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Chapter 329 Reunion

The Skaven were quickly defeated. Without their leader, the Stormrats of Clan Mors would not be any braver than their inferior congeners. The dwarves' pursuit was only limited, after all, the strength of the Kradromen was very limited.

"If you and your warriors hadn't arrived in time, we would have really been in trouble! Leave it to my people to clean up the battlefield. Although this place is remote, there is a lot of fine wine in the warehouse to soothe our throats."

After gathering the team back to the city, Belega took Snorri to express his gratitude. The traveler was also in a very good mood. The generals and gods of war in the Iron Triangle of Bafeng Mountain had been consecrated one after another. It would be very important for the rightful owner beside him to regain his homeland.

faced huge obstacles.

"It's not time to relax yet, my dear friend! Although the leading rat has died under the warrior's axe, the remaining bandits are still harassing the mountains!" Snorri put his hand on Belegar's shoulder.

I don't plan to just let the rat go back to the mountain.

"King Kazador and his men will block the northern passage, and my people will prevent them from escaping south." The movements of the rat people are not difficult to guess. The rats who have lost most of their leaders cannot organize anything thousands of miles away.

Leap forward is nothing more than everyone going back to their respective homes.

"Then these parts are under your command!" Belegar started to feel dizzy as he looked at the paths on the big map. So far, his combat career has revolved around one main theme - rushing into a fortress and then trying to defend it. Eight Peaks Mountain

If this is the case, so is the Cladromen.

Entrusting Troni to contact his own army and the Iron Peak Castle army, Snorri called Gotrek. Based on the analysis of the strength revealed by Quick just now, he should not be able to defeat the future God of War of the Eight Peaks Mountain while maintaining his dwarf form.

"Fortunately, my Majesty!"

Due to the injury on his back, Gotrek could only bow slightly. He did not participate in the pursuit just now but accepted the wound bandage. There was not much joy on the young man's face, but an expression of relief.

No one except Snorri himself knows the great significance of Quark. In the eyes of the tribe, it is natural that the champion warrior of Snorri, the plague expeller and demigod killer, can kill a rat warlord in a single fight.


"You, um, just received the grace of the God of War Grimnir?" The time traveler twisted his neck and asked tentatively.

"Yes." Gotrek nodded with a calm face. Snorri was stunned when he heard this. He was too busy accepting the information behind the short answer and did not reply for a while.

"Isn't this right? Or am I letting you down by saying it so late?" Gotrek looked up and saw a strange look on the faces of the ancestors. He scratched his head awkwardly with his right hand.

"What? You know it too?"

The dwarf king frowned. Mr. Gao would become the God of Grimnir - the most failed butcher. He would carry a big ax and chop down creatures including but not limited to giant demons, dragons and other creatures on the road to death. In theory, this matter

Only you know it.

"Well, I've heard a little bit about it, I guess." Gotrek's Adam's apple twitched twice, as if he needed to think about what he was going to say next.

"The long-bearded elders say that the ancestors and gods are always watching you, and Grim Bryndel has also been by your side. There must be someone among the people who follow you who can get their approval. I, the scapegoat

I was promoted by you to be the flag officer, eh.


Before Mr. Gao finished speaking, Snorri finally understood. Ever since the ancestral gods "responded" to him one after another, the entire mountain kingdom was looking forward to someone else receiving the divine grace. He was widely considered to be the seed player, so he had to bear it to some extent.

Got some pressure.

Compared to elders such as Master Krag who have been famous for a long time, Gotrek is more favored by rumors because of his junior qualifications, mistakes, etc.

"Anyway, I want to congratulate you. The revival of the mountains is indispensable without your efforts!" Snorri gave his men a glass of beer, which was of no harm to him. As long as the news is released, the King of the Southland will be dead.

It can be foreseen that a large number of talents will be put under his command.

In the next half month, helicopter formations patrolled the skies of the Southern Badlands to control the movements of the escaped rat people at all times. Snorri sat at the Cladro Gate, relying on communication runes to maintain contact and communicate with the north and south lines.


The defeated rat army was horrified to find that this time it was no longer the dwarves who were being juggled back and forth by their side because of their slow movement speed, but they were being pursued one after another. Somehow, they were able to continuously block their escape route and set up ambushes.

After several interceptions, the expedition rats lost their leadership and were disorganized. Considering that there were greenskin warbands waiting for them on the road behind them in addition to nowhere to supply supplies, it can be said that these guys'

The fate has been decided.

"King Khazador and Master Thorik-Ironbrow are about to arrive. Let's make arrangements to make preparations." Two days after his main force arrived at Cladro Gate, Snorri received news of the Iron Peak Castle army.

The hatred between this lonely southern fortress and the Moss clan occupies a large space in their book of hatred. In order to wipe out the group of elite storm rats who wanted to escape back to Eight Peaks Mountain, King Kazador

It took some time.

"Your Majesty Snorri! I almost pulled out my beard just to look forward to today! May the ancestors and gods protect you and our mountains forever!"

The army of Iron Peak Castle was approaching from afar. Kazador Dragon Slayer was at the forefront of the team, followed by his old acquaintance Thorik Ironbrow and his Anvil of Doom.

The army of Iron Peak Castle looked neat and tidy, and the battles with the greenskins and ratmen along the way did not cause them much losses. Among the dwarf kings, he ranks among the top three for being good at fighting. Plus his Rune Master is enough to deal with most of them.


Snorri and Belegar stepped forward to meet him. The King of the Southland was surprised to find that the Lord of Iron Peak Castle was quite tall, more than half a head taller than himself and Belegar. At the same time, his figure was not as round as common among dwarves.

Relatively powerful.

"Greetings to you, His Majesty Cazador."

Snorri's attitude was relatively low-key. The King of Iron Peak Castle was older than Thorgrim. As one of the few dragon slayers among contemporary dwarves, his combat prowess was widely recognized.

"Bellega, you have grown a lot since the last time we met!"

Kazador looked at Belega again. Iron Peak Castle was very close to the Eight Peaks Mountain. The royal family there had supported the expeditions of the Andegrand clan for generations. It could be said that they had a deep relationship.

"That was His Majesty Snorri who guided me on their behalf!"

Belegar said a few words of humility, and then he led the army of Iron Peak Castle to the pre-arranged camp. After arranging food and accommodation, the three kings went to the meeting hall on the upper floor of the Cladro Gate.


"Everywhere, you have to sit in the middle when it comes to emotion and reason!"

Snorri and King Cazador bowed their seats.

This chapter has been completed!
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