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Chapter 164: Discussion on Sending Troops (Part 1)

Hearing Lord Lorek's words, the senior management of Breeze Castle frowned. It is well known that there are many vampires lurking in Bretonnia, and there are some vampires in the Blackstone Stronghold further north of Breeze Castle.

and their families.

The lords of Karak-Zfulim in the past have fought against the undead that live there. On the one hand, it is because these guys have desecrated the land that originally belonged to the sons of the mountains.

On the other hand, the more practical reason is that they are blocked on the only way to regain the Gint Mine. There are large reserves of pig iron there, which is a good supplement to the relatively poor mineral deposits of Karak-Zforin itself.

In the nearly thousand years of fighting, the Blackstone Stronghold changed hands many times. The dwarves of Breeze Castle discovered that every time the vampires were defeated, they could quickly pull out an undead army from the Kingdom of Bretonnia at the foot of the mountain. In the lake

The lady's faith has no concern for the farmers.

This cannot be solved by the rune blacksmiths using the hearth and home runes to clear away the erosion and pollution of the fortress itself. Even if they set up an ambush or use long-range weapons to focus fire to kill the leading vampire, it will at best slow down the process.

When the dwarves use the Blackstone Stronghold as a bridgehead to continue to fight against the greenskin warbands or beastman warbands occupying the Jinte Mines, the vampires will harass their overstretched battle lines, and with the marching speed of the dwarves, there is no lack of air force.

You are destined to be exhausted in front of the vampires.

Such wars have led to many articles about vampires in Breeze Castle's Book of Hatred, and some lords have died under the swords and magic of those immortals. Because of this, the local dwarves have experience in fighting vampires and


"Are we going to support them?"

"Many of the knights have gone on expeditions. There is a lack of orders in our workshops, and the clansmen are idle!"

"We just had a battle with Gudu at the beginning of the year, otherwise..."

The classic meeting scene of the dwarves once again appeared in this place, everyone expressed their opinions and shouted. Lord Lorek himself also participated in the discussion, while Snorri, as an outsider, had been drinking tea.

"Compatriots, we must discuss and come up with a result as soon as possible!" After two hours, the tea in Snorri's cup was gone. The local dwarf leaders had not yet reached a consensus.

From his observation, it was not that Lord Lorek had poor control over his territory, but that he himself did not have a clear idea about whether to send troops to help.

"The envoy who came to ask for help, the regent lord of the Principality of Bordeaux, is still waiting in the reception room!" Lord Lorek himself was a little sleepy. He had been busy all day for the welcome at noon and the challenge banquet in the evening.

Snorri became energetic after hearing the word Bordero. This is one of the wealthier ones among the principalities of Bretonnia. Most of the land in Bordero is arable land, and there are also some pastoral areas near the coast.

Her coastline is not too long, but it has a good harbor that is rare in all of Bretonnia. Its location is not too far north, and it has received relatively little impact from the Norscans. Therefore, the city of Bordreau has become an important city in Bretonnia.

trading center.

Snorri did not forget the hidden goal of his journey, which was to find possible external assistance, preferably one that could make up for the lack of impact and pursuit capabilities of the dwarf troops.

"What conditions did the envoy from Bordello offer?" Snorri suddenly asked. Since he came in, he had been drinking tea, and his sudden opening attracted the attention of the participating tribesmen.

"Uh, it's the same as usual, right? They pay our military expenses, possible pensions, and a full reward after victory." Lord Lorek said.

Snorri's words seemed to represent his own attitude. In the subsequent discussion, the tribe's direction began to tilt toward sending troops for support. Many times, all that was needed to make a decision was a little push.

When the hatred for the vampires and the worry that the main patron group went out on an expedition and the fire in the workshop was extinguished overcame the war weariness caused by the war at the beginning of the year, the tribesmen of Karak-Zfulin made the decision to support.

Lord Lorek decided to set the date for dispatching troops in three days, so that everyone could celebrate the New Year before starting the war.

Regarding the concept of New Year, the time is basically the same throughout the old world. This is because the first generation of Emperor Sigmar knew the importance of a unified calendar.

In order to ease the difficulty of the work, and to ensure that the dwarves in the mountains and the human empire understood each other's passage of time and strengthened the relationship between the two races, he basically copied what the dwarves had been using for thousands of years and had proven to be accurate.

The sexual calendar only changed some of the festivals.

Gilles the Unifier, the first Knight King of Bretonnia, divided the principality, and the unified calendar was still nearly a thousand years after Sigmar. In the process, he undoubtedly copied Sigmar's work, and of course he also changed some of the festivals.

However, the definition of the New Year is the same. After the New Year, there is just enough time to gather troops to support.

Lord Lorek sent someone to reply to the regent of Bordero and signaled the meeting to dissolve. Before leaving, he made an appointment with Snorri to meet this afternoon. Yes, this afternoon, the military meeting after the banquet has been held.

Opened past midnight.

Of course Snorri had no objections to this. After passing the challenge, basically the process on the sister-in-law's side has been completed. In principle, he can take his people away now after delivering the bride price. The reason why he didn't do this was just to wait for the caravan.

Just return together.

Tired from the journey and hungover, it was already past lunch time when Snorri woke up.

"Cousin, I heard that you might want to lead troops to support the humans on horseback?" Bahrain asked as he brought coffee.

"No? No, where did this news come from?" Snorri was stunned for a moment. Although this matter was exactly what he wanted, he probably didn't reveal it too much in the previous meeting.

"Just now, a message came from a lady who called herself Reina. She is so gentle!" Bahrain's eyes seemed to have some luster again.

"Rena?" Snorri murmured. He turned around and remembered the maid who opened the door for him yesterday and stood guard.

"Good guy, this Lord Lorek is really willing to mess with me!" Snorri thought to himself, but combined with his illustrious reputation, Breeze Castle is the farthest away from the Eternal Peak, and his story is also the most outrageous.


Combined with his performance in beating a young talent last night, it is normal for Lord Lorek to want to borrow the power of this "unparalleled warrior".

"Is she gone?" asked Snorri.

"I sent her the news and left. I wanted to keep her here for coffee..." Balin muttered.

Snorri nodded, this timely news allowed him to take the initiative in the upcoming meeting.

Thank you for the indistinguishable swamp, the whisper of the stone, the old Patrick Star, the gray clouds, Tsunami 006, DAWN76, Zhiqiu belongs to Wutong, Book Friends 201906161**246241

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