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Chapter 287 Turnaround

"It doesn't seem to be unreasonable. In the Warhammer world, there are really not many immortal, intelligent and communicative people other than divine creatures. If you don't want to change the people around you, then accepting vampires seems to be a way."

Snorri comforted himself that Cathay's trade was very important to him now, and he didn't want to make too much fuss about the identity of the spokesperson.

"Okay, but I have to say something ugly first. If you don't enter my territory, if you do, I must arrange a few reliable subordinates to protect your safety." Snorri thought for a while and made a patch.

He didn't know if it would be useful, but he could only do it temporarily.

"Lamia, you have heard of that place at least. I haven't cleared that cursed land yet. If something bad comes out and hurts you, Miss, it will definitely be bad for our cooperation.


Snorri couldn't judge the strength of this vampire without fighting, but it was reasonable to infer that a few ordinary warriors would probably not be able to defeat her. At this time, the dwarf king could only trust the foreign dragon he had never met, and hoped that her people could be controlled.


"Tell me why you're here!" Snorri motioned Wan'er to sit down.

"Zong Ji is very satisfied with the agreement between us, but it was a little hasty when it was signed. She thinks there are some items that can be slightly added..."

The female officer of the Jade Blood Clan has lived a long life in vain. It was very easy to talk to Snorri with her. The two parties quickly optimized the existing agreement and made the cooperation more in-depth based on it.

"This is our Zongji's wish. I wish your rule will be as solid as the cup!" At the end, Wan'er took out a set of tea sets and a gift box of tea and sent them to Snorri.

"In our dynasty of Cathay, wise men and refined scholars all like this thing. In the West, the dignitaries of the human kingdom call it green gold. These are treasures from a tea garden on Jingbo Lake that belongs to Zong Ji. They are used as tribute every year.

Offer the things to heaven."

While introducing, Wan'er shook her bare hands and brewed tea for Snorri. As a time traveler, of course he knew how to play with tea, but why not do it when there was a beautiful ghost serving him?

"Tsk, if this keeps up, I won't think that the female rats are pretty even if I look at them, right?" Snorri thought to himself while looking at the ancient-style beauty opposite him. Now that he has a territory, a certain idea in his mind suddenly started to stir.

A few days later, Snorri took his guards and set off with Cathay's caravan. Gotrek walked at the front of the team carrying the banner of Dragonscourge, and Snorri adjusted his position to his own

Flag officer.

In the dwarf society, the banner officer is not a literal meaning like the gatekeeper. He plays more of a vanguard role, usually held by the lord's champion warrior. Gotrek was very excited to receive this important task, and he used his fists as big as sandbags to

Blocked every voice that questioned his qualifications and strength.

But these are not enough for this young warrior. He is eager to establish meritorious service on the battlefield rather than establish prestige by beating his compatriots. As the saying goes, "a good horse neighs when it encounters a poor man", Gotrek is also looking forward to something.

Some random guy comes to disturb the team.

Snorri took half a team of Hammer Guards and half a team of Anvil Guards on the road, plus a few clerks, Rogoff and Gotrek. There were also about a hundred merchants and guards in Cathay, enough to make most beasts retreat.

"Not bad, looks good!"

Seeing the busy farming scene in the fields, Snorri sat on the back of the sheep and praised them repeatedly. This was his food and his resources.

"Where is that place over there? What are they going to do?"

At night, Snorri found an immigrant village to stay, and the owner of the territory warmly received him. After a fairly sumptuous dinner, the dwarves suddenly noticed that many villagers were filing out of the village.

"You don't know? There are many poems written by St. Marvin about you and the warriors under your command!" The knight showed a surprised expression, and Snorri suddenly realized that the busy official duties made his memory not so good.

"Count Marvin, that's right. The place where he drank the water from the Holy Grail is Sakon. What, did he build a church here?"

"Yes, this is tradition. It is the duty of the living saints to build a church where the lady descended and preach her grace." The knight looked at Snorri with a hint of vigilance.

"Relax friends, I have reached an agreement with the Lake God, and I will respect your beliefs. The oath is as solid as a rock." The Dwarf King smiled and waved his hand, "Let me go and have a look. We are also old friends we haven't seen for a long time.


Following the flow of people, Snorri arrived at the Holy Grail Church in the woods outside the village. This church is more of a larger shrine than a church. The two houses inside are just the residence of the statue of the god and the Knight of the Holy Grail.

The dwarves laughed as they looked at the somewhat crooked and rough building. It was built by Earl Marvin himself, but it was obvious that this nobleman had no talent in architecture and relied solely on his body strengthened by the holy water.


St. Marvin stood in front of the statue of the Lake God and loudly preached his teachings. This Holy Grail Knight is full of power, precepts and faith, which can cleanse evil to a certain extent.

"Greetings, Your Majesty Snorri!"

The two parties had discovered each other a long time ago, but they both had a tacit understanding not to disturb each other. After finishing their prayers and letting the villagers leave, Knight Marvin walked up to Snorri.

"I have a question. Besides you, how many Holy Grail knights and saints have come to my territory?" Snorri asked eagerly.

"As far as I know, there are two or three saints, but I should be the only Holy Grail Knight. There are still too many places in the world that need to be purified by saints."

"Okay, I understand. I wish your career a prosperous future!"

Snorri frowned and left. There were many immigrant villages like this, but the lady in the lake couldn't care less. In other words, in the eyes of the elf god, farmers who lacked strength and value were not worthy of his care.

But people have spiritual needs. If formal beliefs cannot satisfy them, then certain evil god sects will naturally breed. And if chaotic mutation occurs, the originally poor and weak farmers will also become terrible killers.

"The Sigma Sect, it has to be them! Those bald heads can be trusted. This is a way to achieve multiple goals with one stone. I have to push forward this time when I go back."

Snorri made up his mind. He was not going to wait for the immigrants he had finally summoned to turn into Chaos rebels. However, if he wanted to bring in the Sigmar Cult, the Foolish Lord Dieter IV was another stumbling block that had to be removed.

"Then why isn't Marienburg fighting for independence? It seems like I have to give them more strength."

This chapter has been completed!
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