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Chapter 878 Black ink, dyed with serenity!

The encirclement keeps shrinking!

In the center of the surrounding killing formation, Yuan Li's beautiful eyes were complex and solemn.

Look around cautiously.

Limit production to thousands of people on site.

She has never experienced such a difficult battle in her life.

One against a thousand.

How is she going to face this challenge?

"Boom...!" Above the oppressive sky, a burst of thunder swept across, breaking the clear sky high in the sky.

In early spring and March, thunderstorms arrive!

The whole sky suddenly turned black!

There is a dull thunder, and a heavy rain is coming.

And, at this moment, Yuan Li's figure had...disappeared from where he was.

If the other party wants to kill you.

Then, you need to take action before the other party does.

Don't hesitate.

Make the first move and seize the opportunity.

This is the rule that Chen Zongheng once taught her.

Now, at this moment, she has fully used it!

Her body turned into an afterimage...and penetrated into the sea of ​​people in front of her almost instantly!

There was a sea of ​​people all around, and there was no time to react, let alone see her movements clearly!

Because, the speed... is really... too fast!

Yuan Li is a born killer!

She has a terrifying understanding of murder that is beyond ordinary people!

She wrote down all the methods that Chen Zongheng taught her!

A terrible memory of murder has been formed in my mind!

"Puff 6! Puff...!! Puff 6!!" The moment her figure rushed into a sea of ​​people ahead...!

Blood splatters... y!

Wherever the black scale-reverse sword roared, blood spattered!

Countless thugs had no time to react... their bodies were split into two pieces by the terrifying black light!

Yuan Li took action without any mercy.

Because you must never be soft-hearted when dealing with your enemies.

Either you die or I live.

Now she is no longer that weak and pitiful girl.

Her name is Yuan Li.

A real Yuan Li.

Killer, Yuan Li.

Her delicate body passed through the sea of ​​countless people.

One body after another fell to the ground.

Blood stained the entire ground red!

"Do it...! Capture him alive...!!" Ahead, in a dark sea of ​​people, a leader shouted violently...!!


A sea of ​​countless people rushed towards Yuan Li in a frantic attack...!!

Almost instantly, Yuan Li's entire delicate body was surrounded by the dark sea of ​​people.

Alone, surrounded by thousands of people!


There is murderous intention at the scene, during the turbulent moment.


Her knife is fast enough.

Her knife skills are quite accurate.

But there is nothing that can be done, facing this countless sea of ​​​​people from all directions...!

Hard to beat with two fists!

What's more, she is just a new assassin who has just been promoted to the entry level.

This battle is a dead end for her.

There is no turning back.

"Puff puff...!!!" Black reverse scales, and flesh and blood flew everywhere wherever they passed.

The reverse scales are very sharp.

You will see blood when you touch it!

Yes, in the wind

Saw it

Yes, in the wind

Yes, in the wind

But no matter how sharp the knife is, it can't compete with the scene...this sea of ​​thousands of people!!

Yuan Li's sword is very fast, and he keeps fighting!

Trying to fight a way out of this dark sea of ​​people...&!

But, this is almost a bloody battle to the death.

Her physical skills are beyond estimation!

From all directions, countless machetes were slashing at him!

Her delicate body kept retreating, dodging in every direction!

But there were still countless blades slicing across her skin.

Almost instantly, a sharp machete... made several tiny bloody cuts on her delicate body.

The blood stained her leather jacket red.

She couldn't tell whether it was her own blood or the enemy's blood.

She couldn't hold on any longer.

The sea of ​​people is too much.

There were so many that she couldn't resist them at all.

Thousands of knives, no matter how strong her physical skills are, she can't resist them.

Any time, anywhere, one wrong step could lead to disaster!

"Puff...!" Yuan Li was holding the reverse scale again, and suddenly penetrated the neck of a thug in front!

Then, she took the opportunity to seize an opportunity and made a decisive decision... her delicate body suddenly flashed forward!

Her husband once taught her... in any environment and at any time, she must keep a clear mind!

Keep your brain running at high speed at all times and find the best plan for combating nausea!

At this time, she has found this battle, the only hope she can win.

Her delicate body suddenly rushed forward...!

Follow the trend and step on the shoulders of a killer!

The killer's knees softened and he fell to the ground with a 'pop' sound!

Yuan Li, on the other hand, followed the trend... and his delicate body rose into the air...!

She just stepped on the bodies of countless people under her feet and kept running away in the sky!

Below, countless thugs were trampled hard by Yuan Li's shoes. The terrifying force penetrated the thugs, and the thugs' knees softened and they all knelt down, Adi fell to the ground!

Yuan Li just stepped through the sea of ​​countless people and rushed directly towards a black BMW car in front!

Boom! She jumped up and landed hard on the black BMW!

Take advantage of the height of BMW cars to take advantage of geographical advantages!

Easy to defend but hard to attack!

This position is the only place where she can fight at this time.

From all directions, countless people are rushing toward Yuan Li like crazy zombies!

Countless thugs tried to climb onto the roof of the BMW sedan.,

However, before they could climb up, they were penetrated by the terrifying black sword light!

Yuan Li, standing on the roof of the BMW i car, borrowed the height of the car to form a natural standing and combat advantage.

The sea of ​​countless people can’t be filled up at all. It can’t be charged up!

"Pfft...! Pfft...! Pfft...!!!" The black scale-reverse dagger in your hand kept cutting through the void!

The blood quickly stained the entire BMW car red...&!

The entire roof of the car, the window glass...the door...the hood of the car...were all stained with thick blood...!!

One corpse after another... fell from the BMW!

On the ground within a few meters of the BMW car, bodies... were piled up like a mountain.

It’s like a Shura hell!

Yuan Li stood alone on the roof of the car, wearing a black leather jacket that had been dyed dark red by the blood.

Several wounds appeared on her body.

She has been seriously injured.

But she is still fighting.

His long black hair was messy, and his delicate and beautiful face was stained with a few blood stains, making his whole person look...even more poignant.

"Boom...!" In the silent and dark sky, a bolt of lightning pierced the void again!

Thunder and lightning!


It's raining heavily...!

Thunderstorm is coming!

Yuan Li swung his right hand and used the scale-reverse dagger to directly cut an assassin who was trying to rush onto the roof of the car into two halves.

Blood stained red.

The rain, intertwined with the thick blood, formed a gorgeous killing movement~!

If evil is a gorgeous and cruel music

Then justice is a deep and helpless melancholy

I will write its ending with my own hands

Then I will light up the glimmer in the ashes

The light of morning dries the last line of sadness

Then the raindrops will wash away the high walls of darkness~

Black ink dyes you with tranquility~


Heavy rain is coming!

Thousands of meters away, a sniper suddenly opened fire!

A sniper bullet burst out and struck Yuan Li...!!

This chapter has been completed!
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