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Chapter 246 Where the predecessors went

In the game, the Hall of Ancestors mainly provides benefits to the long-bearded troops, which can reduce recruitment costs and maintenance fees while increasing levels and recruitment capacity. It is not difficult to understand. Snorri believes that this place will attract a large number of elderly tribesmen to pay their respects.

"This place is well preserved. The ancestors at that time should have evacuated on their own initiative!" Brian said. This was of course nonsense. "But why is there no news about these evacuees?"

"I believe that further exploration will give us the answer!" Snorri smiled and released the stone statue form. He breathed a sigh of relief. If only the ruins of Plateau Castle were left, then he would not have the original accumulation for further development.

The dwarves once again dispersed into various passages, and the Amazons and humans were asked to camp outside the gate, waiting for the dwarves to complete their exploration.

As mercenaries, the Amazons earn a fixed salary, and the knights entrust Count Marvin to be their spokesperson. This warrior from Bastogne made a lot of gains against the demonic army of Nurgle, and was led to the woods by a vision that night.

Deep down, drink the water of the Holy Grail and ascend to "Saint Marvin".

The newly promoted Holy Grail Knight decided to build a Holy Grail Church by the small lake where he was promoted, the place where the Lady of the Lake came, in accordance with tradition, and take care of it himself.

The chivalrous knights requested that a territory be divided for them on the Lost Plateau, and those who did not contribute enough points had to pay to make up for it. Only a few expedition knights who persisted to the end asked to exchange for some equipment.

Snorri agreed to these conditions one by one. If his territory wants to develop, it is not enough to rely on dwarves. These knights will definitely not be mere commanders and farm by themselves. When the time comes, more people will naturally migrate.

Karak-Zun is not too big. By today's standards, it is at most the size of a stronghold, and it also lacks some building groups that were widely used after the Dark Ages.

An hour later, Snorri's men came back to report that they had discovered three portals guarded by multiple rune guards and needed Snorri to take the lead in exploring them. One of them was on the upper level, and the other two were deeper.

"Go to the upper floor first!" Snorri stroked his beard and ordered. Generally speaking, the upper floor should be the lord's room, and there may be some written information in it.

After letting the two rune guards at the door calm down, Snorri pushed open the door. His judgment was not wrong. This was a standard lord's office structure. The dwarves had been so conservative in building fortresses for thousands of years.

No big changes.

On the desk, Snorri saw what he wanted - several books of hatred. In addition to the books of hatred from Plateau Castle, there were also books from the Blacksmiths' Guild and the Miners' Guild. He took the general one directly.

Look through.

"God Grimnir is really good at fighting! But think about it, Mr. Gao is so outrageous, he himself has such fighting power, so he deserves it!"

Snorri muttered as he turned over the pages. All the hatred clauses in front were crossed out, and most of the liquidators marked among them were the God of War Grimnir.

Snorri stroked these words, feeling that the blood that replaced the ink still had residual power after thousands of years. He had reason to suspect that these were written by the father God Granny himself.

These stories that should have been, or had been, compiled into epic poems were directly ignored by Snorri. After one-third of the book of hatred was turned over, the recorder's handwriting changed, and unsettled articles began to appear.

With historical knowledge, he knew that the ancestors had already gone north at this time, and the following articles were concentrated on the Plateau Castle itself. After that point in time, it seemed that there was peace for a long time, and no force dared to challenge the rising mountain kingdom until the elves'

Names appear in large numbers.

"The Battle of Long Beard even affected here!" Snorri rubbed the pages of the book. He saw that during this period, the tribesmen and elves of Plateau Castle were fighting back and forth. Although they were not aggressive enough, they were still able to maintain their achievements.


The Battle of Longbeard ended with the victory of the dwarves, but the subsequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions kicked off the Dark Ages.

"The mountains to the north collapsed, we lost contact with the fortress there, and an exploration team sent also lost news."

"The green dwarf ghosts and muscular sticks appeared out of nowhere! They don't have any decent guys, but they seem to kill each other and make new ones. A mining station in the west was flooded by them."

"I found traces of pointed ears in the south. If those bean sprouts didn't give up, our ancestors should have smashed their toilet seats into the sea!"

Snorri could feel the indignation and helplessness of the dwarf lord from the lines written in blood. It was difficult for the dwarfs who were stuck in the rules to cope with such a huge change.

Even after rummaging through the experiences left by our ancestors, we can't find any solutions. All we get from meetings and discussions are endless mutterings and complaints. Isn't all this still happening to this day?

The record suddenly stopped, and there was a letter at the end. Snorri opened it without hesitation.

"What did you write?"

The dwarf managers came forward. They had been standing still in the office for a long time because of Snorri's power, but now they couldn't wait any longer.

"They evacuated on their own initiative? This is really rare!" Brian was the quickest to see.

"We took a boat to the east. The boat was a captured dragon boat belonging to the Pointy Ears. Going east, what's there in the east?" Balin asked strangely.

"The mountain range to the north is broken - so the Lost Plateau should have been a mountain range originally, but it was directly destroyed by the earthquake." Andermg was also analyzing.

"That lord had a good idea. This is already the south of the world. There is no point in going further south. If you don't have sailing experience in the west, it will be easy to fall into the arms of the bean sprouts. It was not like now." Snorri affirmed those ancestors.

s Choice.

"The person who came here and saw this letter must be a member of the Sons of the Mountains. When we evacuated, we left the rune guards behind to guard the gate and the tombs of our ancestors. We hope that the deceased will not be disturbed. The pointy-eared shipwreck

The carrying capacity is limited, and the equipment and wealth that cannot be taken away are sealed in the warehouse. You can retrieve them to protect this place."

Snorri's face was filled with joy. He voluntarily evacuated and left a complete fortress, not counting the additional resources. Why wouldn't it make people happy? After reading the front, he turned the letter over, and there was a blood letter on the back.

"I, Clerk the Wanderer, was forced to leave the homeland of my ancestors, and here I swore a butcher's oath to atone for what I had done!"

"They may have gone to the Cathay Empire!" Brian tugged on his beard.

"I heard from the pointed-eared sailors in Lothern that they had seen some sea butchers, but their dress and accent were different from the dwarves of our old world. Maybe they are descendants of the ancestors of this group!"

This chapter has been completed!
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