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Chapter 232 Between life and death

The dwarves around Snorri learned a lesson and gained wisdom. When they saw the reproductive queen behaving strangely, they immediately dispersed their dense formation, preparing to wait until its skills were exhausted before making any decisions.

The imaginary earth burst did not appear, and the Queen Spider "poof!" produced a large ball of spider eggs, which rolled twice and arrived in front of the dwarf line.

"Hahaha! This spider is so scared that its feet are weak!"

"Isn't it because I beat its butt and it can't be clamped tightly now?"

"Who is it? Just go to Xiasan Road!"

The dwarves laughed when they saw this, but Snorri didn't understand. Could it be that the Queen Spider knew it was doomed and wanted to keep a queen for himself? Then he would not let the spider get its wish.

Before the dwarves could react, a force from the shrine blessed the spider eggs. Those spider eggs began to hatch almost in the blink of an eye, and the spiderlings that were born grew larger at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, a group of adult spiders took shape. They did not need to charge or fight through the hail of bullets, but appeared directly at the feet of the dwarves. Such things beyond common sense undoubtedly threw Snorri's defense line into chaos.

"Tight formation!" Snorri shouted as he smashed his warhammer into the ground and unleashed a thunderous strike. The spiders were shaken and staggered, and the dwarves quickly restored their shield formation.

"Be careful!"


Snorri didn't stand up immediately after using his skills. One battle after another, coupled with the continuous smoke and fire, the noisy people roaring and hissing made him a little tired.

He was still in a trance when he heard the shouts of the tribesmen. As his blood returned to his brain, he raised his eyes and saw an indescribable milky white substance shooting directly at him.


Snorri's muscles reacted faster, and he raised his shield with his left hand to block this strange long-range attack.


The impact of this blow made him groan. Snorri wanted to take a step back to relieve his strength, but to his horror, he found that he could not move!

The milky white spider silk stuck him and his shield to the ground. Before Snorri could figure out how to break free, a gust of fishy wind swept over him from top to bottom.

Two huge claw limbs appeared above his head, and the Reproductive Queen shoveled her mandibles into the ground, directly taking Snorri into her mouth, shield and human!

"I can't die here yet!"

Snorri shouted loudly, and his subjective initiative burst out at the critical moment. He had been working hard since the time he traveled through time, and at the end, it was like the sword of Damocles hanging above his head. As a time traveler, he had never done anything that he liked in his previous life.

He couldn't accept the flower dying in the spider's mouth.

Snorri held up the shield with both hands to support the claws that were pressing down and still dripping with venom. The two big guys were almost as big as Snorri himself.

At the same time, his feet were also exerting force, and the runes on the legendary quality boots were flowing, preventing the Queen Spider from closing its jaws. Snorri was slightly surprised, and he found that the bite force of the Queen Spider was not as strong as he thought.

This is because the spider's mouthparts are very small and cannot ingest food by chewing or swallowing. Therefore, after capturing the prey, the spider will first inject a digestive enzyme into the prey to decompose the prey into a nutrient-rich soup, and then consume it through the mouthparts.

Suck prey.

But the so-called difference in bite force is also compared to the same giant beast. There is a huge gap in strength between Snorri and it. Within a few breaths, Snorri became unable to withstand it.

Of course, he was not willing to sit still and wait for death, and directly poured the revival points into the option of increasing his strength in the Grimnir Ritual for free.

The dwarves opened their mouths wide. They saw a red light coming from the body of the Goddess Chosen who was about to suffer misfortune. With their strength, they slowly opened the Queen Spider's mouth.

"Ancestral Gods!"

"Fight! Save people!"

The members of the expeditionary force finally no longer needed to be greeted by Snorri. They surrounded and annihilated the Queen Spider. The Queen Spider did not show any signs of weakness. It attacked from left and right with its eight legs while biting hard with its mouth.


The struggle gradually gained the upper hand, but before Snorri could be happy, he discovered that the shield he relied on for protection was being corroded by digestive juices. Although this shield from the hand of the Rune Master of Breeze Castle can be called a high-quality product, it is still

It cannot withstand the venom of the demigod giant spider.

"What should I do?" Snorri fell into manic thinking. He did not dare to use his own body to try the venom that could corrode even shields.

Suddenly, his eyes focused on the hand holding the shield. The iron chisel ring on the middle finger of his left hand shone brightly in the Queen Spider's dull mouth. Since the level of Storm Hammer gradually increased, he rarely used it anymore.

The first master-level flying rune I got.

This rune can produce a fireball, but compared with Storm Hammer, it has no other advantage except that it has a longer range. The fireball is not solid enough to take into account the single target and range. It has a long forward swing, is not very powerful, and cannot lock the target. It has poor accuracy.


It is not as effective against groups of enemies as the Runes of Wrath and Destruction that cause explosions directly from the ground. Not only does it not have the accompanying effects of slowing down and destroying formations, it will also be blocked by enemies in the front row.

Therefore, this rune was gradually excluded from Snorri's common skills, but he suddenly realized that it was suitable for this situation.


Snorri tensed all the muscles in his body, transferred all his strength to his left hand to free up his right hand, and then gently raised it to trigger the throwing rune to withdraw the war hammer. Then he held the hammer with his right hand, supported the shield with the hammer face, and replaced his left hand with his.


Changing hands twice in this way gave his left hand more room to move for aiming. Snorri struggled to twist his body and slightly adjusted the direction. Finally, with a slight shake, a huge fireball appeared in front of the Queen Spider.

In the mouth.

Feeling the sudden warmth in her mouth, the Fertility Queen also realized that something was wrong. She tried to spit out Snorri, but the dwarf prince never let it do so! He could eat if he wanted to, and vomit if he wanted to. Who did he think he was?


The fireball hit the depths of the queen spider's mouth and exploded there. The spider's body is divided into two parts, the cephalothorax and the abdomen, connected by a relatively small waist. This blow from the inside almost killed the queen spider.

The waist is broken!

Snorri now felt like he was on a roller coaster. The giant spider was rolling and struggling crazily. And in the dark mouth space, he couldn't feel what was happening in the outside world. All he could do was try to stabilize his body and protect himself.

Live with a head and face unprotected by armor.

After two rounds, his shield was thrown away. Snorri, who had no way to protect himself, could only take the initiative to attack. He couldn't aim and fired a Storm Hammer blindly.


His war hammer seemed to have exploded the poison sac storing the venom, and a large amount of green venom rushed directly in front of his face!

This chapter has been completed!
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