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Chapter 213 Expedition

There are a total of 500 Amazon female warriors in this group, ranging from the priestess who leads the team to various sub-units that are difficult for outsiders to distinguish. Snorri, who has a lot of money, simply hired their entire mercenary group.

Among the entire Tyrell mercenary group, Anagonda's Amazons are not the most powerful, nor do they have the best reputation. During the inspection, Snorri's spokesperson heard negative comments about their professional attitude.

Snorri chose them mainly for two reasons. The first is that they were born deep in the rainforest of Lustria and are good at fighting in the jungle, and there are many such landscapes in the Southland.

On the other hand, they had contact with the lizard people in Lustria, and it is said that there were wars and alliances. But it is certain that they understand the language of the lizard people, regardless of Snorri's previous life experience and the notes of senior adventurers.

Look, there are lizardmen all over the Southland.

Of course Snorri does not want to confront the eldest sons of the Ancient Saints. Even if these warriors are more decadent than the dwarves, they cannot be insulted. More importantly, Snorri believes that the dwarves are also the creations of the Ancient Saints.

Although it is difficult for even the second generation Slann Demon Toads to understand what the big plan is, the possibility of dwarves having a place in it is not small, at least greater than that of most other races. Perhaps Snorri can reach some agreement with them

, make some contribution to determining the big plan.

The other team is composed of knights and other troops from Bretonnia. In the previous two thousand years, these formations should have been reserved for the guys from the Human Empire, but now the name of Dieter IV is still among the Great Hatred.

The book states that Snorri simply did not accept the application from the Imperial humans.

The knights come from various principalities in Bretonnia, mainly those that Snorri visited at the time. Among them are twenty expeditionary knights and eighty chivalrous knights. In the Southland, these people need to take risks to prove themselves.

It seems to be undoubtedly a blue ocean.

Unlike the single-horse expedition knights, most chivalrous knights bring more than one squire. Dwarves are not good at and cannot serve their pure-blood or mixed-blood elf war horses. These two hundred squires not only need to participate in the battle, but also need

Take care of the horses.

In addition to assisting in contacting the knights and sending them to Haimen Pass by ship, Constantine, an old friend, also prepared some troops for Snorri. Not only did he send twenty Poseidon knights and Ms. Schumann, he also sent himself

Three newly formed groups of elite infantry were sent to Snorri's command.

These people were called the Legion of the Sons of the Sea by Constantine. They were a new elite infantry regiment that he recruited from the original coast guards, sailors, and knights, and provided them with good treatment.

Constantine hopes to use this to supplement the lack of combat effectiveness of the original infantry regiment. After completing the training, he now wants these people to be tested in actual combat.

Snorri also read another meaning from the telegram - he had stabilized his position in the transfer of power, and it was time to weaken the voice of some coastal nobles and the Church of the Sea who had previously strongly supported him.

The legion of Sons of Poseidon sent by Constantine consisted of two halberd squads and one crossbowmen squad, totaling one hundred and eighty people. In the end, Snorri's combat troops totaled three thousand.

After reading the troop list, Snorri let out a sigh of relief. This was the biggest force he had control over. After setting off, the fate of these three thousand people could be said to be in his hands.

Suddenly, on a whim, Snorri looked eastward from the window of Haimen Pass. He knew that there was the Dome Mountains, and on the edge of the glacier stood Karak-Izo, where Belegar-The Hammer was recruiting troops.

Ever since Snorri announced his intention to conquer Plateau Castle, the two dwarf princes seemed to be at odds with each other. Well, Belegar claimed to be the king of Karak, the Eight Peaks, but most of the dwarves did not recognize him yet.

Judging from the current results, the two people are evenly matched this time, but Snorri knows that the people help him because they believe that they can succeed; and help Belega because they believe that if they don't help, there will be no chance of help in the future.

Already the last bloodline of the Andergrand clan.

On the day of the expedition, Snorri boarded the dreadnought HMS Grimnir Hammer amid the cheers of the Haimenguan tribe. Lord Panos came to see him off in person. He opened the bottle in advance, usually only after triumph.

of sparkling wine to show support for the Snorri Expedition.

Snorri stood at ease on the bridge. This giant ship was like a castle in the sea. It was equipped with a large number of cannon turrets, and the caliber of the artillery used was larger than that used by the army. In addition to the turrets and side gun rows, this

The dreadnought also has an aviation deck for taking off and landing gyroplanes and airships.

Most people in the old world believe that dreadnoughts are the most powerful ships on the sea, but the huge cost also determines that even wealthy dwarves cannot own many.

The greatest kings in the history of Barak-Var all built a dreadnought as a symbol of their achievements, but currently there are only three ships in operation at Haimen Pass.

"You don't have to worry, there is no ship in the entire Blackwater Bay that dares not to give way to us!" Panoson stood next to Snorri, looking at the water in front of the ship with great pride.

What he said was the truth. With the shrinkage of the dwarf navy, Blackwater Bay was managed like an iron barrel. The entire Border Prince received the combined influence of Tongshan Fort on land and Haimen Pass on sea. As long as the dwarves wanted to, they could do whatever they wanted.

Can easily raise a border prince.

"That Lailen, he is your friend. When the knights first entered the Border Prince's Territory, he was very successful as a Knight of the Sun. And with the resources you sent, he was already one of the top leaders in the chaotic land.

No. 1 person."

The dwarves of these two castles are concerned about the situation in the Border Princely Territory. They don't want it to be too chaotic, otherwise their trade will be affected.

But they also don't want this place to be completely eaten up by the knights. If the world is peaceful, who will buy the dwarves' flagship products-weapons and armor? Who needs the dwarves to repair the city walls that were damaged in the war?

After the Knight King Charon's knightly army killed all the greenskins, they no longer marched into the Badlands but stayed there. When the border princes realized what the Bretonnians really wanted - to occupy their land

, these desperadoes unite.

Laeron, who originally became stronger by serving the knights, sided with his fellow border princes this time. With the secret support of the dwarves, he fought against the remaining Bretonnian troops.

"He is also a person favored by the gods. Perhaps this fight is not limited to the mortal world." Snorri told Bordello City what the learned scholar said about the fight between Mannann and the Lady of the Lake and the current situation.

Thinking of it.

This chapter has been completed!
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