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Chapter 365: Whirlpool and Diplomacy


Snorri drank the tea in the cup in one gulp. Fortunately, Teclis was not telepathic, so he didn't know what he was thinking just now.

However, he doubted that Teddy knew about his brother's dirty deeds. If he had known, he might not have sold Alishara to Manfred as the Eternal Daughter as a sacrifice to resurrect Nagash.

Snorri put down his hood and stared at Teclis with his stone face. He thought it was better to remain silent when he didn't know the other party's intention and didn't know what to say.

"I came here originally to maintain the guiding stone here. After I heard about your arrival, I wanted to visit you last night, but unexpectedly you were not on board." Teclis wore the characteristic pointed ears on his face.

A somewhat formulaic smile.

"What a coincidence, I also got the news and ran into the inner city to pay you a visit. Didn't I just sit by the window all morning and try to see if I can wait for you to pass by?"

Snorri blinked, and followed Teclis's words on the snake-beating stick. He remembered that he vaguely heard his compatriots mention it the day before yesterday, but it had been far off topic, and he didn't

Take it to your heart.

"What else? I have so many things to do, am I spending so much time here just because I want to see a noble woman?" Seeing that Teclis didn't seem to believe it, Snorri forced a smile and asked in return.

The Archmage frowned slightly. He observed Snorri in the dark for a long time before he came over to say hello. The dwarf kept looking around, as if he was really looking for someone.

Teclis finally chose to believe that both of them were outliers in their respective clans' external attitudes. The attention brought by their high positions made it inconvenient for them to meet through normal channels. Last night, Teclis also secretly sneaked into Fearless


"Well, what I want to tell you is that the power of the maelstrom is weakening."

"That's it? I already knew it." Snorri almost spit out the tea when he saw Teclis' solemn expression. According to his understanding, doesn't the rise of Chaos mean that the Maelstrom is weakening.

"You already know?"

Taidi frowned again. The Ulthuan Ring Island was isolated offshore, and the Maelstrom was located on the Death Island in the inner sea of ​​the Ring Island. This Death Island was not formed naturally but was composed of countless guiding stones that contained mysterious power.

Including Caledor, the dragon tamer, the remaining souls of the elven archmages who sacrificed their lives to shape the Maelstrom in ancient times guard it. Foreigners don't even know the specific location, let alone get close to detect the situation. This news to the mortal elves

What we know is no more than two hands.

"There is a god over there who has instructed you to collect the guide stone fragments to repair the maelstrom, right? I guess this is the real reason why you are here." Snorri continued.

"This, this, do you have any suggestions? For repairing..."

"My advice is don't spend too much energy on this matter."

Teclis was shocked and tried to seek advice from the dwarves but Snorri interrupted him again.

"The maelstrom can drain the magical winds necessary for demons to appear in the mortal world..."

"It's just treating the symptoms but not the root cause! Even if you can repair it once, what then? How many people in this world covet its power, how can you still keep guarding it? You can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can you prevent a thief for a thousand days.

"The dwarf waved his hand to signal the archmage to stop talking.

"Skaven, undead, your fallen cousins, and even greenskins, none of them are easy to deal with. How many nails can you, Teclis, hammer in even if you are made of iron?"


Teclis thought about the impact of the Pot-Belly King Gollum and the Skaven on Ulthuan in recent years. Among them, Skaven even rushed into the inner sea with the help of engineering warlocks, but no elf knew or thought it was necessary to know about them.

The intrinsic purpose of the attack.

"Then according to your opinion, how can we treat the root cause?"

"Simple, the maelstrom can reduce the energy they use to appear in the world, but how do they appear in the world? It is not through the portal in the chaotic wasteland. If it can be destroyed, it can be considered once and for all."

"Lilith's protection! Isn't this a bit unrealistic?" Teclis was stunned, hearing that this meant he was going to counterattack the Chaos Wasteland.


Snorri polished the earthly barriers in his arms. He didn't want the power of subspace to directly hear what he said next.

"Both you and my father have witnessed the great Holy War. Chaos is not invincible. The third Eternal Chosen God was killed by the late King Orixon, together with you and Magnus the Pious, at the gates of Kislev."

"But you have never been to the Chaos Wasteland. The deeper you go, the weaker the influence of the whirlpool..."

"Yes, I know that the Dark Power will not sit back and watch us destroy the portal. But do you think how much effort did the Order side contribute in that war? If we can integrate all the forces, closing the portal is not impossible." Snorri

Continue your analysis.

"This is difficult. Even the Phoenix Royal Court alone cannot reach a consensus."

Teclis thought that when he went on the expedition, except for the forces directly under his control in the Kingdom of Saffre and the White Tower, the rest of the troops were all cobbled together bit by bit in the name of Tyrion, the brother of the kings.

"It is very difficult, but compared with repairing the maelstrom? You know best whether the guide stone fragments alone are enough, let alone the maintenance after repair. Where can the Eternal God's Chosen be born to unify chaos, how can we, the defenders of order, be born?

But the Guardian can’t do it?”

Snorri recalled the high elf battle animation in the game. Teclis should have to collect the fragments to recast Lilith's star crown. Compared with this, mediation through diplomatic means is much more attractive.

"Well, this doesn't conflict with what I'm doing. Maybe I can give it a try. Where do you suggest I start? Compatriots in the woods? His Majesty Fenubar once entered the forest of Athel Loren, but not

Be welcomed.”

Teclis thought about it and thought it was good. His first reaction was the wood elves. They also believed in Lilith, the goddess of the moon, mist and maidens. He might be able to gain some face as the number one god.

"Those guys have to be in the woods to worry. Now at this stall, I suggest you find a race with the same foresight, such as the Slann of Lustria. They are also powerful spellcasters. You may have some friends with them.

common language."

"Then after I finish my work here, I will go to the City of the Sun to see Lord Mazda Moody. He is the most active and powerful one in the existing Slann." The spellcasting abilities of the high elves were passed down from Slann. For this kind of

Of course powerful creatures modeled after the Old Ones themselves would understand.

"Okay! I am also traveling to Cathay to see the attitude of Haolong and Yuelong, two powerful men who existed in the world before the arrival of the ancient saints."

This chapter has been completed!
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