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Chapter 253 Population Policy

Balin and several civilian dwarves around him serve as secretaries, cashiers, telegraph operators, etc. From the beginning of the expedition until now, Snorri has not given them a detailed division of labor.

On the one hand, the expeditionary force is small in number, the affairs are small and complex, and the civilian manpower is limited. On the other hand, Snorri believes that when full trust is not yet available, a certain degree of cross-over of functions can help ensure efficiency and integrity.

In fact, he still underestimated the loyalty and reliability of the dwarves. Even if he deliberately observed and tested these young tribesmen secretly, he was not disappointed.

Snorri arranged for Balin to serve as the internal affairs officer, and other tribesmen as his staff. His cousin became the administrator at an unusually young age. This is quite rare in the Mountain Kingdom, and most lords are more willing to believe in the role of the beard.


Snorri also promised to set up more than one mid-level position in the future. He did not want his territory to become a backwater at the beginning. This arrangement has indeed improved the work enthusiasm of his subordinates.

"My territory needs people. The more the better, and the sooner the better! You all can express your opinions." Some of Snorri's practices in his previous life may not be suitable for transplantation, so he decided to listen to the wisdom of the locals.

"We should spread the news throughout the mountain kingdom through rune telegraphs!" Telegraph operator Noli jumped out to answer.

"This is not enough. There are still only a few tribesmen who can afford the rune transmitter. You can't expect the leader of the settlement to come over and open up the area on his own, right? Let me tell you, the tavern must make use of it!"

The young man's views were immediately criticized. The speaker was named Ouyin. He was two hundred years old and the eldest member of Snorri's civil service team. He originally served as a clerk in the Supreme Court, but because of his ordinary background

There were no opportunities for promotion, so he signed up for the expedition to look for opportunities.

"Your Majesty Snorri, you are well-known in the mountains as a generous person. If you give the tavern owners some introduction fees, I believe they can do more diligent publicity."

Ouyin has a better understanding of social conditions in his middle age, and the ideas he proposed were recognized by Snorri. The tavern is the information distribution center for the dwarves, and the boss and bartender may play a role in publicity no less than that of the lord.

"Those tribesmen who are willing to come may or may not have much savings." Balin did not want to fall behind his subordinates, so he spoke carefully. In these days, he had learned a skill that is necessary for those in power - to leave room for speech.

"I think we need to provide them with temporary housing, and take into account supplies along the way. More importantly, after the tribesmen come here, we have to provide for their living needs before the production and trade system is established."

Balin's words are on point. Although there are quite a few forces around Plateau Castle, the dwarves have only concluded a trade agreement with the lizardmen. Before the entire economic system can operate, the lords need to regulate it.

"I have considered this," Snorri said, pushing the road construction draft in front of the civil servants. Although he had already known about Snorri's style of treating gold like dirt, he simply calculated the consumption of such a large project.

It made every dwarf take a breath of air.

"Ancestral Gods!"

"Blockson is going to be very happy!"

"Didn't the ancestor goddess teach us how to save in the first place?"

The civil servants made a lot of exclamations, which of course were expected by Snorri. It was precisely because of this that he directly made the decision to build the railway without discussion. The dwarves were not willing to spend money by nature.

A wise person like Thorgrim will be affected.

"With such a big project, I believe that everyone can support themselves as long as they are willing." Bahrain said in a daze. Work-for-relief is a policy that has been proven effective in both worlds.

"If that's not enough, helping the lizard people rebuild the temple city and clearing the Coffin Canyon can be put on the agenda, but the latter requires combat experience." Snorri added, he didn't want the tribesmen who came from afar to be in those

The guy's men suffered heavy losses.

"In addition to our existing wealth, the start-up funds for the first phase of construction can also be supplemented by the income from the Lost Plateau land." Snorri changed the topic and narrowed his eyes.

How to deal with the large and lush land of the Lost Plateau was a very difficult problem. He felt like he was walking a tightrope. One wrong step would cause great negative consequences in the future.

“Those are our mountains after all!”

"This, this is difficult..."

Snorri promised the knights to divide the territory from the Lost Plateau. All members of the expeditionary force knew about it, but everyone avoided talking about it in private. Now that it was mentioned publicly and no outsiders were mentioned, the civil servants decided to remonstrate.

Although everyone admits that these knights fought well and made considerable contributions along the way, the mountains have belonged to the dwarves since ancient times! This is a true "violation of the ancestors' decision", purely relying on Snow

Only the prestige inside suppressed the noise.

"I understand what you are thinking, but introducing knights and their people has many effects. The first is force. Of course they have to protect their homeland. The plateau is too vast and there is no fortress to rely on. It is difficult for us to control it alone. Moreover,

When there is a foreign war, cooperation with us is a promise that must be kept."

Snorri took a sip of coffee, which was grown in the rain forests of the Southland. He decided to do a good job in the ideological work of these most sensible subordinates first, and then rely on them to channel the opposition voices of the tribesmen below.

"In addition, they will become an important part of our economic cycle. Farmers farming and grazing will provide us with food; they need tools and build houses, which will bring us market demand. Our economic characteristics are

Here, what we buy are agricultural products, and what we export are high value-added things and skills."

"Indeed, it's okay to sell the unique specialties of the South, but transporting highly homogenized handicrafts back to the old world and selling them would be a foolish act only a goblin could do." Bahrain made it clear that transportation costs determine

The dwarves who reach the southern edge of the world must find a market there.

"The price for selling the land cannot be too high. After all, relocating the farmers is the knights' own business. If they can't run it, the farm will be a one-time deal." Seeing the civil servants nodding, Snorri continued.

"We need to screen buyers with strong strength and good conduct. The ancestor goddess has revived, and she told me that the fertility rate will gradually increase. There are not many good places in the world where there are no owners, and we should leave some room for future generations."

The Ancient One's upgrades to the system prompted Snorri to make additional considerations.

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