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Chapter 892 No one sleeps tonight!

Qiu Huaihai and his wife were also shocked...but the bodyguard leader Yang Feng repeatedly told them not to worry.

Finally, Qiu Huaihai and his wife went upstairs in fear... After all, it was this time... A large group of killers raided outside, but at this moment... they stayed in the villa... This feeling is really scary


Outside the villa, the blood stretched endlessly! There was a miserable howl in the dark night... The group of hidden warriors kept raiding the villa, but they were all blocked by the terrifying spider web!

This group of hidden warriors were shocked and horrified! All the warriors' eyes widened and turned blood red!

They have never suffered such a big loss in their lives!! Lying on the ground are the remains of countless brothers... a whole large team of hidden killing teams... only a small half of them are left at this time... half of them are lying down!

He was hit hard by that terrible defense network!

"Baga! Bastard! What the hell is this?!" The group of hidden warriors roared out of control and furiously!! They were completely horrified! They had never seen such a terrifying thing in their entire lives.

Defense! Where is this villa?! This is basically a secret military base!!

Three kilometers away from the Qiu family villa, the Lexus sedan parked quietly in the silent night.

At this time, Yamamoto Palace's whole body was beginning to feel hot, and the effects of Viagra's aphrodisiac began to take hold. His lips were dry, and he could even imagine the image of Qiu Yi Renjiu's naked body in his mind... Thinking of this, his heart beat violently.

!That exciting scene is too tempting! Chinese women...especially Qiu Yi Renjiu is so beautiful, she is simply a beauty in the world! Paired with the powerful Viagra aphrodisiac he took specially, tonight...is destined to be fierce

Torture her and kill Qiu Yirenjiu completely! Let her know the consequences of offending him! Let her know the consequences of offending the Yamamoto group!!

"How come there's no news about the hidden killing group?" Yamamoto said impatiently, feeling hot and impatient. He couldn't wait any longer! He was extremely eager for women at this time, eager for the hidden killing team to capture that bitch Qiu Yirenjiu! Then...

He wants to ravage her in the car... directly and violently!

In the front row of the Lexus, the driver asked into the microphone, "Hidden Kill Team, how is the progress of the mission? Has the target been successfully captured?"

"Help...Help! They...their villa has high-tech military equipment...We can't make a surprise attack!!" The horrified voice of the assassination team came from the intercom, and the screams of the scene could even be heard!

"Ah——!" The member of the hidden killing team suddenly howled miserably, and then there was a burst of electricity from the microphone...the line was disconnected!

Yamamoto's face instantly wrinkled, and his pupils were shrinking violently! The Hidden Kill Team? Mission failed?! How is this possible?! This is impossible! Hidden Kill is the secret raiding team of the Yamamoto Team. In the dark, they are invincible.

How could it fail?!

At this moment, the representative of the Yamamoto group clenched his fists and made a "crackling" joint sound, which shows how angry Yamamoto is at this moment! He came to China and suffered setbacks one after another, which he couldn't bear!

"Hidden Killing Group Two...send me out! Frontal attack, bloodbath the Qiu family villa!!" Yamamoto Palace's voice was extremely sinister and ferocious, with wireless murderous intent flashing in his eyes!

As this order was issued, murderous intent filled the air in the dark night!

In the dark night, one kilometer away from the Qiu family villa...another group of hidden ninjas suddenly moved into action! Hidden to kill the second group!

The hidden killing group is divided into two groups. The first group... surprise assassination! The second group... brutal massacre!

If the first group is a silent poison, then the second group... is a terrifying explosive!

This is the real horror of hidden killings! Today, the hidden killing team led by Yamamoto Palace is just the tip of the iceberg, but it is enough to torture the entire Shanghai and the entire Qiu Group!

Countless black shadows rushed through the night, sprinting towards the Qiu family villa! A sudden roar of wind! The second group of hidden kills, there is no need to hide at all! They just need to kill! Endless killing!

In the Qiu family villa, the whole family had complicated emotions. Qiu Yirenjiu sat in the study room blankly, and the curtains had been drawn by her... She couldn't bear to see the bloody scene outside... Although she knew that the defense system of the villa was very strong,

She was still a little confused.

Qiu Huaihai and his wife were restless in the room... After all, there were constant bloody bombardments outside, how could they stay calm?

There were screams and screams in the dark night outside...but she seemed to be fine. Her blonde hair was draped sideways, and she was extremely beautiful and sexy.

At the same time, in the monitoring room of the villa.

Yang Feng was staring at the surveillance screen with a solemn expression. All the scenes around the villa were clearly displayed on the screen.

"Boss! Another group of warriors has appeared!!" his subordinate said nervously.

On the screen, at the end of the silent night street... a group of samurai ninjas in black suddenly appeared! Like terrifying ghosts, they rushed towards the villa!

Yang Feng's face was extremely solemn, and he stared closely at the group of ninja warriors in the surveillance screen! He found that...this group of warriors was different from the first wave before! The first wave was hidden in the dark night, silently! And this group,

But he had no intention of hiding at all! He was directly exposed to the surveillance camera and rushed towards him... The killing intent was terrifying and shocking!

