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Chapter 326: Rat Lin

As the Undergrand Oath Guards entered the battlefield, the shaky defense line was once again stabilized. Although it was not the first time that Quik had experienced the power of this elite group of dwarves, apart from using the life of rats to force him to

There is no good solution.

In Snorri's view, the equipment specifications of this team of dwarves are similar to those of the Eternal Hammer Guards, except that the colors are mainly red and gold. This is probably the representative style of the Eight Peaks Kingdom in the Golden Age.

Although the overall quality of the Oath Guards is not comparable to that of the Supreme King's Guards selected from the entire Mountain Kingdom, the blessing of equipment still makes their combat effectiveness far superior to that of their peers.

"There should be more than these good things in the Undergrand clan's treasure house, right? I don't know whether it was because I couldn't bring them all out at the time or because Belegar felt that not everyone was qualified to equip and use these ancestral treasures."

Such an idea flashed through Snorri's mind, but now was not the time to examine this point in detail. The Storm Rats in the front row suddenly made another formation change, and a terrifying weapon was revealed.

They are also a weapons team operated by two rats, but the rat in front is holding a six-barreled machine gun, and behind it is a warpstone steam engine and crank that drives the machine gun.

"Rat Lin? How come there is such a thing? Hurry! Stop them!"

Snorri roared at the top of his lungs. The leaders of the Andegrand clan seemed to have never seen this multi-barreled firearm before and failed to react appropriately at the first time.

"Da da da da!"

"Try it, taste this!"

"More, more ammo, more madness!"

Before the dwarves took action, the weapons team couldn't wait to drive the death spreader in their claws, regardless of the fact that the storm rats covering them had not completely dispersed from the trajectory. This probably proves that in the world of rat people, the more loyal they are, the more loyal they are.

The sooner you die.

The ratlin gunners screamed with abandon while shooting. The latest invention of the Skryre clan requires the most life-threatening lunatic to play it. They are extremely unreliable. Perhaps only the horned rat knows who is better, the gunner or the enemy.

The dead one.

A large number of warpstone bullets rained out like raindrops. Belegar's men saw this and tried to resist. The shield-holding hands of the dwarf warriors were shaken numb by the continuous impact, but before they had time to adjust their posture, they discovered that their spirit

The shield made of steel was riddled with holes.

According to the experience of the dwarves of the old world, the iron shields of the Iron Breaker Warriors are still reliable under the impact of warpstone projectiles, but their proportion among Belegar's men is not high, and there are still many of them dispatched to support the two troops.



"No! Johnny.


"Meteorite, meteorite.


The front line was filled with groans and screams of pain. The armors of the front row warriors were soon followed by their shields, and next came their flesh and blood bodies. Undergrand's sworn bodyguards didn't even have shields. They tried

Turning the long hammer to dial it in had little effect. The impact of the Rattlin projectiles was nothing like the slings of the Clanrats or the shots fired by the Greenskins.


Snorri wiped the ring and shot the rune fireballs at the ratlins. Then he immediately released the runes of anger and destruction. Even if the distance was not enough to blow them directly into the sky, the vibration on the ground was enough to make them unable to aim.


"Guys at the back! Go up and stabilize the front! We are not only fighting for ourselves!" Belegar banged the shield again. Although he was a traditional melee lord who could not deal with the weapons team dozens of meters away, he

He also has his own tasks.

The long-range weapons that fire warpstone ammunition in most of the Skaven warlords' tactics will not be used to kill the enemy's regular combat forces on a large scale. The core reason is still the word "expensive". The Skryre clan's goods are ruthless, but the asking price is also the same.


The organized small clans of gunmen and ratlins may have to pay for their boss's life before they can afford it, and the subsequent consumption of warpstone ammunition, the losses caused by the explosion of the chamber, etc. force them to use it as sparingly as possible.

Sure enough, after a few rounds of shooting, the ratlins began to retreat after tearing apart the dwarf defense line. A large group of storm rats swarmed towards the gap. Belegar's seat bearer also suffered casualties in the fierce shooting. He didn't know for a moment whether he should start from

It is quite taboo to jump off the oath stone before winning.

"It's our turn, let the brothers of the Andergrand clan take a moment!"

After receiving Snorri's approval, Gotrek waved away the dragons' plague battle flag, held the flag in one hand and an ax in the other, and led the Demon-Slaying Brotherhood straight to the gap.


Quik was a little further away and was not disturbed by the battle flag. From his perspective, the turtle shell of the bearded thing was finally torn open, but his subordinates did not bite the exposed soft flesh, but instead

He hesitated and waited for the guys who fell from the sky during the day to fill the gap.

It took the rats of the Moss clan a while to adapt to the terrifying hallucination brought by the battle flag, as if they were in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, witnessing the falling dragon, and waiting for them was the sharp rune ax of the Brotherhood.

"Where is Quirk? Why don't you come up and die!"

Gotrek swung a round ax with one hand and chopped three rats in half. He jumped onto the hill of corpses, stared at the rats and shouted war. The young dwarf's heroic appearance and the big flag he carried shocked the rats.

A pair of rat eyes glanced in Quik's direction involuntarily.

"Oh? It seems you are the one! Hmm, what kind of hero can you be if you hide your head and reveal your tail?" Gotrek followed the direction in which their heads turned and locked onto Quick. "He's still a headhunter! I think it's better to call him a headhunter instead, hahaha!"

The dwarves' laughter, taunts and strange looks from his subordinates made Quake extremely embarrassed. It was not yet the infamous war god of the Eight Peaks Mountain, and the Lame Peak Rats only obeyed it mainly because they were intimidated by the power of the Moss clan.

It wouldn't have been so easy to survive such a miserable performance during the day if it hadn't been for the fact that all the rats that qualified to question it died. If it were to pull the cannon fodder again this time and make the cannon fodder of Lame Peak lose military morale, it would directly affect its ability to complete the mission.


"Which, which one is this?" Quick pulled the local warlord again and asked quickly while grinding his teeth. Gotrek had made a lot of gains in the airborne battle, but the headhunter was too busy running for his life to pay attention at that time.

"He, he is a transporter! He escorts the convoy between here and Hongyun Mountain."

"Wha, what! The transport captain dares to challenge me!" Quick was completely angered. This was too disrespectful to the rat!

It twisted its neck and took a final look at the mighty beard thing. Experience told it that judging their strength mainly depends on the beard and equipment. Generally, the beard is white, and the equipment shines more powerfully. The beard in front of it is very short, and the whole body is also handy.

The ax in it is decent, probably it’s really a transporter!

This chapter has been completed!
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