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Chapter 251 Heir Nina

Xiao Yun cursed angrily and drove Leonardo away and asked him to take away more than a dozen people who stared at him, staring at the guy's back as he turned around every step of the way, still mumbling: "This weak-minded traitor is a traitor."

Cruze shook his head and stood up: "I want to go back and have some things to do."

Xiao Yun said without looking back: "Okay, tell me when you are ready. It just so happens that the door is not open today."

Cruze left directly, while Xiao Yun focused on Luo and Ian: "What are you two looking at? You are so serious."

"There are many things worthy of study among the various technical information obtained from Leonardo. I also discovered the technology of the curvature engine. I will compare it to see if it can be produced using the materials available in our two worlds."

Xiao Yun also came over curiously, staring at the screen: "Can it be made?"

Luo Dao: "Still comparing, but after watching it for a while, I found that the conventional materials existing in our world are not strong enough at all. The main reason is that the core of the curvature engine requires very high-strength materials. This material is either artificially made through special

What is synthesized by this method is either a new type of material that does not exist on earth, and the properties of this material look familiar to me."

Ian, who was making calculations, looked up at Luo, and Xiao Yun also looked at Luo.

Luo was still recalling where he had seen it, and Xiaoba immediately gave the answer: "105 Tai Dao, the parameter comparison of 105 Tai Dao material is that the core material of the curvature engine has similar properties, but the data performance intensity is more than three times."

"Yes, that's it!" Luo Yi clapped his hands and thought about it, and said, "It's the 105 Tai Sword!"

Ian looked confused. Xiao Yun was not much better. Luo continued: "It's the 105-meter Odachi sword used by my red machine! The raw material of that Odachi sword is a meteorite that fell into the ocean from an alien planet. Originally,

It was Zaft who discovered that I had stolen it from behind."

"A 105-meter Odachi!?" Ian was shocked and quickly asked: "What kind of structure does it have? How can it have such strength? What is the structural performance of toughness and stretchability? What does the molecular structure look like? Can it be used?

If the entire armor frame of a mobile suit is made of this material, how strong will it be?"

Xiao Yun nicely asked about his blind spot in knowledge: "If they have the same properties, then they are all the same. Then there is nothing special about meteorites."

Luo and Ian looked at Xiao Yun at the same time, both of them were stunned by Xiao Yun's ignorance.

Luo thought for a while and said hesitantly: "If water and wine have the same performance properties, and water and tea have the same performance properties as liquids, do you think they are the same?"

Xiao Yun narrowed his eyes: "So that's it, I haven't studied enough."

Ian patted Xiao Yun's shoulder and said earnestly: "Don't worry about technical matters. I think we still don't have enough technical talents around us. How about you think of a way?"

Xiao Yun nodded lightly: "Let me think about it, but you heard what Leonardo and I just said, hurry up and design a brand new giant god, one that emphasizes flexibility, mobility and hiding ability, and produce a batch first."

I am going to give it to the Revolutionary Army. Remember not to overlap it with the giant project currently being carried out. Instead, use a different concept and design idea. I won’t worry about technical matters. Please work harder."

Luo's hand stiffened for a moment and he laughed dryly: "Okay."

Xiao Yun smiled slightly and waved away.

After Xiao Yun left, Ian pushed up his glasses and said to Luo: "I always feel like he is pretending to be stupid on purpose."

Luo had some doubts that Xiao Yun was really stupid: "It may not be enough to pretend to be stupid, but it is definitely right to find suitable reasons for us to do things."

Ian groaned: "It looks like we need to find more help. I have to call my apprentice over. If the environment here is suitable, I need someone to come over and continue the changer maturation plan."

Xiao Yun, who was leaving, quickly found Nina who was visiting the entire park, especially the factory, under the leadership of Tilly. He waved Tilly away and asked Nina with a smile: "Sister Nina, how are you? This is us.

The new Titan developed has the ability to transform and fly, allowing it to fight even in the universe."

Nina looked at the several new Titan pilots being assembled in the factory and nodded: "It looks like a very special machine, but Xiaoyun, have you taken a good look at the introduction to Titan pilots in the VT database?

I saw that the machine you created is forcibly matching the operation method of the Titan, and it is controlled dually through brainwave mental power and manual control."

