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Chapter 311 Three Years with the Elite Troops

"Constructing a spiritual vein sequence building is easier said than done. What's more important is that I don't know if I will be discovered by other demon toads if I use the power of spiritual veins. The fourth and fifth generations of the Southland are just fine, but

It’s hard to say whether Master Ma and Master Ke know about it, and whether they want to take care of it or not.”

"Huh? In the core area, no one is allowed to pass!"

Snorri was thinking as he walked out, when suddenly several sticks stuck out from the corner and stopped him.

"Which department are you in? What are you doing here?"

As soon as he heard the collision of armor and weapons, Snorri's body reacted subconsciously. The combat experience brought by the southern and northern wars was not dulled by three years of study. He only discovered that his skills were ready.

Surrounded by several drunken people of the same race.

"Are you, Your Majesty Snorri?"

The stunned dwarves saw the crown of wisdom on Snorri's head and realized that they were blocking the person they wanted to protect.

"Come on, tell me what major events have happened in the past three years, if you are still sober."

Snorri muttered, anyone who found his security personnel in such a state would inevitably feel unhappy. Misleading drinking has always existed in dwarf society, but it was also ignored by the tribesmen intentionally or unintentionally.

After leaving the mine, a small group of patrolling rangers discovered their king. Being surrounded by Plateau Castle, Snorri found that this place was much more prosperous than three years ago, and a castle town appeared in front of the rune gate.

"You have finally come out, my lord!"

Balin rushed out at a trot. His current position is Snorri's chief civil officer and a member of the Presbyterian Council of Karak-Zun.

"You have worked hard these past three years." Bahrain looked a lot older, and Snorri still remembered his baby-faced look at the beginning. However, this young man has been nourished by power, and he is obviously in good spirits.

"Thanks to you and the ancestors and gods, our territory almost looks the same every day!" Balin said as he led Snorri inside.

"It does look great. Reducing the interference of the royal power is the only way to accelerate development." Snorri muttered to himself. He called up the system and found that the opposite of the extremely high development value was a less pleasant public order.


"The first is immigration. With the addition of friends from the Human Empire, Southland has completed the first phase of immigration goals you set and has basically achieved food self-sufficiency."

Entering the office on the top floor, Bahrain's subordinates had already prepared documents and maps.

"The railway has also been built, and engineers are making final adjustments. The entire line will be open to traffic soon."

"Yes, just as planned!"

Snorri praised that the construction of this railway in the Southland was not too difficult. If he wanted to do it at the same time, he could greatly shorten the construction period. The reason why it was delayed for three years was so that the newly arrived immigrants could have a job immediately.

Raise a family in Hukou, and also train some local engineers.

"Externally, the situation is mainly concentrated in the Hongyun Mountain Fortress. Some of the Tomb Kings east of the Coffin Canyon have awakened, and there seems to be dark forces brewing in Miya."

"So we mobilized some of our troops?" Snorri asked, combined with the guards who were of average quality before.

"Yes, well, I think, maybe." Bahrain faltered.

"It's okay, just say it boldly, I understand." Snorri waved his hand. He knew that being the hands-off shopkeeper would definitely cause some problems, especially in the stage of rapid development.

Dwarves are not good at adapting by nature. It is common for them to fail to come up with good solutions to new problems and challenges. But he also has difficulties in doing so. The good relationship with the lizard people is based on the commitment to repair the Spirit Vein Bridge Tower.

On the basis of this, even if Eutrax doesn't urge him, he still has to take it to heart.

"Phew! In addition to the original greenskins, Skaven have also been discovered in the Misty Mountains. Your senior brother Master Nathan and Gotrek the Dauntless are working hard to clean them up. In addition, King Belegar is stationed in Kra

Dromen, but that fortress has been abandoned for a long time, and he and his men need more help."

"So it's a multi-front battle, so you mobilized part of the troops from Plateau Fort?" Snorri patiently listened to Bahrain's analysis.

"Yes, I have also mobilized part of the power of Demon Slayer Castle, and the human immigrants have assumed their due defensive responsibilities." Bahrain touched his short beard.

Snorri leaned back in his chair, now that the throne of Plateau Castle finally had a cushion. He understood the difficulties faced by Bahrain, mobilizing levies and no one had power or prestige in the Southland except himself.

Considering that the current war is still controllable and it is difficult to define an "extremely important situation", it is understandable that Bahrain does not want to disturb itself and adjusts the distribution of troops within its scope of authority.

"I need to form a standing army, in addition to the Anvil Guard and the Hammer Guard!" Snorri tapped the handrail while mentally balancing the size and development of the army.

"In the future, whether it is the Bafeng Mountain or the Northern Expedition, it will be a real tough battle. The temporary recruitment of tribesmen who lack combat experience may cause huge losses. Training a group of professional soldiers through small-scale battles will be very cost-effective!"

The King of the Southland made up his mind. The railway was about to be completed and a considerable amount of manpower would be released. At this time, recruiting troops could be regarded as creating new jobs.

"You want to form a new standing army? Then there is a group of old and strong bearded warriors who are worthy of your favor." It is rare for Bahrain to make suggestions on military issues.

"Is there still this matter? You tell me!" Snorri was also aroused.

"Two years ago, a group of respectable veterans established an organization, hoping to get official recognition. Although I didn't bother you, I always kept it in mind." Balin said, pulling out a document from the safe.

"They named their organization the Demon-Slaying Brotherhood. The members are all warriors who participated in the Great Holy War under the leadership of His Majesty Thor Green and King Orrickson, and then joined our expeditionary force all the way to Plateau Castle."

"The Wrath of Grimnir! Defeated the Chaos Demon Army twice. Each of them is the true wealth of the mountains!" Snorri looked at the signatures on the document attachment. The youngest among these veterans had to

From the age of two hundred and fifty and up, it can be said that they are all long-bearded venerables.

"Pass my order and summon them immediately! At this juncture, the Southland needs their axes." Snorri was secretly happy. In his opinion, this would be the first elite force under his command.

In previous games, the outstanding attributes of elite troops and the lack of recruitment time have solved his urgent needs countless times. Snorri believes that the Demon-Slaying Brotherhood will not let him down.

This chapter has been completed!
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