact force to the ground!

This is the opportunity!

At this moment, the captain in front of him was holding a gun. The moment before he fired...Yuan Li...had already noticed that he was about to fire!

All, one second before he fired.

Yuan Li has already made a dodge action!

"Whoosh...!" That silver bullet, carrying a terrifying force, whizzed past Yuan Li's side face!

"Poof!" The bullet shot out of the wall behind him!

The captain's face trembled suddenly!


The bullet was dodged by her??

And, at the same time...!

Yuan Li's body was as fast as lightning. He quickly stepped forward and the pen in his right hand, like a sharp dagger, stabbed hard... towards the captain's hand holding the gun!

"Poof...!!" The sharp pen fiercely...pierced the captain's right wrist holding the gun!

The entire fountain pen pierced his wrist directly and got stuck in the center of his wrist!

"Bah!" The captain's right hand softened, and the gun in his hand fell directly to the ground!

Yuan Li raised his feet and used his sneakers to step on the pistol.

Almost instantly, she used only her shoes to push it gently.

The pistol at your feet was disassembled into a pile of metal parts!

Mr. Chen taught her to respond and save herself in any critical situation!

Including using feet and shoes to perform various simulated hands-on operations.

She can use her feet to create terrifying and fierce killing blows.

You can also use your shoes to gently fiddle with it and disassemble a pistol into metal parts in an instant.

The captain's entire arm was pierced by Yuan Li's pen. Under the severe pain and ferocious pain, he tried to raise his left hand and draw out the dagger... to resist!

But Yuan Li didn't give him this chance!

She grabbed the pen and twirled it hard!

"Uh ah...!!" The wound on the captain's wrist burst again!

The main artery on the wrist was directly punctured! Blood overflowed crazily!

"Poof!" Yuan Li took out the pen and thrust it towards the captain's temple!

The temple is the weakest acupoint on the human head!

The temple is known as the "extra-meridian odd point" in the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and it was also one of the first "dead points" listed as a vital part by various martial arts schools.

Yes, the human body...the most deadly...Achilles' heel!

It is recorded in Shaolin boxing that if the temple is hit, "it can range from fainting to death." Modern medicine has proven that hitting the temple can cause a person to faint temporarily or cause a concussion and loss of consciousness.

The temple is the weakest part of the skull plate!

At this moment, Yuan Li's pen was stabbing hard at the captain's temple!

This chapter has been completed!
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