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Chapter 138 Imperial Dwarves

"I can tell you clearly, my dear human friends, Skaven are everywhere, and they have existed since the beginning of your empire!" Snorri said in a low tone.

"Between the mountains, in the tunnels you have ignored, my people have fought bloody battles with them for thousands of years! Although they are the latest opponents to appear, there is information about them in the book of great hatred kept by my father.

The provisions are no less than those of any race!”

Snorri's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Viscount Thompson's heart time and time again. He knew that the dwarf prince in front of him would not and had no need to lie to him, but he wanted to accept it as an urban legend and only listened to Yile's story.

In fact, it is reality, and it was still a bit difficult at that time.

"Then what should I do?" Seeing that the convoy has finished, Snorri also got on the blue sheep and prepared to enter the city with the convoy. Viscount Thompson spoke faster.

"Check your sewers carefully! Let the sewer cleaners be more vigilant and report the situation to you every day!" Snorri gave his advice calmly,

After wiping out the rat infestation in the Empire, Mandred, the Rat Exterminator, knew that the Ratmen might come back at any time, so he established a force specifically responsible for patrolling the sewers to prevent any unexpected events.

Although the emperor was assassinated, the army he formed survived and later gradually developed into sewer cleaners.

This job can be called the lowest and most disgusting of all jobs in the old world. If there is an option, it might be better to work as a tortoise in a brothel.

Snorri knew this profession from the story of Gotrek, the most failed butcher. Sewer cleaners need to crawl along narrow sidewalks in the dark. If their feet slip, they will fall into the stench of feces and garbage.

In the sewage.

In addition to these "natural" threats, it is foreseeable that almost all undesirable evil things will happen in dirty sewers.

Seeing some deformed and corroded mutant monsters, witnessing some strange cult rituals, and being blocked by big rats walking upright are all things that may happen at any time. These things make sewer cleaners become

Got a high-risk job.

"To be honest, although my people are all good at underground warfare, I think you may not be able to afford to let them dig out the sewers! You know, just deodorizing our beards is a huge sum of money!

When he saw Viscount Thompson and wanted to say something else, Snorri blocked his mouth in advance. To be honest, he didn't want to dig out the sewers himself, and he didn't want to force his tribe to do it because of his own feelings. His title of "The Generous One"

You haven’t warmed up yet!

Snorri caught up with the blue sheep and followed the convoy. They would go directly to the dwarf settlement here.

Outside the mountains, dwarves generally live in the form of clans, but these clans are not bound by specific guilds. The clan leader and elders will be responsible for the daily operations of the entire clan.

When more than one clan lives in the same imperial settlement, they will form a council of elders to manage the imperial dwarf community. This is actually similar to the management method of the fortress in the mountains.

In fact, according to Snorri, the structure of the dwarf community in the human empire is not much different from that of a fortress.

What he saw in front of him was a literal "city within a city". It was a group of circular, compact, stone-built buildings that were no more than two stories high by human standards. The only way to enter the building complex was through the front.

The heavy door.

The outer buildings are like real city walls. There are no small doors in the outward direction but there are small windows facing the external area for possible trade communication. Of course, Snorri knows that once the situation is critical, these small windows will also

It can be transformed into a reliable shooting hole.

Since the first human emperor Sigmar, every time the human emperors in the past asked the dwarves for help, they were asked to grant some privileges to the dwarves living in the empire.

Over time, the laws of the Human Empire recognized the dwarf community's right to self-defense and self-regulation, and local administrative and law enforcement departments had no right to intervene on these issues.

Even if they are really forced to the point of desperation, many people in the local government hope that when the town is invaded again by greenskins or undead, the dwarves can let them in to escape. After all, this city within the city will undoubtedly be able to defend it for a longer time.


At the moment, the gate to the settlement is not closed. A small group of dwarves are waiting at the door. Seeing the convoy gradually approaching, the white-bearded old man at the head stepped forward and bowed his hand.

"The person here is the divine choice of the ancestor goddess, the son of the co-owner of the mountains, Master Snorri the Generous?" The old dwarf's voice was lively and inconsistent with his age. This was the long-bearded man among the mountains.

It is very rare among these people.

"Good afternoon, respected elder!" Snorri jumped off the back of the blue sheep and returned the salute.

"Come in quickly! People from the mountains, you can call me Stonemason. I am a master stonemason!" The old dwarf introduced himself while leading the convoy into the settlement.

As the motorcade entered, although the sun had not yet set, the tribesmen still became lively. Accompanied by the settlement managers, Snorri arrived at the center of the place.

Undoubtedly, the center of life in any dwarven area is the tavern. Larger dwarven settlements have as many as ten or more taverns, but even the smallest settlements have at least one.

The tavern in front of me is no less impressive than any other fortress. "This is my son's property. The mustache thinks that masonry is not as profitable as this! But I think the traditional craftsmanship still needs to be passed on. You

What do you say?" Elder Stonelayer said to Snorri.

From the perspective of almost every tribesman who meets him for the first time, Snorri, who is shrouded in a halo, is undoubtedly a loyal defender of tradition. For this reason, Snorri always needs to spend some time to correct the inherent stereotypes.
"That's natural, but I'm also willing to embrace new things, as long as they help the development of the Mountain Kingdom."

The group of people chatted while walking to the second floor of the tavern. The second floor is a number of independent compartments, which can be used as private rooms or as a meeting place.

"Welcome! With you and your hammer guards here, we wanderers who have left home can be considered as having a backbone!" After everyone sat down, the master stone mason stood up and toasted the first glass of wine.

Snorri knew what he meant. Due to Dieter IV's betrayal, Thorgren-the Resentment was recorded in the Book of Great Hatred, and the stupid emperor moved the capital to Al, the capital of Reikland.

Daofu, these tribesmen who have lived in Reikland for a long time are a little embarrassed.

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