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Chapter 869 His Canary

Today is destined to be an unprecedented funeral.

And, just as...in the funeral chapel, the Mori people were chanting for salvation and chanting sutras.

Suddenly, there was a burst of violent engine roar outside the church...!

Outside the church, several hundred meters away.

A fiery red Ducati 1299 heavy-duty motorcycle, its engine roaring and roaring, speeding... roaring towards the church!

"Boom~...!" The heavy locomotive roared and roared with its huge engine...!

In the church, thousands of guests were bowing their heads and praying in the church, and the atmosphere was depressing.

But, at this moment... everyone looked up in surprise.

Because, everyone heard the violent roar of engines outside the church.

Almost subconsciously, all the guests... turned their heads in surprise and looked outside the church...

I saw, outside the church, in a square of several thousand square meters, a fiery red heavy-duty motorcycle roaring towards me at lightning speed.

Like a fiery red ghost sticking to the ground!

"Squeak...!" There was a sudden braking sound.

The fiery red Ducati motorcycle suddenly stopped in the middle of the square outside the church.

A beautiful figure wearing a black leather jacket got out of the car.

Yuan Li took off his riding helmet, and his long black hair was gently spread over his shoulders.

Her exquisite and beautiful face is breathtaking.

She gently reached behind her, took out a bouquet of black flowers, and then, step by step, walked towards the church...

The moment she appeared, all the guests and bodyguards in the church, including outside the church, who were all in darkness, were slightly startled?

Everyone looked at the sudden appearance of this woman with surprise and confusion.

Who is this woman??

Today, all the guests attending the funeral have arrived.

This woman suddenly appeared at this moment?

Who is she and what does she want to do?

Is this the question on everyone’s mind?,

In the church, the host of the funeral, Guo Xinglei, looked calm and indifferent. He turned around slowly and stared outside the church door... that beautiful figure in a leather jacket... walking slowly...

Guo Xinglei's eyes gradually... condensed.

"Who is it?" Yu Chuanping asked calmly, sitting on the VIP chair nearby, his eyes calm and deep.

Beside him, the two guards had alert eyes, staring closely at the charming figure outside the church...

These two guards are battle-hardened and have experienced many actual combat experiences.

But for some reason, the beautiful figure outside the church door gave them an...inexplicable sense of crisis?

"President Yu, it's... the canary raised by Chen Zongheng." Guo Xinglei's face was cold and deep, and he slowly reported the report.

In these days, his Yuanxing Group mobilized all the forces under his command to investigate all the connections and forces surrounding Chen Zongheng's sudden change!

So, at this moment, he knew everything about that..." the beautiful figure walking outside the door.gen

According to the information reported by Tianyan, the woman Zeng vn... is exactly the canary kept by Chen Zongheng.

"Oh?" After hearing this answer, Yu Chuanping's face couldn't help but be slightly startled?


That man Chen Zongheng... can also... keep a canary?

This answer surprised Yu Chuanping?

"The psychological expert's human nature assessment portrait shows that... doesn't it mean that... he is not sexually attracted to women?" Yu Chuanping asked calmly.

Chen Zongheng, they have already mobilized experts from all sides, powerful psychology experts from all sides, experts in human personality analysis, experts in criminal psychological profiling from the patrol room... They have organized people from all sides to conduct a joint analysis.

Chen Zongheng’s personality was completely analyzed from the inside out!

The final conclusion is that this man... is almost impossible to be attracted to women.

But, at this moment, he suddenly learned that he also kept a canary?

"According to the investigation by the eye liner, it is indeed the canary that he kept. There is no mistake." Guo Xinglei replied slowly with a solemn voice.

Yu Chuanping stood up slowly, his eyes staring meaningfully at the figure outside the church that kept pacing.

But, at this moment, a guard next to him came forward, leaned to his ear, and reminded softly, "President, this woman... is very dangerous."

Although I haven't come into contact with it yet.

However, for some reason, the two guards suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of crisis in their hearts. This was due to their sharp instincts as warrior bodyguards.

"It's just a woman, so why be afraid? It won't be a problem." Yu Chuanping's eyes were calm and he spoke slowly.

He took out a cigar and slowly lit it.

He was very curious, what was this girl doing when she suddenly came to this church funeral?

In the church, almost all the guests looked at the beautiful figure outside the door in surprise...

Outside the church, in the square.

The beautiful figure was walking slowly towards the church door step by step.

Yuan Li held a bouquet of black Bianhua flowers in his right hand, with long black hair shawl, and walked towards the church step by step.

And, at this moment.

In front of the church, a huge crowd of bodyguards came forward.

Almost instantly, the entire church steps were blocked and blocked!

It was completely dark and the sea of ​​people was like a tidal wave.

There were countless Guo family security personnel at the scene to maintain order at the scene.

Obviously, this group of Guo family bodyguards had no intention of letting Yuan Li walk into the church.

Yuan Li raised her beautiful eyes slightly, and glanced at the dark group of bodyguards in front of her with her delicate pupils.

There was a slight curve on her beautiful red lips.

The next second, her delicate body gently bowed and squatted down.

Then, "Boom...!"!

The ground under your feet cracked and dented in an instant!

Her silhouette shot up like a bow and arrow...!

Straight across the dark crowd below!

"Boom!" With a sound, her figure directly crossed the tens of meters of people and landed steadily on the steps above the church!

The marble steps cracked and shattered instantly!

She stood up gently and dusted off the dust on her black leather jacket.

Then, step by step... walked towards the church.


Behind her, the face of the Guo family's bodyguards, who were covered in darkness, suddenly changed, and they suddenly surrounded her and rushed after her... trying to stop her...!

However, in the church, Guo Xinglei looked cold and waved his hand gently.

With a signal, the bodyguards retreated.

The group of bodyguards hesitated, then obeyed the order and slowly retreated down.

Yuan Li, on the other hand, walked into the church step by step, holding the black Bianhua flower in his hand.

‘Pacing, pacing, pacing…’ The leather boots stepped on the church floor, making a sound of pacing.

The eyes of all the guests present were all surprised and suspicious, fixed on the beautiful figure of a woman who suddenly appeared.

At this moment, all the guests have only one doubt in their minds?

Who is this girl in black leather clothes?

This chapter has been completed!
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