"But there is no such thing as mass production of Titan. Each Titan is different and needs to be adjusted according to different users. For us, Titan is just a larger exoskeleton armor. Didn't you notice that I drive it?"

Are the proportions of the Titan's limbs actually exactly the same as mine? Why do we need AI to assist when the body can obviously fight together? I haven't even thought about it?"

"What you are making now is simply a pure weapon. It is not much different from agricultural machinery picking up weapons. What I said may not be correct, but at most it is an upgraded version of armed agricultural machinery. Of course, there is no problem in using it by ordinary Titan pilots.

, but the top pilots would never use this kind of machine."

"No way?" Xiao Yun looked up and said, "Is there such a big difference? But Sister Nina, I originally planned to mass-produce and sell these machines as combat equipment that ordinary people can use.

Titan men can also drive and fight."

Nina was stunned for a moment: "What do you want to do?"

Xiao Yun's eyes suddenly became wise: "Of course we are going to make a revolution, change the thinking of war, bring all forces to the same level, and then use our rich experience and higher-level machines to defeat them, the cost

It’s low-maintenance and convenient, and can seamlessly connect with the giants, so you won’t have to worry about selling it.”

"When everyone is using this new type of machine that even ordinary people can drive after training, the revolution comes. Even if there are a small number of old stubborns who will not change their minds, they cannot stop the changes of the times and forcefully reverse their current situation.

The advantage of giving us a short respite and development time, some people will be willing to use more energy and materials on this kind of body that can seemingly increase their power infinitely in the short term, even if in the long run they find that

This new track is actually of little use and it is already too late when I am still lagging behind others. By that time, I must have bought enough time.”

"Quality may determine a lot of things, but when the quantity becomes infinite, even the top knights will be exhausted when faced with endless new machines. Some people will think that it is useless to spend so much money to train knights.

Then it will be our era, and by then many people will find that the original quantity is actually of no use."

Nina had no idea what Xiao Yun was going to do and what his real purpose was: "What good will this do to you?"

Xiao Yun pretended to be mysterious: "Oh, you will know soon."

Nina frowned slightly: "Do you know what the top Titan pilot represents?"

Xiao Yun shook his head: "I don't know, but I found that some knights seem to have special abilities."

"Hey, I want you to read more books." Nina sighed and said: "At best, people like you can only meet the standards and have potential. I can only use some of that special power a little bit, like

My father is a real Titan pilot. They can use a special power and with the blessing of the Titan, that power will become more powerful, just like using magic."

"That is a special potential that only one person among tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people is born with. Generally speaking, some people can show some potential after rigorous training. You and I need training to be able to

People who have some appearance can convert mental power into physical power with the help of special equipment to deliver devastating blows, perform absolute defense and general defense, or perform powerful amplifications on themselves and the giants. This kind of person is what I call top-notch.

The knight."

"Convert spiritual power into physical power?" Xiao Yun's expression was a little strange and asked: "Does the VT database say these things?"

Nina answered firmly: "My father has left information, and it must be in VT's database."

"What the hell? New humans? Explosives? People with super powers? How many good things are there in the VT database that we should let Luo take a look at?" Xiao Yun raised his eyebrows with a weird expression, shook his head and said: "

To put it this way, there are a lot of people like this around me, but they can be piled to death without any use, and the ace will be killed by stray bullets in a chaotic battle. This is all a small problem."

Nina had a question mark on her face: "Huh?"

Xiao Yun said: "Sister Nina, I will take you somewhere. Do you have anything to bring?"

Nina shook her head, looked at Xiao Yun and asked, "Who are you going to sell these machines to?"

"Don't worry, Sister Nina, you will know soon." Xiao Yun grabbed Nina's hand and walked out directly. He had already seen Cruze carrying a suitcase from a distance.

When it appears in his eyes, he naturally knows that Kruse is ready.

Seeing Xiao Yun walking over with Nina in hand, Kruse nodded: "Is it okay?"

Xiao Yun nodded and let go of Nina, clapped her hands and then pulled her hands together. A green circular passage that seemed to tear apart the space appeared in front of everyone, and this scene also made Nina widen her eyes and reveal her full expression.

Face with an expression of disbelief.

