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Chapter 158 Breeze Castle

 Snorri quickly passed through the Axbite Pass. This trade route was blocked at both ends by Montfort Castle and Helmgart Fortress. As long as nothing happens on these two sides, the trade route itself is basically safe.

The closer you get to the west of the Old World, the vast sea breeze makes the climate relatively mild. There is not even snow in the northern section of the Gray Mountains. Snorri's lambs are also much more brisk.

At noon on the third day, he and his convoy finally arrived at the gate of Karak Zfulin. This was a dwarf fortress carved out of a granite mountain. It was the last one to be built in the Golden Age, so it was also the dwarf craftsmanship of that era.

The highest expression.

As the caravan gradually approached, the gate of Breeze Castle opened. Snorri looked from a distance and saw a group of Hammer guards walking out surrounded by several senior officials.

Snorri saw the plate armor on the leading dwarf shimmering in the sunlight. Through his knowledge in the Karak-Azgraz bar, he knew that this was one of several legendary pieces of equipment kept by the royal family of Breeze Castle -

Sunrise Armor.

This legendary piece of equipment is made of stone like the legacy of Snorri's own clan, but it is made from a granite core dug out during the original construction of Breeze Keep.

Granite is an extremely hard crystalline rock mass, because its crystallization process is very slow, and its crystals are intertwined one by one like a Rubik's cube.

Granite often appears in various colors because it often contains other minerals, such as amphibole and mica. The reason why this armor is named "Sunrise" is because it is mixed with light red and yellow crystals, which looks like

Like the halo of the rising sun.

Snorri breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the plate armor. It was obvious that the Lord of Granite Hand came out to greet him personally, which showed that the Lord of Breeze Castle did not intend to embarrass him in the matter of welcoming the bride.

If the lord decides to settle his personal matters first, he can wait for Snorri in the throne room. After all, there are motorcades every year, but his daughter only gets married once, and no matter how conservative the tribe is, they can't blame him for this.

"Welcome, Master Snorri. May the Ancestor Goddess always protect you and the entire mountain kingdom!" As Snorri approached, the dwarves on the opposite side also came up to him, and the middle-aged man at the head greeted him.

Warm greetings.

"Greetings to you, Lord Rorek, in the name of my father, Thorgrim the Grudge!" It seemed that the lord wanted to put private matters behind for discussion, so Snorri resorted to official language.<


The current Lord of Breeze Castle is named Rorek, and Granite Hand is the nickname passed down from generation to generation of Breeze Castle. Every city lord will automatically receive it.

Unlike the tribesmen in the World's Edge Mountains who need to undergo miner training, the tribesmen in Breeze Castle are famous in the old world for their stonemasonry skills. Generally speaking, every master of Breeze Castle is also an excellent stonemason.

Even if his skills are really mediocre, with the help of Mountain Breaker - Breeze Castle's other inherited equipment, a legendary gauntlet engraved with master-level slashing runes, he can still gain the power of turning fossils into mud.

Snorri walked toward the hall of the fortress while chatting with several other Breeze Castle executives. There are not many mineral deposits underground in Breeze Castle, so the proportion above ground is higher.

Among these people, Snorri chatted a little more with Harrek the Armorbreaker, the rune master of Breeze Castle. From the similar names, we know that he has a deep blood relationship with Lord Lorek.

This is very common in dwarf society. Again, nepotism is not a derogatory term here. Often the clans in power are more likely to cultivate high-level professionals due to the tilt of resources.

Snorri didn't know much about this elderly rune master. Because of the distance, he never went to the Rune Blacksmith Guild in Eternal Peak after completing the master-level certification.

Snorri rolled his eyes and searched for Prince Stringer. After all, this was his potential competitor for the Anvil of Doom. However, it seemed that the prince did not appear in front of the gate due to insufficient status.

Generally speaking, dwarves like to hold grand ceremonies in the evening. The happy events of the sons of the mountains cannot be catalyzed by alcohol. At noon, it was just a simple meal. After the meal, Snorri went to the guest room.

Since he had to stay here to celebrate the New Year, and he also had to welcome his eldest brother to his wedding besides official duties, Snorri did not live in the largest tavern in the fortress at his own expense as before, but accepted the arrangement arranged for him by Lord Lorek on the upper level of the fortress.

Living room.

After watching the accompanying waiter leave, Snorri did not take a lunch break but moved quickly. Arriving at noon was the result of his deliberate control of time along the way, just to buy himself an afternoon before the formal welcome ceremony.

Now Snorri has to figure out the Anvil of Doom, and this treasure is of great significance to him. On the one hand, it is a symbol of the Rune Master's identity, and on the other hand, it is also a great improvement to his own strength.

Relying on its ability to restrain the wind of magic and charge runes, while limiting the performance of enemy spellcasters, Snorri can also ring runes more frequently in battle.

If he hadn't known about it in advance, he would definitely have gone to the Rune Blacksmith Guild here to discuss it with Harrek Armor Breaker, who knew him best about the Anvil of Doom and was a fellow traveler, so he had a natural affinity with it.

But now Snorri knows that Prince Stringer is a disciple of Master Hareck, and he is not sure about that master's attitude. If he rushes over to ask rashly, even if he makes insinuations, his intentions are likely to be exposed.

A rune master without an anvil of doom came all the way to inquire about this thing, and a kid who couldn't even drink beer knew what he wanted to do!

Breeze Castle is the farthest dwarf settlement from the World's Edge Mountains. In terms of the straight-line distance to the Eternal Peak, it may not be closer than the central city of Norscan dwarves, Kraka-Draq.

Snorri didn't know anyone in this place. In this case, he decided to find his sister-in-law. If there was only one dwarf in Breeze Castle who would help him, it could only be Princess Pamela.
Snorri was thinking along the way that the number of high-ranking dwarves who knew something about the Anvil of Doom was limited, and the only one who had anything to do with him was his future sister-in-law.

Considering that as a woman, she was born as a believer of the mother goddess Varaya, and she once studied in the doctors' guild that believes in Varaya, no matter what, she will have a friendly attitude towards her choice of goddess.

Snorri made up his mind, put on a fake beard and slipped out of the door. He had arranged for Bahrain to find out his sister-in-law's residence in advance. Of course, this was not difficult.

Due to the sparse population in dwarf society, etiquette is relatively less valued. Snorri himself has a special status, and no one will say anything about private meetings between unmarried men and women.

Thanks to book friend 20170214103755086 for the reward, fox puppet, half-life crab, zhil55, Zima’s Flower Wedding Monthly Ticket

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