Turn off the lights
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Chapter 898 rainy night

"You...you...how...you're not dead yet?!" Yamamotomiya's voice was trembling with intense disbelief!!

Tonight, he ordered Akino-kun to lead a stealth attack team to attack and kill! This man... Qiu Yiren's driver... he should be dead!! How could he appear here?! How could he?!

Could it be?! A frightening thought emerged in Yamamoto Palace’s mind!!

"I'm sorry, Yamamoto, your ninjas... I'm afraid they will never come back." Chen Zongheng's voice was extremely calm, but it was shaking like the sound of hell!

Huh! After hearing this, Yamamoto's expression changed drastically!! Impossible! How is this possible?! What he sent tonight was the stealth ninja team!! It was one of the most terrifying ninja killings among the Yamamoto team! And Akino-kun

Go and take action! How can this be defeated?!

"You... who are you?!" Yamamoto's face suddenly changed, his eyes trembled with horror, and he stared at Chen Zongheng with unprecedented horror! At this moment, he seemed to feel death!

Yamamoto Palace was trembling all over because he suddenly felt the terror of the man in front of him! Who... is this man?! Even the stealth team... Akino-kun couldn't take him down?!

Chen Zongheng's face was extremely calm, and he was pinching Yamamoto Gong's neck with one hand... Suddenly, a dark and dark dagger was thrust into the wall an inch next to Yamamoto Gong's head!

Yamamoto Gong turned his head and looked tremblingly... When he saw the formidable dagger stuck on the wall... Yamamoto Gong's eyes were a little confused... But the next second! His whole body trembled violently!

Boom! A shocking idea emerged from his mind!

This dagger... This dagger with a shape as black as ink... covered with barbs... He had... heard of it before!! The only dagger in the world! Its name is - Devil May Cry!

"You, you... you are...!!" Yamamoto Palace trembled violently all over, and his pupils suddenly shrank... It was a terrifying tremor originating from the depths of his soul!!

"Death...God of Death?!" When Yamamoto trembled and shouted these two words, his whole body was shaking violently... and his pupils were replaced by a wave of extreme panic!!

Chen Zongheng stared at him calmly, with a bloody curve at the corner of his mouth, "Congratulations, you got the answer right."

Boom! Yamamoto's whole body felt as if his brain had exploded! His face was as pale as a dead man! His body was trembling! At this moment, he seemed to have lost his soul, and his whole body was completely frightened and shocked by the identity of those two words!

grim Reaper!!

That terrifying Chinese character-level agent that shocked the overseas world!!!

Yamamoto Miya never thought... that one day... he would face the God of Death... what a terrifying existence this... was? He never thought... that one day... he would be so idiotic as to send someone to kill him.

God of Death...! This... is simply digging your own grave!!

"The God of Death...the great God of Death...I...I didn't mean to offend you...I...I was just following the order of the organization..." The Yamamoto group was shaking violently all over!! It was a terrible tremor deep in the soul!


"I...I don't know if you are the god of death...the great god of death...can you save my life...please! I am just a small person in the Yamamoto group...this is all the organization's decision...it has nothing to do with me...

..." Yamamoto Palace was trembling from afar. At this moment, the leader of the Yamamoto group could not care less about his dignity! He begged for mercy trembling directly! In front of the God of Death... he felt the breath of death! When a person is about to die

, will struggle violently! He wants to save his life!

Hearing Yamamoto Palace's begging for mercy, Chen Zongheng's sarcasm became even more intense. He has faced countless bloody enemies in his life, and those who are the most powerful are often the ones who are the most fearless of life and death! People who are greedy for life and afraid of death... simply

He is not worthy of being an enemy... let alone the God of Death! He is afraid of getting his hands dirty!

"Get out of China, tell you, the boss of the Yamamoto group... The territory of China is the forbidden area for your Japanese invaders... If you do it again, you will be punished no matter how far away you are!" Chen Zongheng's voice was like the sound of hell, with a terrifying tremor!

He was afraid of getting his hands dirty by killing Yamamoto Gong.

At this moment, Yamamoto's body trembled violently again... a warm smell of urine slowly overflowed along his crotch...

This senior member of the Yamamoto Group was so scared that he peed at this moment!

Chen Zongheng swung violently, throwing Yamamoto Palace away, and hit the wall hard... The wall cracked and collapsed instantly...!

Chen Zongheng was too lazy to pay attention to such cowards, and his figure flashed... and rushed towards the floor-to-ceiling window in an instant... and disappeared into the endless rainy night...

Heavy rain and strong winds continued all night long... It was not until early in the morning that the downpour gradually subsided... After the violent strong wind... the streets of the entire city were in a mess...

Countless trees were blown down... billboards were blown to the ground... the entire street was left in a mess of wind and clouds.

A morning car drove slowly through the street... When it reached the middle of the street... the car suddenly braked... and stopped... The driver tremblingly stuck his head out of the window... He saw something

What kind of scene?

There were corpses all over the ground...the heads were chopped off one after another...the ground was still stained with a trace of blood...there was a strong smell of blood floating in the air...it was so terrifying!

Immediately afterwards, a frightened scream echoed in the silent early morning streets...

Ten minutes later, dozens of police cars with sirens blaring roared over and suddenly stopped on the street where the crime occurred.

A cordon was pulled up one kilometer around the scene, completely blocked by the police!

Qi Guochang led a group of criminal police members and slowly walked into the center of the crime scene.

Looking at the terrifying scene at this scene... Qi Guochang's expression was completely miserable... This... this is another extremely serious murder case!!

Qi Guochang's face was extremely solemn... He scanned the scene closely and saw the corpses everywhere... The head of each corpse had been chopped off with a sharp weapon...

"Team Qi, these people...are all dressed very strangely...black night clothes...the severed heads are all covered with their faces...on the ground...there are countless severed samurai swords..." One

The detective's men came forward to report with a solemn expression.

Qi Guochang's pupils were already tightly wrinkled. The outfits of these people seemed to be like those Japanese ninja assassins in the TV series...

But... those are all scenes in TV series... In this real society... would there be ninjas?!!

Qi Guochang's head was completely confused and trembling! He had a vague feeling that he seemed to be in contact with an unprecedented world! That world was completely different from the world they lived in! It... seemed to be a terrifying existence in another dimension!

"Team Qi, checked all the wounds... I have never seen such neat incisions... That kind of weapon... is sharper than a scalpel...!" The forensic doctor stepped forward and said solemnly!

Hearing this, Qi Guochang's face became even more solemn and pale... This kind of case... He was simply unable to start... This... was simply not a case that he could solve!!

Are these...are they really Japanese ninja warriors? Qi Guochang looked at the corpses everywhere, and a frightening and inexplicable thought appeared in his heart...

What kind of terrorist force did this...?

This chapter has been completed!
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