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Chapter 474 Annihilation

After the defense line retreats, there is no longer any barrier that can prevent BETA from occupying the land. The sight of BETA all over the sky is not only scary, but also disgusting. After all, BETA is really ugly.

Retreating to the temporary base at the rear, Xiao Yun took off his helmet and jumped out of the cockpit, holding a bag of energy liquid to replenish his body and sucking on it. Looking at the busy supply and maintenance scene nearby, he quickly found Yu Jian Mingye.

The Valkyrie squad she belongs to.

Xiao Yun walked over unhurriedly and raised his eyebrows as he looked at a group of women who were so tired that they were sitting anywhere or lying directly in the rest area.

Michiru Isumi noticed Xiao Yun's arrival, quickly pulled off the towel on his head and stood up: "Master Xiao Yun."

"Sit tight." Xiao Yun raised his hand to stop others from getting up and said, "You must be very tired."

"Fortunately, I'm used to it." Isumi Michiru shook her head and said seriously: "After a little rest and adjustment, we can still go to the battlefield. Although everyone is tired, as long as we can kill more BETA, we can keep going.


Xiao Yundao: "In comparison, driving tactical opportunities is easier."

Michiru Isumi said: "Perhaps it is because the body will be relaxed. The new aircraft is really difficult to operate. I think it is because we are not used to it yet, so we do a lot of ineffective operations. Although the body is tired when driving the new aircraft, the spirit is relaxed.

It’s exciting, and it’s the exact opposite of flying a tactical aircraft. We don’t have to worry about accidents due to problems with the aircraft, and being able to eliminate BETA as much as we want will only make us more and more powerful.”

Xiao Yun thought for a while and suddenly smiled at Michiru Isumi: "Why are you so polite to me now? You were quite arrogant before, hahaha!"

Michiru Isumi was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to say. The other women also sat up and looked helplessly at Xiao Yun and Michiru Isumi, looking back and forth.

Xiao Yun laughed loudly and said: "Have a good rest, fierce man, how long do you have?"

The fierce man said in a muffled voice behind Xiao Yun: "At the current speed, the battle will start in two or three hours at most."

"Give them an injection to relieve their pain." After Xiao Yun finished speaking, he glanced at everyone and said: "The following battle will be a total annihilation operation against the BETA landing. Of course, the main force will not be you. You only need to assist the main force.

It is enough for the army and the large coalition forces to carry out regional clearance, but I hope that the main force of the next battle will be you. The change of this world will be started by you, and the only thing you can rely on to regain your homeland is you.



Xiao Yun left and walked around to get some fresh air before returning to the cockpit of his aircraft. After putting on his helmet again, an extremely complex strategic diagram appeared in his sight.

The command department has now divided the next war zone into more than twenty areas according to BETA's planned advance route. These war zones also include the current location of Xiao Yun and the others, and the real temporary defense line will be farther back.

Position of the third defensive front.

According to the plan, the second line of defense still plays the role of buying time. Now larger forces are being mobilized from the United States and the Soviet Union to supplement the third line of defense. Almost all the military forces that both sides can mobilize, together with the coalition forces, are being mobilized.

Together we have established an impenetrable line of defense to organize BETA's continued advance. Eventually, the combat power of Dawn Base will be the main force and sweep across the twenty or so divided theaters, eventually eroding all BETA.

Without the combat power of Shuguang Base, no one in this world would have the guts to make such a decision, but now there is no such concern. What's more, this is the first combat plan that the US and Soviet armies have come forward to support. Naturally, it is not possible.

There may be other forces that choose to oppose it.

Before the official battle with Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun had already left with his people in advance. He had been watching the show before and had not exerted much energy. This time, he had to follow suit no matter what.

Xiao Yun's goal for setting off this time is the most dangerous place on the planet today, and his mission is to eliminate all light-level BETAs. Light-level and heavy-light-level BETAs have appeared in many areas that have been identified, and there are many more.

The super-heavy light-class BETA has also landed on land. It can be said that even the BETA's lair is not necessarily as dangerous as the place where the super-heavy light-class is located.

