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Chapter 184 Pirates Attack

Rumor has it that in addition to many souvenirs from the Border Princely Territory, the Duke also brought back a large amount of gold and gems captured by the Chivalry Army - the stupid and vulgar greenskins don't like these shiny treasures, and they use their own teeth as currency.

In addition to the goods brought back, the Duke's needs are also known to be clear: food and medicine are urgently needed on the front line, and the prices of related products in Bordello City have skyrocketed.

Many "well-informed" small businessmen even began to plan to brave the threat of vampires to go to other principalities to buy some and resell them. These business activities made the city of Bordeaux lively.

All this was seen by the bats in the sky. After more scouts were sent out from the clouds to confirm, the vampire pirates outside the bay became anxious.

The human troops did not relax their vigilance because of the false news. They were stepping up their training to ensure that no one would do anything wrong with the upcoming "huge wealth".

"Here they are, they are here!" The next night after the news was released, the senior officials sitting in the castle heard the report they wanted.

"Let's go to the terrace and have a look!" Constantine lifted his cloak and took the lead out of the meeting room. The location of the Duke's Castle was very good. With the help of the ingenious design of the dwarf craftsmen, you can overlook the entire building from the tower and terrace.


"The size of this force doesn't look like a general attack, does it?" Snorri looked through the telescope at several skeleton ships that appeared not far away, as if they appeared from a ghost movie, and tried to assess the strength of the troops.

"It's not a ship in the narrow sense, it's just a vehicle powered by black magic. The number of enemies above is hard to estimate, and no one dares to say there aren't more underwater."

"Boom!" "Boom!"

When the vampire pirates' ship got closer, the Bordeleau Navy in the harbor opened fire. Although the first salvo of naval guns hit some empty areas, it still slowed down the pirates' speed.


"You also use artillery?" Bloxon asked the question Snorri wanted to ask.

"Hahaha, what's the difference between artillery and bows and arrows? As long as it's not in the hands of the knights, is it possible to set up a large formation of lances and charge on the sea?" Constantine laughed again.

Immediately afterwards, a whirlpool suddenly appeared under the vampire warships, and these boats of the dead began to spin in the water. Everyone knew that this must be the work of Mannann's priests.

The sudden spell bought the human side another time to reload. This time, because it was a fixed target, the shooting accuracy of the naval guns was greatly improved. They successfully dug several holes in the vampire warship, and many actions were taken.

The zombies that were slow and did not move in time fell into the sea.


"Hahaha, they flop in the water like those landlubbers!"

The commanders on the terrace laughed happily when they saw this, but soon the vampires also responded. After a brief confusion, some zombie gunners shakily got into position under the command, and the bus that was originally parked

The Tonya warship quickly began to move.

A vampire pirate wearing a general's uniform walked out of the command room on the bridge. He waved and guided randomly, using the power of dark magic to disperse the vortex under the ship.

As the warships of both sides moved at the same time, a new round of mutual bombardment began.

"They are more than capable, right?" After a moment, Snorri, who had been paying attention to the battle, spoke up. There was currently a stalemate in the harbor. Although the vampire's zombie crew was clumsy, they were better than fearless in death, and both sides were fighting against each other.

There is no distinction between bombardment and bombardment.

For Bordeaux's warships, it is a very good state to cause damage to the enemy while minimizing their own losses, but this is unacceptable to the attacking vampires.

Relying on the time bought by the navy's shooting, the port guard also rushed out of the barracks under the command of the captain and set up formations relying on the city walls and fences used for tax collection on the shore. These civilian soldiers were originally on alert, so they were in place very quickly.

So fast.

In order to avoid being sunk, Bordeaux's warships gradually moved closer to the outside, while the vampire pirate fleet slowly approached the port, but was still several hundred meters away from landing.

Just when the dwarves were wondering whether these living corpses had to endure a lot of shelling to advance such a small distance because their heads were damaged by seawater, the situation suddenly changed.

In the meantime, a large group of bats suddenly appeared on the skeleton ship, covering the sky and the sun. In the dark night, these creatures looked even crazier, and seemed to be more than a circle bigger.

"Why do they fly so slowly?"

"There's something down there!"

"Jump gang! Archers prepare!"

The jump gang consists of bloodthirsty dire bats and weapon-wielding zombies. The zombies are unconsciously hanging on the claws of the dire bats. They attack humans on the shore with their muskets in mid-air, although their accuracy is poor.

A few, but the advantage is that there are enough.

At the same time, a group of corrupted demon crabs emerged from the sea. They were as tall as adult humans and had large scissor-like pliers that could dismember humans.

There are zombies holding muskets sitting on the backs of some magic crabs, and at the front of the team is a vampire fleet captain wearing a big-brimmed hat as the commander. The magic crabs under him are also larger than those around him.

Other small units have difficulty fighting and moving in shallow water, but the aquatic tribe is superior in this regard. The speed of the magic crabs is not much slower than the springboard team in the sky. While the peasant archers are fleeing in the face of projectiles falling from the sky,

, they quickly washed up on the shore.

"Hold it! Hold it!" The commander held a group of infantry regiments equipped with spears at the door of the low wall. They were also assisted by some sailors with messy equipment, mainly scimitars and pistols.


These people fought bravely to defend their hometown, but they lacked armor protection, and the inferior weapons in their hands were difficult to break through the thick carapace of the Corrupted Demon Crabs.

Facing the deadly arthropods that were as big as a car and running rampant on the battlefield, their resistance seemed a bit weak. After a brief contact, many humans were torn into pieces by huge pliers, and their front began to gradually retreat.

"It's still up to your troops to take action!" Constantine said to Snorri as the battle situation gradually got out of control. With an order, the dwarf troops that had been prepared took over the human defense line.

"After I saw their multi-arms cooperation in the Empire before, I have to say that with the rise of dark forces, Bretonnia needs a more powerful infantry unit to deal with it. I mentioned this to my father many times

, but unfortunately there seems to be more urgently needed areas for our funding.”

This chapter has been completed!
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