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Chapter 294 Marienburg Parliament

Marienburg is located in the delta at the mouth of the Reik River, which winds through the cursed swamp and eventually flows into the Sea of ​​Claws. The city is built on a series of sandbanks and is dotted with harbors and docks, which allows its citizens to trade through

Amassed a lot of wealth.

As the news spread and the entire human empire became uproar, in the most splendid hall in the center of Marienburg City, a group of luxuriously dressed businessmen gathered together.

These people are members of the city council, and they are the most prestigious wealthy businessmen in the city. But now they are no longer as elegant as before, and the hall is filled with all kinds of shouts.

"Who did this news leak out from?"

"I bet it's that old ghost from Mangdevan!"

"Conspiracy, there must be a conspiracy!"

"Marienburg must be independent! I've had enough of those endless wars!"

"Everyone, be quiet!"

A man with a mustache came to the stage. He was the owner of Rejik Port and the speaker of the city council, Viscount Fimmel. He was famous throughout the empire for the "legal goods" handled by his port all year round.

"We must come up with a way to deal with this matter. Everyone here has invested a lot of resources. The sunk costs are there. I believe that none of us want to bear the loss."

His voice was provocative. Marienburg's attempts at independence had been plotted for generations, but only now were they close to succeeding.

These shrewd businessmen did not bribe Dieter IV once and for all. When the foolish emperor fled his territory and lived in Altdorf, he borrowed money from the wealthy merchants of Marienburg to maintain his luxurious life.

After Gollumwaaagh went to Ulthuan, what was left to Dieter IV was the ruined city of Nuln. In order to rebuild the city, he had to borrow money on a large scale again, and soon his debt to Marienburg was over.

The point where it is difficult to repay.

"It's easy to deal with that stupid pig Dieter. He owes us his debt and we can't pay it back even if we become his wife!" a man who was blind in one eye yelled.

"The Empire, well, only taxes and death are inevitable. I guess some of you have managed to avoid the latter, but the former? Those tax collectors who are greedier than Norscan barbarians are eager to squeeze every ounce of our profit!


Another old man wearing a fur coat stood up. He was a Kisli lady. The words of this northern businessman seemed to have a meaning. Many people said that the tsarina Kaitatlin who now ruled the Ice and Snow Kingdom was a vampire.

"I have to say that we are not ready yet. The predators in the north want everything from us. Without the experienced veterans and battle mages of the Human Empire, it would be wishful thinking for the current city guards to protect the city!"

Countess Alicia stood up, and the news that this lady had a way to stay young spread widely among the noble ladies. In addition to gold, she also liked art, and was the patron of many artists and the organizer of salons.

"What am I talking about? We should have gotten some teams of decent mercenaries from Tyrell a long time ago!"

"Fart, those bastards who get paid to do things won't fight for us, they still have to form a disciple group!"

"Aren't you short-sighted guys insisting on saving three melons and two dates?"

The Baroness pointed out the biggest problem facing the Parliament. According to the original plan, they should prepare sufficient defense forces before independence, but now the plan has been forced to advance, and the armed forces are not in place. If independence continues, no one will let go of this piece of soft power.

Tender fatty meat.

But equally, if the process of independence is stopped, the loan to Dieter will not be recovered, which is one reason, and it will be difficult to encounter such a good opportunity with the right time, place, people and people again.

"Guys, maybe I have a suggestion!"

At the stall where the merchants and councilors were arguing with no results, another person stood up. He had two or three ornaments shining with runes on his body, and he seemed to have a lot to do with the dwarven nations.

"Boss Harvey, please tell me!" The MPs on Viscount Fimmel's matter were quiet for a moment.

"I know a person who should be able to help us solve the problem." Boss Harvey rubbed his hands. "Tommy, Tommy Aeroson!" He reported a name.

"It's actually him?"

"Is it the one who's been in the spotlight lately?"

"He has a lot of Cathay goods in his hands! Those spices and silks, my God, can be directly traded for the same weight of gold!"

"I got some lizardman things from him, do the Slann Demon Priests know? The things they blessed are extraordinary!"

"Nehekhara's Immortal Secret Law Tomi is also available. It is said that he dares to compete with the kings of the ancient tombs for wine!"

The name announced by Boss Harvey made the council hall boil again. Obviously everyone had heard of Cousin Tommy's name to some extent, and many of them had business dealings with him.

In fact, this is the case. This wealthy dwarf merchant is responsible for distributing the spoils of Snorri's expedition and the goods of the Southland, and at the same time purchasing and transporting the materials he needs. He has made a huge name for his ruthless goods and generous spending.

"What can he provide? A Tomb Legion? If it's Cathay muskets or dwarf weapons, it's too late." Viscount Fimmel also knew about Tommy's strength as a businessman, but security services were obviously not his previous business.

within the category.

"Boss Tommy is very well-spoken among his friends in the mountains and those on the other side of the mountain. Everyone, we cannot seek medical treatment indiscriminately when we are ill! If the foreign aid we find does not have a good reputation, it is like letting the fox protect the chickens."

Boss Harvey did not respond directly, but instead explained his reasons. His words were recognized by many people. Many businessmen have experienced blackmail and betrayal by the troops they hired.

It is common for a guy who licks blood from his knife to switch identities between robbers and guards. Compared to other forces in the old world, dwarves and knights who believe in the Lake God are the most trustworthy and reliable.

"As for what he can provide, I don't know. Why don't you invite him to come over and discuss it in detail?" Harvey signaled that he was finished.

"Send a courier as soon as possible!" Viscount Fimmel made a decision after a brief discussion with several of the most powerful members of Congress.

"No need to go to such trouble, my Lord Speaker." Harvey smiled and took out a rune transmitter from his arms. In full view of everyone, he triggered the runes rhythmically and delivered the message in a blink of an eye.

"Boss Tommy is leaving from Altdorf right now!" Harvey announced after a moment.

"Meeting adjourned! Remember to be on time at this time tomorrow..." Viscount Fimmel nodded. The time taken from various places along the Reik River to Marienburg is well known to the apprentices of the Chamber of Commerce.

"How about we have lunch together? Tommy will be here soon." Harvey interrupted the Viscount with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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