This journey was quite easy for Xiao Yun and the others. They just took off and completely ignored the threat of light level to air units. In other words, they showed a little respect for BETA and turned on the optical invisible dispersion of GN particles.

Double Stealth then rushed towards the identified target location in a straight forward path.

The super-heavy light-class is already a super-large category in the latest classification. It is not much better than the fortress-class. It is a BETA of the attack ship level, but this is the first time that the super-heavy light-class has appeared. For this kind of light-class

The understanding can only be made based on the first two light levels. After all, this thing is not particularly easy to mess with at first glance.

It's a shame that BETA appeared in such a world. If BETA had appeared in World 1, World 4 or World 0, they would have been kept in captivity as a rare species long ago, let alone breaking into the earth.

Isn't it interesting that the carbon-based miners produced by silicon-based civilization can't even enter the Mars circle? The research value is sky-high.

So what if BETA has the so-called evolutionary ability, so what if it can develop new types of arms. As long as it is a living thing, there must be limitations. Just like the light species cannot release lasers with the power of the heavy light species. This is determined innately.

, and when BETA creates a more destructive BETA, it is just a target. One Genesis can probably solve many problems.

The most likely situation is that the new types of BETA are not produced as fast as the development of new mobile suits or new battleship weapons.

A mere BETA... Xiao Yun is qualified to say such things.

After discovering the super-heavy light level, Xiao Yun immediately removed his disguise. In the next second, intensive alarms sounded in the cockpit. Many large and small light levels below directly locked the giant team led by Xiao Yun with their big eyes. Countless small

The light is densely covered, and the effect of a real laser irradiation attack rather than a particle beam attack is reflected in a split second.

But it was of no use at all. He only had to dodge heavy light-level irradiation, and even if his small eyes or big eyes were hit, he would not be able to pose any threat to the giant god.

Even if you are faced with heavy light-level choices, you only need to turn on the energy-biased armor. Terrorist attacks to humans in this world are nothing at all. If there is a quarter-level MACROSS, a heavy particle bubble can do it.

Teaching them to behave and the energy consumption of activating defensive measures has never been within Xiao Yun's consideration.

Xiao Yun received a warm welcome from BETA as soon as he appeared on the stage. Xiao Yun was somewhat touched by such enthusiasm, so he was ready to return even more enthusiasm to BETA.

In an instant, the solar furnace exploded at full power, and the green particles turned red in the blink of an eye. The giant god's appearance was also shrouded in a layer of red light. The riot falling from the sky directly hit a super-heavy light class that looked extremely fat.

The super-heavy light level is similar to the fortress level in many places, such as the spike-like legs and the whips that are more terrifying than the fortress level. During the Titan Riot, many whips flew towards Xiao Yun's direction.

It wasn't like there was a volley of thousands of arrows. It can be said that he was able to dodge quite easily. While he nimbly dodged these whip stings, Xiao Yun also controlled his body and pulled out the beam saber. Two or three times, these disgusting whip stings turned into disconnected ones.

The kite flies high.

A few seconds later, the Riot driven by Xiao Yun kicked the middle one of the three big heads of the super-heavy light class, kicked out the beam saber in his hand, and stabbed the BETA with the other steel arm.

The whole body was pushed forward at the same time, and the super-heavy light stage that was standing firmly on the ground was forcibly knocked to the ground. This scene was much more shocking than a person pulling an ox and a horse and falling to the ground.

The missile pod opened, and warheads ejected from the pods all over the body, scattering flowers in all directions and falling on the heads of the surrounding BETAs. The sound of booming booming with Xiao Yun's giant as the center was endless, destroying everything.

They were all enveloped in a series of explosions.

Other giants are not as tough as Xiao Yun. From the moment he appeared, he maintained flexible maneuvers while suppressing the BETAs on the ground with fire, covering and clearing them with missiles. After landing, he launched targeted attacks on the surrounding light species in team mode.

Strike the attack, and at the same time contain other types of BETA that rush in and surround you.

Performing rapid maneuvers a few meters above the ground, using various weapons to kill all visible light species in sequence. In this case, these light levels actually broke the original BETA rules of action, and would never be used when there are similar ones ahead.

Perform a ground attack.