"Start the infrared ray attack! Intercept them outside!"

Yang Feng's face was extremely solemn!

In the Qiu family villa, several infrared ray weapons slowly started to warm up, and the blast holes of all weapons were instantly aimed at the group of ninjas that were flying towards the dark night!!

...In that endless night, murderous intent is brewing~!

And, at the same time.

Just tens of meters away, in another villa opposite.

Chen Zong was lying on the bed. He originally wanted to sleep, but he was awakened by a miserable howl in the darkness outside the window.

Even if I want to sleep, I can't fall asleep.

"Noisy~" Chen Zongheng's eyes were cold and he slowly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, he stood up suddenly, jumped over the balcony, and jumped directly towards the bottom of the villa~

He is very irritable.

Those damn Japanese.

Already, it disturbed his sleep.

At this time, inside the Qiu family villa.

In the monitoring room, Yang Feng's face was solemn. All infrared laser rays had been preheated and activated. Tonight, it was destined to be a bloody massacre!

Suddenly! Yang Feng’s eyes narrowed!

On the surveillance screen, I saw a figure in a black suit slowly walking towards the Qiu family villa...

All the security guards in the villa looked astonished, and everyone was at a loss to react!

In the monitoring room, Yang Feng looked solemn and stared at this scene closely!



Mr. Chen?!!

At the same time... in the dark night ahead, a crazy roaring sound suddenly sounded! At the end of the night, countless ninja warriors in black were like ghosts, rushing towards them!

Suddenly, Chen Zongheng's figure on the screen turned into an afterimage like a phantom, and flashed towards the group of ninjas!

"Prepare for infrared rays! Protect Mr. Chen's safety with all your strength!!" Yang Feng gave the order immediately!

In the villa, countless infrared rays are ready to go!!

In the dark night, two groups of ninjas secretly attacked quickly!

"Zheng Zhengzheng——!" Countless cold samurai swords were instantly unsheathed! A terrifying murderous aura flashed in the dark night!! The air suddenly dropped in temperature!!

The faces of all the ninja warriors were cold and cold, like killers from hell! They are the second group of hidden killers, and they are the most bloody ninja killers!

Suddenly! Chen Zongheng's figure suddenly appeared in the night sky ahead, blocking their way!

The ninja warrior's pupils shrank suddenly! A ferocious murderous intention emerged! Kill!

"Zhengzheng——!" The samurai sword cut through the void and roared, as fast as lightning!

Suddenly! The figure of Chen Zongheng in front of him suddenly disappeared! Completely disappeared from the spot!

"The speed is not fast enough." A cold voice suddenly came from above the dark night sky!

All the ninjas looked up in fear!!

Above the night sky, a figure in a black suit was slowly spinning and falling along the inertia of gravity!

"Kill!" The ninja's face was furious, and he swung his fierce samurai sword directly towards the night sky!

Chen Zongheng spun lightly in the air, raised the corner of his mouth, and raised his right hand slightly. The toothpicks suddenly appeared in his hand.

Flying gently in mid-air!

“Swish, swish, swish—!” Countless toothpicks were projected out instantly! The toothpicks were thrown with a huge force, cutting through the void and night, and turned into an endless and terrifying killing weapon!

The pupils of the ninjas suddenly shrank! There was no time to react!

"Puff-puff--!" Countless toothpicks instantly cut through the wrists of the ninjas, breaking through like a bamboo!

Those ninjas were instantly cut with gruesome wounds on their wrists, and blood sprayed out directly from the wounds! All the katana swords in their hands fell to the ground!

In the monitoring room, Yang Feng stared at this scene with his eyes wide open!!

All the bodyguards present were stunned to death!! What is this...?!!

"Boss... the infrared ray attack... can you still activate it?" One of his subordinates asked blankly... He was completely frightened by this scene... he completely lost his opinion... Is this... an attack?

...or not attack?

Yang Feng's eyes were solemn, with a look of shock on his face, "Stop...for now."

Those infrared laser cannons are just hanging halfway! They are not turned on!

In the villa, all the bodyguards looked at the extremely eerie scene outside in shock and horror... Everyone's hearts were petrified! Is this man... really a human being?!!

Chen Zongheng's figure is indifferent, falling slowly ~ like a devil

The group of Japanese ninjas were ferocious and furious, their samurai swords slashed fiercely, and the cold light flashed in the dark night!

Chen Zongheng's pupils condensed, and a toothpick suddenly flew out of his hand!

"Cang!" The toothpick instantly collided with a slashing samurai sword with comparable force!

The Japanese samurai's wrist trembled violently, and the terrifying cold-bright samurai sword cracked instantly! The crack after being bombarded by a toothpick... It was so terrifying!

"Baga bastard! What kind of hidden weapon job is he doing?!" A ninja said angrily with a ferocious face!

"It looks like... it looks like a toothpick?!" Another ninja in black had a face full of fear and trembling!

"Toothpick?? Baga!! Cut!" These ninjas were completely furious!!

This chapter has been completed!
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