"Let's go, Sister Nina."

Xiao Yun didn't give Nina much time to observe and think. He grabbed Nina's hand again and went directly into the passage. Cruze also followed behind, followed by Tilly, Xiao Dao and several others.

A member of the Paw Paw Team.

After an indescribable scene flashed by, it seemed that just after taking a few steps, the surrounding environment turned into a completely different look, a room made entirely of steel.


Nina opened her mouth in shock: "Xiaoyun, what's going on?"

"Door." Xiao Yun looked at Nina beside him and said, "I don't know how much you know about doors, but maybe you have heard about doors. I am a walking door. I can open the door to other worlds.

passage, and now the gate on the Brawler Alliance star also has this ability because of my relationship."

Nina was horrified and stunned: "Xiaoyun!?"

Xiao Yun said to Nina seriously: "Sister Nina, I did so much to protect other worlds and to make up for the mistakes caused by my itchy hands, so whether it is TMC or the resistance, as long as they invade this world, then

They are my enemies, and I must use the shortest possible time to have enough power to protect them all before the unexpected happens."

"I can directly record the coordinates of different worlds and open doors without relying on any other equipment. Then I can only think that the door also has the ability to record coordinates in this way. Although there are still many unclear doors in the hands of these forces.

place, but sooner or later they will figure everything out, so I have to do a lot of things that I shouldn't have done, and you will understand me and help me, right."

Nina raised her hand and covered her mouth in disbelief. Slowly, Nina slowly began to turn her head and look around: "Here... another world? Is it real?"

"I'll take you around later." Xiao Yun smiled and raised his chin towards Xiao Dao and Tilly: "You guys take good care of Sister Nina."

The two women nodded, and Xiao Yun, Cruze, and the male members of the Paw Team went directly to the passage marked for the men.

The process of disinfecting, washing and changing clothes is indispensable. Although specialized personnel have checked the clothes and items brought back by Xiao Yun and others and no unknown and deadly viruses were found, this process has been maintained just in case.

, anyone passing through the door must go through this process, and the process going back is the reverse.

After the process is completed, there is another larger steel space. Now this so-called teleportation room is located in the Orb mainland, right between the military base and the Dawn Society. There was originally such an underground space, but it was destroyed after the war.

It was turned into ruins, but after the restoration of the country, it was immediately cleared out, repaired, reconstructed and reinforced. The things originally hidden inside were also transferred to the branch of the Universal Dawn Society, which is the Heavenly Pillar.

Ernesto can always appear in front of Xiao Yun at the first time. Although this guy is not very reliable, he still does this very well and works hard without complaining.

Ernesto had a bitter look on his face when he saw Xiao Yun: "Master Shizhen, you came back just in time. Miss Lux from PLANT is visiting Orb these two days. Miss Ya and Her Highness Cagalli are not this Lux at all."

My opponent, Miss Lux, has been preaching to me for a long time about the agreement. I have been so angry that I have been angry several times. If you don’t come back, I’m worried that Orb will start a fight with PLANT.”

"Lux?" Xiao Yun was a little surprised: "Why is she here? Why don't you just preach? Why don't you cause trouble? The tripartite meeting signed it after a few days?"

Ernesto: "It's only been twelve days since you last opened the door, Tokisada-sama, and less than ten days until the formal agreement was signed."

Xiao Yun nodded: "I know, it has been reduced to one to six. It looks like it will be one to one soon. I will leave a notice in the next few days to attend the tripartite agreement and I will personally attend."

Ernesto nodded: "Okay, Sir Shizada."

After waiting for a while, he saw Nina and others coming out of another passage. Ernesto naturally looked over there. He had seen Tilly and Xiaodao accompany Xiao Yun here before, but now this

The two of them were obviously guarding another person he had never seen before, and they also noticed that Xiao Yun's eyes were on this person he had never seen before.

After Nina came over with some confusion, Ernesto asked: "Master Shizhen, who is this?"

"This is my eldest sister, my relative Nina, remember she is my heir."

Ernesto quickly showed an expression of awe: "Your Highness Princess Nina, I am very happy to meet you. I am Ernesto, Lord Tokisada's attendant. If you have anything to do, Your Highness Nina, you can ask me to do it."

This chapter has been completed!
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