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Chapter 268 Oriental Spices

"Ugh! Ugh!"

Seeing Snorri's movements, the skink stall owner danced and screamed. Snorri saw everything in the temple city very fresh, and the lizard people saw him and the Amazon Translator, so it was the same. In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded by

A crowd of onlookers gathered.

"It means if you don't buy it, don't move."

The Amazon translator was a little embarrassed. She didn't expect that the majestic dwarf king from the edge mountains of the southern world would be so gloomy.

"Money? I have a lot!"

Snorri took out a large handful of gold coins from his arms and slapped them on the Skink's counter. Seeing a table of golden dwarf gold coins, the screams of the Skinks around him became even louder.

In Lizardmen society, gold is used to make plaques to record information, but these things are obviously deeply bound to the authority of the superiors. Only Slann and certain high-ranking priests are qualified to read and use them. For Skink commoners

Of course that's not possible.

"Woo, hiss!"

The stall owner's voice immediately changed his tone, and Snorri gently rubbed the spices. Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, from territory development to future goals to his past life experiences and memories.

"Boss, what do you say?"

Seeing the boss froze in place for a long time, the Amazonian couldn't help but ask questions.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Snorri shivered before he came back to his senses. He gasped for air. The dwarf felt fear for the first time since he traveled through time. Even when he first traveled through time and faced Tzeentch, he didn't feel this way because he was a newborn calf and was not afraid of tigers.


There are many sources of this feeling. First of all, it is unknown - his understanding of Cathay and even the entire East is so poor that it can be filled on a piece of paper. There was no such content in the game in his previous life. If he went there, of course he would

There is no way to foresee things in advance and make decisions before taking action like we do here.

Another source is "possession". Now he has much more than what he had at the beginning of time travel: strength, territory, reputation, wealth, etc., which makes him afraid of taking risks.

The last source, of course, is that he is timid about being close to his hometown. Fundamentally, he is still willing to consider himself a Cathay native. You know, there is no place for a lot of poetry in his mind!

It's not that he had never read Western masterpieces in his previous life, but taking Shakespeare's classics as an example, he only remembered an outline of the story. "Hamlet" did not rely on the outline and the sentence "To be, or not to be, that is the

question" can be reproduced.

"Give me a stool. I have something to ask it. Tell it that if you answer well, all the things on the table will be given to it!" Snorri ordered.

Gold's power was so powerful that the Skink owner simply closed the door of the store and sat down with the two visitors.

"Where do these spices come from?" Snorri asked, squinting his eyes.

"The East, the land of spices, a land flowing with milk and honey." The Amazons translated.

"Nonsense! The East is a big place! Be specific!" The Dwarf King was very dissatisfied with this answer. Three-year-old children in the old world knew that spices were sold from the East.

"It said it didn't know that it got these things from Tiata."

"Tia Tequa?" Snorri clicked on the system in his mind and searched. Soon he discovered that it was also a temple city, located further south from the Temple of Bones.

"It says that there is an Oriental Bazaar there. Oriental merchants take ships to do business there. Their goods include exotic artifacts, spices and silk. But the lizard people don't need the last one."

"Bazaar?" Snorri chewed on this word. As a former northwester, he knew that this word was a Uyghur word, which meant market or farmer's market. He had also been to a place called the International Grand Bazaar. But

This word is rarely combined with "oriental".

"Okay, it seems I need to go there." After asking for some more relevant details, Snorri stood up and walked out of the store. He no longer wanted to wander around and went straight to the obsidian quarry.

Of course, it is impossible to build a bridge tower without raw materials, and obsidian, a volcanic ore that can react with magic, is the best choice. There are no giant lizards in the Bone Temple, so the work of mining stone naturally falls on the dwarves.


"Brothers, put your work aside for now!" Snorri stood in front of the construction site and shouted loudly. His men put down their tools and waited for further instructions.

Most of the dwarf standing armies are selected from ordinary levies. When a warrior accumulates enough experience and merits, he will be considered to be very suitable to rely on weapons instead of tools. But this does not mean that he will forget how to do it.

Such a simple job as mining stone.

"Stop the construction period! The lizardmen's fruit wine is good, and the barbecue is also very good. Let's enjoy it tonight. Come with me to the south tomorrow to have a look!" Snorri felt like a contractor. In fact, the dwarf lord was indeed

Will play this role when necessary.

"Praise the ancestors for their common choice!"

"May Snorri the Generous be with the gods!"

"Drink hahaha! It's been too long since I've celebrated like this!"

The dwarves cheered, and they were going to take advantage of the night to relax, while Snorri, guided by the Skink Priest, walked through the maze-like tunnels inside the pyramid. He was going to see Euthrax.

The walls inside the pyramid are also decorated with images and symbols depicting the mythology of the lizard people and totems of the gods. But unlike those outside, these are decorated with bright colors and the seal carving techniques are more sophisticated.

Deep in the path, Snorri stopped in front of a room with a magic talisman drawn on it. Standing at the door were two stronger and better-equipped lizardmen.

Snorri suspected that they were scarred veterans. Thoreaus would not die naturally. The longer they survived in the battle, the more they could understand the significance of the army to individuals. At the same time, their experience on the battlefield also made their attainments in combat even better.


"Little dwarf, why are you here again before I close my eyelids?" Slan's telekinesis sounded, and it calmed the doorman and opened the door a crack.

"How about soaking in the hot spring? It's really enjoyable!" Snorri saw Eutrax sitting cross-legged in a pool in the room, and the dense mist made Snorri's sight somewhat obstructed.

"Dear Slan, I have some personal matters to go to Tiate and I have already informed the people in the mountain castle about the bridge tower. There will soon be a larger and more professional construction team to work on the big plan."

Nori's attitude was very low. After all, running away in the middle of a job is not a very responsible behavior.

"It's up to you. Lord Atik who is sitting there is my senior who is also my teacher and friend, and he has the same views on the big plan as I do." Otrax's voice was still slow, and the two skink lizards poured the water into it.

splashed on his back.

(My brother, the previous author of Warhammer Lords, has just published a new book called "Soldiers of the Medieval Empire". Interested book friends can go and support it.)

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