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Chapter 136 Helmgart Fortress

 After Snorri heard that the treasure trove of Breeze Castle was touched by the green skin, he couldn't help but feel happy and then worried. What he was happy about was that in this case, the weight of the pledge money in his hand was undoubtedly greater, but he was worried because he didn't know the doomsday body.

Was the anvil damaged or even stolen?

However, Snorri knew that he shouldn't ask such a sensitive question further at this time. After all, the fact that Breeze Castle has extra Doomsday Anvils is considered confidential information. Its specific situation should not be found out in the castle tavern next door.


After asking a few more questions to get a general understanding of Karak Zfulin, Snorri relaxed and began to enjoy the food and wine. After finishing the business, shouldn't he reward himself? In a few days, he will have to march in the cold wind again.


In the following days, Snorri heard from the surrounding tribesmen that Lord Savak was purging the elders of the fortress.

Taking advantage of the power and reputation of successfully rescuing the siege, the young dwarf lord began to vigorously replace the managers, which made Snorri shake his head secretly.

In his opinion, Lord Savak is still too anxious. In a relatively conservative race like the dwarves, this kind of work should be done step by step. Being too radical may lead to backlash.

On the other hand, this undoubtedly puts Snorri, the person who secretly makes the idea, on the fire. Although no one in the tribe has jumped out to slander him due to his prestige, it is obvious that Snorri does not want to interfere with other people in his sensitive capacity.

The internal affairs of the fortress.

Faced with this situation, Snorri simply stayed in the hotel for a few more days. When the day came, he didn't stop for a moment and drove the convoy to leave Karak-Azgraz.

Looking back at the gates and walls of the fortress that were being rebuilt nervously, Snorri took a deep breath of the cold air in the mountains. Feeling the coldness that penetrated his chest from the outside in, he dispelled the tiredness in his heart.

Here, he killed his archenemy Skarsnik, but the past is in the past. He will move forward in big strides and continue to fight for the revitalization of the Mountain Kingdom.

What surprised Snorri was that there was no wind or snow as he had imagined on this trip. The road to Breeze Castle was almost smooth, and there was almost no snow when walking on the ridge.

Along the way, Snorri enjoyed a round of exotic scenery. It was close to the vast ocean, and the gentle sea breeze brought a completely different climate.

For former Chinese people like Snorri, the temperate continental climate is undoubtedly more suitable. In comparison, the severe cold in the World's Edge Mountains makes him a little uncomfortable.

Along the way, at the southern foot of the mountain range is the Principality of Montfort. The Duke who rules here is a living saint who has drank the water of the Holy Grail. Under his relatively enlightened and compassionate management, the dwarf merchants say that the peasant life here is...

Better than other places.

To the north is Reikland, which is still under the control of William III. The future emperor was a powerful and far-sighted leader, and under his governance, Reikland was prosperous.

Since there are relatively strong governments on both sides, Snorri's security along the way is quite good. After passing through two small dwarf settlements in succession, Snorri finally reached the last pass of his trip.

"The ax bites the pass!" Snorri looked at this famous trade route. It connects the hinterland of Bretonnia and the hinterland of Reikland. It can be said to be the most important thoroughfare between the Human Empire and Bretonnia.<


Therefore, the Axbite Pass has attracted the attention of both sides. On the Bretonnian side, it is the towering Montfort Fortress of the Duke himself that guards the narrow passage through the Axbite Pass.

As early as thousands of years ago, when the Kingdom of Knights was first established, the first Duke of Montfort, Malcrude, who was much remembered by his people, was one of the companions of the unifier Gilles.

He chose this city as his residence and built the walls of the fortress to a height that reaches into the sky. The castle was famous throughout the old world for its strength, so much so that the image of its towering towers was depicted on the coat of arms of the Duke's family.
On the side of the Human Empire, Helmgart Fortress is also a truly grand pass. It is not only an important fortress, but also a major trade town.

As the most powerful neighbor of the Human Empire, the Bretonnians have invaded from time to time. In order to take precautions, the Empire has built a solid fortress here and deployed a large number of artillery.

Helmgart Fortress consists of three massive parapets carved out of the granite massif of the Gray Mountains. An additional parapet extends from the fortress to the other end of the valley. Anyone attempting to cross the Axbite Pass must pass through these only

A retaining wall with a single gate.

From the fortress, you can overlook the surrounding area, and the unrestricted fire line covers the one-third of the access distance on the Imperial side of Axbite Pass.

"Let's go to Helmgart!" Snorri gave his order. According to the plan, the convoy will stay in this human fortress for three days. This kind of thing has almost never happened along the way before, but considering

The importance of the Axbite Pass and the nature of the Helmgart trading center are no surprise.

There is a reason why Helmgart was chosen among the fortresses in the two sections of the pass instead of the larger, more solid, and more important Montfort Castle.

Between the two major human-dominated forces, Bretonnia and the Human Empire, the dwarves undoubtedly prefer the Human Empire. First of all, because of the ancient covenant between Kurgan-Ironbeard and Sigmar.

On the other hand, the dwarves do not like the powerful knights of Bretonnia. In the eyes of the dwarves, most of these knights are too arrogant and difficult to communicate with. In order to breed their war horses, they also like to have ambiguities with the pointed ears in the forest.<


Regardless of these, there have been rumors in the Mountain Kingdom that the Lady of the Lake believed by the Bretonnians is also a god believed by the Pointed Ears. However, this rumor has never been confirmed.

Of course Snorri knows that this is true. The Lady of the Lake is also the elf goddess Lilith, who is in charge of the moon, dreams and magic. But considering that his subordinates lick a lot of dogs and are quite capable of fighting, there is no benefit to this situation.

Snorri didn't want to expose Him.

Snorri sent several anvil guards to protect Bahrain and went to the fortress to report, then slowed down the speed of the convoy and slowly moved forward to wait for the humans' reaction.

After a while, the three gates of Helmgart opened one by one, and a fashionable human nobleman with colorful feathers on his big-brimmed hat appeared in front of Snorri, surrounded by a group of human warriors.

Out of respect for their dwarf friends, these humans did not ride horses to avoid further widening the height gap.

"Salute to you! Prince Snorri who has come from afar! May our friendship be as eternal as gold!" The human noble took off his big-brimmed hat, crossed it across his chest and bowed.<


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