When the super-heavy light-level attacks began to ignore their own side, the number of BETAs killed by these super-heavy light-level attacks was actually more than the number of BETAs killed by Xiao Yun and others after they appeared. It was most likely because these BETAs also sensed the Titan.

The threat brought about by the evil forces wanted to kill Xiao Yun and others here at all costs.

But such a struggle is powerless. No matter how powerful the defenses these BETAs have, or how terrifying their numbers are, in front of the Titan Riot there is really no difference from the unparalleled mowing grass. The proud defense

Ability and quantity seem so insignificant at this moment.

When the last light species was eliminated, a group of Titans violently rushed into the sky and quickly disappeared, continuing towards other areas where light-level BETA formations had been confirmed.

After fighting for several hours continuously, with an ammunition replenishment in the middle, all the light levels that appeared have become a thing of the past. Without the light level that threatens the human air force, it is enough to become a reminder for BETA. Up to this point, in fact, this human war has

The war with BETA has already entered a counterattack state.

Xiao Yun did not participate in the subsequent battle, and there was no need to continue. The most troublesome situation had been overcome. From now on, it is enough to pay attention to whether there are any more light levels and destroy them. Without the light level,

For humans, the only thing BETA needs to worry about is quantity.

This BETA annihilation battle lasted for more than a week. Some combat forces were left in Shuguang Base to cooperate with the coalition forces to continue the cleanup. Without a large-scale battle, Xiao Yun returned with the remaining people.

Dawn Base.

But just after this war, the coalition seemed to straighten up and become more assertive. It received full support from the United States and the Soviet Union, and it seemed to have transformed from a joint organization into a true representative of unity, with extremely strong support.

The rapid speed promoted a series of development measures, starting a vigorous major reform from people's livelihood to the military, and began to be implemented without any obstruction.

Many measures are actually not the best choice for a single country from the standpoint of a single country. They even require these big countries to invest more resources than other countries, including subsidies for refugees, material and military assistance to other countries, etc.

It is harming one's own interests, but it is carried out without any hindrance. It's not that no one wants to stop it, but the people who would stop it are gone.

Back at Dawn Base, the Valkyrie Squadron started their daily training again after a day off, and higher-standard and more difficult training began.

This time, Xiao Yun is not going to treat the Valkyrie Squadron in the same way as he treated the people of the White Wolf Team. After being transformed, the people of the White Wolf Team have one foot in the revolutionaries, but they want to step into another.

It is almost impossible to have one foot without adventure and technological progress. Although they have a stronger body, the possibility of going further has become very small, and even to some extent, it has limited the achievements they should have achieved.


Real knights have special abilities, but it is difficult for the members of the White Wolf Team who have been transformed before awakening this ability to awaken that ability again. They can only develop in the direction of changers in the future, and the future will not be the same.

has been fixed.

Fortunately, there is still a broad development direction under the Reformer system, and with the solar furnace, there is also unlimited room for growth. The future is still very promising, but it is quite difficult, but it is not without hope.

But for the Valkyrie Squadron, Xiao Yun plans to train them according to the method of training real knights. As for where they can stop in the end, it is up to them. If the potential is exhausted, then they choose to undergo transformation. It is also a direction. Maybe they will continue in the future.

There are more directions for them to choose.

Knight-level training is completely different from the previous training. Brera does not have the qualifications to become a knight training instructor. The Scythe Team is a very good choice, but Xiao Yun has a more suitable candidate, the one who will transform himself from a small child

Nina, who was trained as a knight from a brat, is the best candidate. There is no one more suitable than her.

Nina had already organized a knight training camp in Orb, and she was not prepared to take Yu Jian Mingye and the others to another world, so she had no choice but to let Nina come with the training camp.

Nina didn't care about this. It was the same to her everywhere, but she just made a request to Xiao Yun that was not a request.

"Drugs, you should know that normal people's physical fitness cannot reach the level of knights. There is one thing that is indispensable to become knights. Orb and his group have almost completed the first stage of training.

, but if you want to become a real knight, you must get more of that strengthening drug."

"Even you have taken a lot of that kind of medicine, otherwise you would think that I have been active on the battlefield for so many years and still have no savings at all." (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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