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Chapter 35: Starting a business while watching the battle

 The ranger captain nodded. Years of being alone made him develop a taciturn character.

"Leave it to my miners to implement the movements and numbers of the underground rat-men!" the gold-seeker uncle continued.

"Well, I think we should let the Iron-Smashing Warriors go! Now that we have more manpower, it's better not to take risks before we understand the specific situation of the rats." Snorri, the first leader, decided to be careful.

"Then let's let Strong Shield make the arrangements! I've also heard of his title as captain of the Iron Breaker before he joined the Anvil Guard! That loud voice!" Brother Gnom said, and Snorri naturally had no objection.


"That's it, let's call it a day! Let the sentries cheer up and be careful of night attacks!" Genome yawned and went back to the room.

"The ability of today's young men to endure hardships and stand hard work is far behind! I think back when your grandfather and I were mining, it was common to stay awake all day and night!" The gold hunter's uncle muttered and left, and the other dwarves also filed away.
Returning to his room and lying on the hard wooden bed, Snorri let out a long breath.

"The first battle since time travel! Don't embarrass yourself in two lifetimes!" He washed his face, put on the ring, and fell asleep holding the warhammer in his hand. The hard touch of the weapon could bring him some sense of security.<


Early the next morning, Snorri was awakened by the training slogans of the dwarves. When he got up and got out of bed, he stumbled.

The soreness caused by yesterday's walking march only fully emerged this morning. Snorri sat on the bed and massaged himself for a long time, then found a cloth and put on leggings before walking out of the room.

"Walaya is on top! Give me a war pig now and I will ride it!" He tried his best to control his body and walked towards the canteen, barely maintaining a smile and returning greetings to every tribesman who greeted him along the way.

Breakfast in the military camp is relatively simple. It is also an important quality for a dwarf leader to not be special and enjoy the same meal as his subordinates.

Snorri broke open the stone bread and soaked it in the dried meat soup, chewing hard and swallowing it. At this time, Genom sat next to him with the same meal.

"Can I get used to it?" The eldest brother asked while chewing bread. "It took a lot of effort for me to eat it for the first time!" After receiving Snorri's affirmative reply, he nodded.

"Well, if it doesn't work out, I'll bring you some non-staple food. You can save some food and you can survive for a while. We have sent the rangers out for the past two days to find out the news. There is no fresh meat, otherwise it would be better!"<


The two brothers finished their breakfast quickly and headed to the watchtower of the outpost together. When the dwarf on guard saw them, he bowed and gave up the best observation position.

Brother Genom climbed up and looked far away. He stroked the beard on his chest and looked quite contented.

"Look!" He stretched out his hand and pointed, and following the direction of his finger, Snorri saw a mountain road that wound upwards with some defensive facilities in the middle. At the end of the mountain road was a dwarf-style fortress, but it was now occupied by

A bunch of crooked totems were inserted, and the walls were covered with twisted pictures. From the scale, Snorri judged that this was a greenskin camp.

"That's the Mountain Lake Fort!" Brother Gnom said. "With the reduction of the population of our species over the years, the fortress on the mountain has been abandoned. The exploration team has built a new mining station here, away from the meteorite iron veins and the earth vein network.

They are all close, saving a lot of distance."

"This group of greenskins must have been influenced by that damn fat goblin's waaagh. They came over the mountains and rushed here. In a surprise attack, they dispersed the miners in the original mining station, and then stationed themselves in the walled city on the mountain. Look.

Look, what a beautiful castle they've destroyed!"

Brother Gnom opened the wine bottle he carried with him and took a sip: "It's getting cold, let's take a sip to warm up!" Snorri drank as he was told.

"Ouch! What kind of wine is this? It's so strong!" Feeling the spiciness in his throat, Snorri asked.

"Bergman No. 1! The most powerful work of the legendary winemaker!" Gnom also took a sip. "Drinking this while blowing the cold wind in the mountains, I feel like I want to be a herder!"

"Hahahaha! Herdsmen can't afford this thing, my dear brother!" Unexpectedly, the dwarf would have such an idea, and Snorri laughed out loud.

"I received the news and organized a force under the order of my father and rushed over. I first gathered the scattered miners, recaptured the outpost with a night attack, and killed the two teams of greenskins who had been left behind.

, and then while I was organizing the upgrade and reinforcement of the outpost, I was confronting the greenskins who were leading the troops on the mountain!" Genom returned to business, and then introduced the situation here to Snorri.

"The situation was not very good at the beginning. The group of orcs had a war pig boy and several groups of goblin wolf cavalry! They were originally a mobile force. The impact of the cavalry's condescension was too strong, and my team almost lost to them several times.

It collapsed, and it was not until a group of resisting horses were built overnight that things improved."

Following the direction that Genom pointed, Snorri saw some fortifications built to resist cavalry on the part of the mountain road near the foot of the mountain.

"As I gradually gained a foothold, the miners began to resume work. Every time the greenskins tried to rush down and harass me, I led my brothers to fight with them!" Recalling those days, the corners of Gnom's mouth could not help but twitch.

Snorri can imagine what it would be like to face the war pigs rushing down from the mountain!

"But things got better after the ore veins started to produce output. I relied on the ore trade to replenish my troops and build two ballistae! If it weren't for the fact that we can't play cannons from the bottom up, I should have bought that thing!"

"Gnom's expression gradually relaxed.

"I have a steady stream of logistics and support from our Eternal Peak and Rapid Pass, but the greenskins on the mountain are like water without roots. The more we fight, the less they get!

Some time ago, the offensive and defensive momentum changed. I took my brothers and rushed up the mountain to try to deal with them with the cover of long-range firepower, but I ran into some trouble..." At this point, Brother Genom stopped talking

"Oh? Is the resistance of the greenskins too fierce?" Snorri gave a guess.

"That's not true. Ever since the leading green-skinned general had his arm broken by me in a duel, they no longer dare to face us directly."

"Is it because they have strong long-range firepower?" Snorri asked again

"No, the greenskins are just broken archers. Although they have a goblin shaman, his little waaagh spell only has some harassment effect. It's harmless."

"What's going on?" Snorri was a little confused.

"It's terrible! It's all our own long-range troops' fault! They used to shoot from top to bottom for defense. They haven't participated in offensive operations for a long time, and the projectile angle was chosen wrong!"

"Hmm, what next?" Snorri asked blankly

"Then? Grimnir's beard! He slapped us on the butt more than the greenskins! I thought I was attacked by an enemy from behind, so I rolled and crawled away!"

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