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Chapter 217 Nehekhara

(Telling a little bit about the history of Egypt)

The dark elf pirate dwarves, who were full of crimes and had unforgettable racial hatred, directly killed them all without leaving any survivors. A large amount of blood dyed the entire beach red.

"Their cloaks are pretty good! It's quite good to wear them after they were captured!" Panoson said, taking a piece of trophy and shaking it.

"Sea dragon cloak, right?" Snorri looked at the thing and smiled. He took the cloak and squeezed it.

"Do you know this? Generally only we sailors have the opportunity to touch it. This kind of scaly leather comes from sea dragons. Although it is called a dragon, it cannot fly. As a material for armor, it is very light but very strong." Pano said.

Sen introduced it, and it was obvious that he had a good understanding of this thing.

Snorri got the better quality cloak of the commander of the Black Ark without hesitation, but it was obviously a lot too big for a dwarf. Snorri simply cut it into half and cut it in half with Panosin.

After plundering the treasures in the Black Ark, the dwarves filled it with explosives and detonated it completely. Otherwise, the dark elves might have used some spell to pull it up.

Snorri received very rich profits, and the pirates often spent several years repeatedly plundering foreign coasts, only returning home when the cabins were about to burst with slaves and loot.

Part of the cost of the expedition was recouped before landing, and the little difference in experience was made up through victory. After reaching level five, Snorri was very satisfied with the new power pouring out from the deepest part of his body.

After releasing the captured humans and returning part of their stolen wealth, the dwarves returned to the battleship through the pontoon again with great gratitude.

Snorri did not do charity by returning some wealth, he wanted to pave the way for the future.

Snorri could see on the strategic map in the system the heart of the Skaven Underground Empire and the location of the Rat Wasteland, the birthplace of the Skaven. It is near the northwest city-state of Tilea, in the Blight Swamp.


There are not many powerful dwarf city-states around the Demon Mouse Waste City. To destroy it, Snorri will most likely need to rely on the power of the surrounding order forces, so it may be helpful to establish a good relationship with them in advance and promote his name.

The Skaven destroyed the entire dwarven fortresses in the Gray Mountains and the Black Mountains at the end of the day. If these big rats are not dealt with, even if they kill Snorri the Everchosen, they will not be able to sleep peacefully.

After leaving the inland sea like Blackwater Bay, the waves of the ocean became bigger. Although Ms. Schumann used her magic to appease Mannann's anger, even the waves within the normal range still disturbed many people who had never set foot on the sea.

The tribesmen felt uncomfortable.

A large number of reports about dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms were compiled into Snorri's hands.

Of course he knew that this was the result of seasickness, but even in his previous life, he had not completely determined the cause, and the effects of drug treatment varied from person to person.

Ms. Schumann has some magic to suppress seasickness, but her power is not enough to apply it to the entire fleet.

Snorri himself had some symptoms, but he decided to share the joys and sorrows with the tribesmen. Under Parnoson's advice, the tribesmen with symptoms took turns to go to the deck for fresh air and eat small and frequent meals, and the seasickness was somewhat alleviated.

A few days later, Snorri felt that the waves gradually calmed down, and he knew that he was almost there. The fleet would sail upstream from the mouth of the Great Styx. The place they would enter was called the Land of the Dead, and it became the Land of the Dead.

Formerly, her name was Nehekhara.

More than two thousand years before Sigma established the human empire, many human city-states appeared along the Daming River, and they were eventually unified by a strong man named Settra.

Hundreds of years later, a great demon appeared in Settra's city - Khemri - Nagash, the Lord of the Dead, but at that time he was still the prince of Khemri.

In Nehekhara, the eldest son was to be a priest and the second son was to inherit the throne of the city-state. Nagash was dissatisfied with this arrangement.

Coincidentally, a group of dark elves deviated from their route due to the storm and fled to Nehekhara, eventually falling into the hands of Nagash. He imprisoned these dark elves, coerced and induced them to learn the secrets of dark magic from their mouths.

This talented mage combined dark magic with his original skills and created the prototype of necromancy. After gaining power, he usurped his brother's throne and dominated the entire Nehekhara.

Like every overlord, he also wanted to live forever. In order to achieve his goal, he used the whole country to build the Black Pyramid. In the end, other kings were exploited and oppressed to the point where it was difficult to survive, and they united to resist Nagash.

The Lord of the Dead was not strong enough at the time, and he was defeated but still escaped. Dynasties rose and fell over the next few hundred years, with each kingdom trying to rebuild their lands after the destruction of Nagash. Nehekhara once again

fell into division.

Hundreds of years later, a hero called Alkadiza the Conqueror unified the land again. But the good times did not last long, and Nagash returned with an army of the dead and became even more powerful.

However, Alkadiza was well prepared. He knew that Nagash and his followers would not give up, so he came up with many methods to target the undead. The living actually withstood the attacks of the dead!

The incompetent and furious Nagash actually hired Skaven to poison the Daming River. He had made friends with the rat people while he was gathering strength. The poison polluted everything in the Daming River basin. When Nagash came again two years later,

Temporarily, there were only three digits of living people left in Nehekhara.

Nagash specially made Alkadiza immune to poison and captured him alive to satisfy his own evil taste. After consuming a large amount of warpstone, Nagash released a large-scale awakening spell in an attempt to kill Neheka.

Awakening and enslaving all the dead throughout history.

The Skaven were afraid, they had seen the power of Nagash. For this reason, these guys released the imprisoned Arkadiza and gave him a powerful enough weapon.

The last king of Nehekhara went in and slashed at Nagash while he was in the middle of casting a spell. The Lord of the Undead, who had exhausted all his strength, was beaten directly to the underworld this time, and Alkadiza also paid the price with his life.

The awakened dead were not enslaved but retained their original consciousness. These former kings began to conquer each other again.

The dwarves braced themselves as the warship collided with a mass of shipwrecks beneath the water. The Great Styx Delta was filled with shipwrecks of adventurers seeking fortune and remnants of Nehekhara's former navy.

Snorri saw a magnificent pyramid from a distance. "King Amenhotep's Pyramid! The most prominent landmark in Zandiri, we are coming!" Bahrain's voice rang in his ears.

This chapter has been completed!
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